CCP-KMT Communique 2005

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CCP-KMT Communique 2005

This is the press communique released by CCP Secretary General, Hu Jintao, and KMT Chairman, Lien Chan on 29 April 2005, carried by the People's Republic of China's official news agency, Xinhua.

575846CCP-KMT Communique 2005

Over the past 56 years the two sides of the [Taiwan] strait have followed different paths and developed different social systems and ways of life.

More than 10 years ago, based on goodwill and on seeking common ground while reserving differences, the two sides launched consultations, dialogue and nongovernmental exchanges, filling cross-strait ties with hopes of peace and vitality in cooperation.

In recent years, however, the basis for cross-strait mutual trust has repeatedly been damaged, and the situation in cross-strait ties has undergone sustained deterioration.

Cross-strait ties are now at a crucial point in historical development; the two sides should not fall into a vicious circle of confrontation but instead enter a virtuous circle of cooperation, seek together opportunities for the peaceful and steady development of cross-strait ties, trust and help each other, and create a new situation of peaceful win-win, so as to bring about brilliant and splendid prospects for the Chinese nation.

The two parties agreed as follows:

It is the common proposition of the two parties to uphold the "Consensus of '92", oppose "Taiwan independence", pursue peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, promote the development of cross-strait ties, and safeguard the interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Promoting exchanges and visits between compatriots on both sides and carrying forward together Chinese culture help to eliminate alienation, increase mutual trust, and accumulate consensus.

Peace and development are the tide of the 21st century; the peaceful development of cross-strait ties accords with the common interests of the compatriots on both sides of the strait and also with the interests of the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

Based on this consensus, the two parties urged the following tasks:

1. Promote resumption of cross-strait negotiations as soon as possible, and pursue together the happiness of the people on both sides:

Promote the soonest possible resumption of consultations on an equal footing, based on the "Consensus of '92", hold discussions on issues of common and individual concern, and spur the benign and healthy development of cross-strait ties.

2. Promote an end to the state of hostilities, and reach a peace accord:

Promote a formal ending to the cross-strait state of hostilities, reach a peace accord, and build a framework for the peaceful and steady development of cross-strait ties, including the establishment of a military mutual trust mechanism, to avoid cross-strait military conflict.

3. Promote all-round cross-strait economic exchanges, establish a cross-strait economic co-operation mechanism:

Promote the unfolding of all-round cross-strait economic cooperation and establish close economic and trade cooperation ties, including all-round, direct and two-way "three links", opening up direct sea and air links, strengthening investment and trade exchanges and guarantees, carrying out agricultural and fishery co-operation, resolving the problems of selling Taiwan agricultural products on the mainland, improving the exchange order, and cracking down together on crime, and proceed to build a stable economic co-operation mechanism and promote priority discussion on the question of a cross-strait common market after cross-strait consultations are resumed.

4. Promote consultations on issues of participation in international activities, which concern the Taiwan public:

Promote discussion on issues of participation in international activities, which concern the Taiwan public, after cross-strait consultations are resumed, including priority discussion on participation in the World Health Organization's activities. The two sides will work together to create conditions to gradually find the ultimate solution method.

5. Establish a platform for periodic party-to-party contact:

Establish a platform for periodic contacts between the two parties, including exchange visits by party officials of various ranks, holding seminars on topics regarding improving cross-strait ties, staging consultations on topics concerning the vital interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait, inviting the participation of people of all circles, organizing discussions on measures for closer cross-strait exchanges, and so on.

The two parties hope that the results of this visit and talks will help to increase the happiness of the compatriots on both sides of the strait, open up new prospects in cross-strait ties, and create the future for the Chinese nation.

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