Page:They Knew What They Wanted.pdf/136

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with drunkenness, but there’s plenty of worse things. How about chamberin’? Ain’t chamberin’ a worse sin than drunkenness? You think you can put a stop to drunkenness by pullin’ up all the grapes, I suppose you think you can put a stop to chamberin’ by pulling up all the women!


There’s an argument for you, Doc.

The Doctor

Alcohol is a poison to the entire alimentary system whether you make it in a still or in a wine barrel. It’s poison, and poison’s no em for any man. As for the Church . . .

Father McKee

[Beside himself]: It ain’t poison if you don’t get drunk on it, an’ you don’t get drunk if you’re a good Cath’lic!

The Doctor

I suppose that drunkenness is confined to such scientific heretics as myself?


You certainly was lappin’ it up outside, Doc.