Page:The Book of Scottish Song.djvu/274

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Then to the loch the curlers hie,
Their hearts as light's a feather,
And mark the tee wi' mirth and glee,
In cauld, cauld, frosty weather.

Our buirdly leaders down white ice,
Their whinstones doure send snooving,
And birks and brooms ply hard before,
When o'er the hog-score moving;
Till cheek by jowl within the brugh,
They're laid 'side ane anither,
Then round the tee we flock wi' glee,
In cauld, cauld, frosty weather.

Wi' canny hand they neist play down,
Their stanes o' glibber metal;
Yet bunkers aftrn send aglee,
Although they weel did ettle.
"Now strike—no—draw—come fill the port,"
They roar, and cry, and blether;
As round the tee we flock wi' glee,
In cauld, cauld, frosty weather.

A stalwart chiel, to redd the ice,
Drives roaring down like thunder;
Wi' awfu' crash the double guards
At ance are burst asunder;
Rip raping on frae random wicks
The winner gets a yether;
Then round the tee we flock wi' glee,
In cauld, cauld, frosty weather.

Our chief, whase skill and steady arm,
Gain mony a bonspeil dinner,
Cries, "Open wide—stand off behind,
Fy, John, fy, show the winner;
He goes—he moves—he rides him out
The length of ony tether,"
Huzzas wi' glee rise round the tee,
In cauld, cauld, frosty, weather.

But now the moon glints through the mist,
The wind blaws snell and freezing,
When straight we bicker aff in haste
To whare the ingle's bleezing,
In Curler Ha', sae bein and snug,
About the board we gather
Wi'mirth and glee, sirloin the tee,
In cauld, cauld, frosty weather.

In canty cracks, and sangs and jokes,
The night drives on wi' daffin',
And mony a kittle shot is ta'en,
While we're the toddy quaffing.
Wi' heavy heart we're laith to part,
But promise to forgether
Around the tee neist morn wi' glee,
In cauld, cauld, frosty weather.

The Linnet.

[Robert Allan of Kilbarchan.— Air, "M'Gilchrist's Lament."]

Chaunt no more thy roundelay,
Lovely minstrel of the grove;
Charm no more the hours away
With thy artless tale of love.
Chaunt no more thy roundelay.
Sad it steals upon mine ear;
Leave, O leave thy leafy spray,
Till the smiling morn appear.

Light of heart, thou quit'st thy song,
As the welkin's shadows lour,
Whilst the beetle wheels along,
Humming to the twilight hour.
Not like thee, I quit the scene
To enjoy night's balmy dream;
Not like thee, I wake again,
Smiling with the morning beam.

Tee-total Song.

[Air, "Cauld kail in Aberdeen."]

There's cauld kail in Aberdeen,
And custocks in Strathbogie;
And morn and e'en they're blythe and bein,
That haud them frae the cogie.
Now haud ye frae the cogie, lads,
And bide ye frae the cogie;
I'll tell ye true, ye'll never rue
O' passin' by the cogie!

Young Will was braw and weel put on,
Sae biythe was he and vogie,
And he got bonny Mary Don,

The flower o' a' Strathbogie: