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himself our nature, and being obedient even unto death, exhibited himself, as he teaches us, a pattern of mildness and humility of heart: upon these considerations, at the motion of His Eminence the Right Reverend Lord Cardinal Bishop of Sabina, having first heard the R. F. JD. Cajetan Forti, promoter of faith notwithstanding the previous decision on the 30 th July, 1729, the said Congregation judged proper to accede to the supplication of the bishops of the Kingdom of - Poland, and the above-mentioned Arch-confraternity of this city, reserving to itself in due time the deliberation and approbation of the petitioned office and mass. And this desire of the Congregation, intimated by me to our Most Holy Father, Clement XIII., Pope; His Holiness having gone through the tenor of the decree, approved of all and each particular of its contents, this day, 6th February, 1765.

Joseph Maria Fornon Prefectus.

S. BurghesiUs, S. JR. C. Secretariat

In place ✠ of the seal.