An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Aussatz

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Aussatz, masculine, from the equivalent late Middle High German ûȥ-satz, masculine, ‘leprosy’; a singular, late and regressive formation from the Middle High German substantive ûȥsetze and ûȥsetzel, ‘leper,’ Middle High German ûȥsetzig, adjective, ‘leprous,’ Old High German ûȥ-sâzzo, ûȥ-sâzeo, masculine, ‘leper’; literally ‘one who lives outside, separate’; those who were afflicted with leprosy were exposed. Considering the very late appearance of the substantive Aussatz, in contrast to the early Old High German ûȥsâzeo, ‘leper,’ there is no doubt that Aussatz is a recent formation, like Ärger from ärgern. The Gothic word for leprosy is þrutsfill.