Page:They Knew What They Wanted.pdf/47

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[The first shoe slips on and he sits up in amazement.] You don’ like weddin’, Padre?

Father McKee

No, I don’t. An’ that’s just what I come up here to tell you. I don’t like nothin’ about it, an’ if you persist in goin’ ahead in spite of my advice, I don’t want you sayin’ afterwards that you wasn’t warned.


Dio mio! [He amplifies this with the sign of the cross. Then his confidence rather returns to him.] Aw . . . tak’ a pinch-a snuff! You mak’ me tire’, Padre! You think festa is no good for people. You padre fellas don’ know nothing. Work! Work! Work evra day! Den, by-an’-by, is comin’ festa. After festa workin’ is more easy. [He resumes the shoe problem.]

Father McKee

Tony, you know perfectly well that I ain’t got no more objection to no festa than I have to any other pomp of the flesh. But I’m your spirichool advisor an’ I been mullin’ this weddin’ over in my mind an’ I come to the conclusion that I’m agin it. I don’t like it at all. I got my reasons for what I say.