Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Arundell, John (d.1477)

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1904 Errata appended.

686650Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 02 — Arundell, John (d.1477)1885William Prideaux Courtney

ARUNDELL, JOHN (d. 1477), bishop of Chichester, was a native of Cornwall, and probably a member of the Lanherne family. For rather more than nine years, from the summer of 1421 to the autumn of 1430, he enjoyed a fellowship at Exeter College, Oxford, and in 1426 he was proctor to the university. Several members of this college were closely connected with the Lancastrian party; Arundell himself was domestic chaplain and confessor to Henry VI, and from a passage in Johnson's 'Life of Linacre' (p. 164), it appears that he was one of the three physicians entrusted with the care of their king's health. He held at various dates prebendal stalls at Wells, Lichfield, Lincoln, Hereford, York, and St. Paul's, the archdeaconry of Richmond in Yorkshire, and the deanery of Windsor. The king pressed the claims of this fortunate pluralist for the see of Durham, but his elevation to the episcopal bench was delayed until his consecration in 1458 as bishop of Chichester. He died 18 Oct. 1477, and was buried in his cathedral church of Chichester. At his cost there was erected in that edifice the shrine or oratory which until 1860 used to stand between the easternmost piers of the nave.

[Boase's Exeter Coll. p. 17; Stephens's See of Chichester, pp. 166-8; Bibliotheca Cornub. iii. 1038.]

W. P. C.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.9
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
146 i 4 f.e. Arundell, John (d. 1477): for the deanery read a canonry