Enquiry into Plants/Volume 1/Chapter 63

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Enquiry into Plants
by Theophrastus, translated by Arthur Fenton Hort
Of the effects on timber of climate.
3679389Enquiry into Plants — Of the effects on timber of climate.Arthur Fenton HortTheophrastus

Of the effects on timber of climate.

II. [1]Some indeed make a distinction between regions and say that the best of the timber which comes into Hellas for the carpenter's purposes is the Macedonian, for it is smooth and of straight grain, and it contains resin: second best is that from Pontus, third that from the Rhyndakos,[2] fourth that of the country of the Ainianes,[3] worst is that of Parnassus and that of Euboea, for it is full of knots and rough and quickly rots. As to Arcadian timber the case is doubtful.

  1. Plin. 16. 197.
  2. A river which flows into the Propontis on the Asiatic side.
  3. Near Mount Oeta. Αἰνιανικήν conj. Palm. from Plin. l.c.; αἰανικὴν P2 Ald. H.