Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Benedictus Polonus

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From volume 2 of the work.

95906Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Benedictus PolonusThomas Joseph Shahan

A medieval Friar Minor missionary and traveller (c. 1245) companion of Giovanni da Piancarpino, and author of the brief chronicle "De Itinere Fratrum Minorum ad Tartaros", concerning the first Franciscan missions to the Tatars. This work was unknown apparently to Wadding and Sbaralea, the literary historians of the order. It was first published by D'Avezac in the "Recueil de Voyages" (Paris, 1839, IV, 774-779). Cf. the "Chronicle" of Glassberger in "Analecta Franciscana" (II, 71). The report of Benedictus is important for the curious letter of the Great Khan to Innocent IV.

GOLUBOVICH, Biblioteca bio-bibliografica della terra santa e dell' oriente Francescano (Quaracchi, 1906), 213-215.