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Allan Hainey


I have been contributing to Wikisource & the other Wiki projects, since March 2005. My main focus on wikisource is Our collection of speeches which I've been heavily involved in adding to and organising. I've also drawn up a draft Speeches Portal to tie together our collection.

In addition I added most of the 2005 UK general election constituency results, however these are now being removed in accordance with our new policy on what we host here.

In December 2005 I was elected as a Wikisource Administrator and was inducted into the secret knowledge of Wikisource (it was Professor Plumb in the conservatory with the candlestick).

I have been completely absent from wikisource for a good while now due to lack of internet access and other things going on in my life. I'm getting broadband shortly and so will be returning to play a more active role here.

I am no longer an Admin, though I may well be gettin more involved in Wikisource again.

My Contributions

Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
sco-2 This uiser can contreebute wi ae middlin level o Scots.
Users by language

To Do

  • Declaration of the Clergy
  • Treaty of Union
  • Treaty/Act of Union with Ireland
  • Scan Gladstone & Asquith speeches - get OCR
  • Find out how to link pictures from WP/WC for authorpages - James Gilmour
  • Replace moving images on wikisource:works with stills.
  • Add parcel of Rogues & Scots Wha hae to Burns page

Useful Information