Beasts in Cassocks: The Crimes of the Heads of the Russian Greek Catholic Orthodox Church in America/Chapter 37

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The Two "Pillars" Testify

These two "pillars", Carlton, the semi-millionaire, and Archbishop Pashkovsky, who took Platon'spart, testified that they had been in Russia and had seen Patriarch Tikhon. They alleged that Tikhon gave orders for the appointmen of Platon as head of the North American Diocese. These two "pillars," Carlton and Pashkovsky, later assembled a band of murderers and provocateurs and called a conference in Pittsburgh, Pa. At this conference was confirmed the appointmen of Platon—the same Platon who had escaperd from the Kherson Diocese and embezzled the sum of $80,000.00 from an Odessa convent. The salary allowed Platon by the Pittsburgh convention was

Bishop Stephen Dzuboi.

$30,000.00 a year, and besides, they obligated themselves to support not only him but also his followers. This included al the demands they would make, such as "Athenian nights," "Egyptian baths", and the wives and daughters of their followers for His Eminence's pastime and pleasure.

Things would have gone well with Platon, whom the Czar himself had nicknamed, "Highway Robber", if not for the sudden appearance of Bishop Stefan Dzubay. He also called a conference with the assistance of Adam Fillipovsky, an almost illiterate man of immoral habits. Fillipovsky has been living most indecently on 17th Street for ten years with an Austrian woman Olshansky. He accepted the rank of Bishop, conferred on him by Bishop Stefan, in order to be able to extort the last few cents from poor workmen. He took their money and then escaped to Canada to avoid paying his debts.

Bishop Adam Fillipovsky.

Fillipovsky opened his activity on 7th Street, New York, on the premises of Alexander Chichilla, Platon's former spy and provocateur. The majority of his followers were a clique sent by Platon as provocateurs. Apparently the people, however, refuse to follow Bishop Adam, and in the long run the two Bishops will have to combine and hoodwink the people together.

At the Philadelphia convention Bishop Stefan's party which consisted mostly of Metropolitan Platon's minions, that is, exclusively of masseurs, saddists, hermaphrodites and provocateurs, it was unanimously decided to expell two Orthodox priests who were of the party, in order that all knowledge of the conspiracies and schemes launched at the convention be kept from them. It is remarkable how this band of outcasts succeeded in gaining the confidence of the parishioners and delegates, mulcted them of their money and turned it over to the bishops and their clique.

After the conference, discovering that the two priests who had been expelled, were exposing their murderous misdeeds, they cut out

Rector Ilinsky—the spy of Metropolitan Platon.

the photos of the two priests from a large reproduction of the conference delegation taken December 5, 1922, and in their places substtituted two thieves and white slavers, often in the employ of the bishops on 97th Street. This all with the purpose of disclaiming the presence of these priests at the conference.

The Convention at Philadelphia—Real Picture of this Conference.

The Convention at Philadelphia—Falsified Picture of Same.

The Bank which was robbed by Father Alexander Chichila.