A Compendium of Irish Biography/O'Cullane, John

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3152200A Compendium of Irish Biography — O'Cullane, JohnAlfred Webb

O'Cullane, John, a man of considerable poetic genius, a Gaelic writer, descended from an ancient Irish sept stripped of their possessions by the Cromwellian settlement, was born in the County of Cork, about 1752. Several beautiful pieces of his poetry are to be met with in Munster, where they are held in high estimation. His soliloquy on Timoleague Abbey, so effectively translated by Samuel Ferguson, is considered one of the finest modern poems in the Irish language. Most of his life was passed as a school-master; he died at Skibbereen in 1816, aged 64. [1]

  1. Irish Minstrelsy: James Hardiman. 2 vols. London, 1831.