Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Müller, Nikolaus

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Edition of 1900.

MÜLLER, Nikolaus, German poet, b. in Langenau, near Ulm, Germany, in 1809; d. in New York city, 14 Aug., 1875. In 1823 he was apprenticed to a printer, and after learning this trade thoroughly settled in Stuttgart. Many of his poems appeared in 1834-'7, entitled “Lieder eines Autodidakten,” and a collection was published in 1837. He took part in the revolutionary movements of 1848, was forced to flee to Switzerland, and in 1853 came to New York, where he bought a printing-office. In the period of the civil war he published “Zehn gepanzerte Sonette” (New York, 1862), and a volume of poems entitled “Neuere Gedichte” (1867). During the Franco-German war he published a collection of patriotic poems, “Frische Blätter auf die Wunden deutscher Krieger.” In 1874 he retired from the printing business. At the time of his death he was preparing a complete edition of his poems. See “Aus der transatlantischen Gesellschaft,” by Karl Knortz (Leipsic, 1882).