Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal Government/1879 National Liberal Party Platform

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Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal Government
by Walter Raleigh Houghton
3665287Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal GovernmentWalter Raleigh Houghton

National Liberal Platform, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 14.

1. Total separation of Church and State, to be guaranteed by amendment of the United States constitution; including the equitable taxation of church property, secularization of the public schools, abrogation of Sabbatarian laws, abolition of chaplaincies, prohibitions of public appropriations for religious purposes, and all measures necessary to the same general end.

2. National protection for national citizens in their equal civil, political, and religious rights, to be guaranteed by amendment of the United States constitution and afforded through the United States courts.

3. Universal education, the basis of universal suffrage in this secular Republic, to be guaranteed by amendment of the United States constitution, requiring every state to maintain a thoroughly secularized public school system, and to permit no child within its limits to grow up without a good elementary education.