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Dr Johnson - Dictionary writerBoswell - BiographerSir Joshua Reynolds - HostDavid Garrick - actorEdmund Burke - statesmanPasqual Paoli - Corsican patriotAuthor:Charles Burney - music historianThomas Warton - poet laureateOliver Goldsmith - writerprob.The Infant Academy 1782unknown paintingAn unknown portraitservant - poss. Francis BarberUse button to enlarge or use hyperlinks
Image map example. Clicking on a person in the picture causes the browser to show you the list of works available on wikisource.

Hi, Ive only done bits on wikisource. Its tricky to understand. Find me more quickly here.

I have over a thousand pictures loaded on commons. I have taken an interest in Geograph and Flickr pictures for Derbyshire and in pictures from British galleries.

My quirk is that I like creating image maps which I first learnt about from a featured picture. I dislike copyfraud. Public domain has to mean something and you have to do much more than take a photo to claim a new copyright. Paintings were given to galleries to they could be shared as best they could be at the time. Now they can and should be shared with the world.

Find me on wikipedia. English version.



Awards for participation

Proofread of the Month
November 2010

Special: Validation month

DNB Volume 3

  • quite a few

DNB Volume 28


etc etc