History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century/3/Directory

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Robert Lucas, 1838 to 1841.
John Chambers, 1841 to 1845.
James Clarke, 1845 to 1846.


William B. Conway, 1838 to 1839.
James Clarke, 1839 to 1841.
O. H. W. Stull, 1841 to 1843.
Samuel J. Burr, 1843 to 1845.
Jesse Williams, 1845 to 1846.


Jesse Williams, 1840 to 1843.
William L. Gilbert, 1843 to 1845.
Robert M. Secrest, 1845 to 1846.


Thornton Bayless, 1839 to 1840.
Morgan Reno, 1840 to 1846.


Chauncey Swan, 1839 to 1840.
Jesse Williams, 1841 to 1842.
John N. Colman, 1842 to 1844.
Anson Hart, 1844 to 1846.


William Reynolds, 1841 to 1842.


Michigan Territory (including Iowa), Judge David Irwin, 1832.
Charles Mason, Chief Justice, 1838 to 1846.
Thomas S. Wilson, Associate Justice, 1838 to 1846.
Joseph Williams, Associate Justice, 1838 to 1846.
Thornton Bayless, Clerk, 1838 to 1846.
George S. Hampton, Clerk, 1843 to 1846.
Eastin Morris, Reporter, 1843 to 1846


Isaac Van Allen, 1838 to 1840.
Charles Weston, 1840 to 1843.
John G. Deshler, 1843 to 1845.
Edward Johnston, 1845 to 1846.


Francis Gehon, 1838 to 1841.
Thomas H. Johnson, 1841 to 1842.
Isaac Leffler, 1842 to 1845.
Gideon S. Bailey, 1845 to 1846.


William W. Chapman, 1839 to 1841.
Augustus C. Dodge, 1841 to 1846.


Warner Lewis, 1836 to 1838.
Albert G. Ellis, 1838 to 1840.
George W. Jones, 1840 to 1841.
James Wilson, 1841 to 1845.
George W. Jones, 1845 to 1846.


Dubuque Office.

Register. Receiver.
B. R. Petrekin, 1838. Thomas McKnight, 1838.
Henry Harrison, 1841.  
Warner Lewis, 1845. Stephen Langworthy, 1845

Burlington Office.

Register. Receiver.
A. C. Dodge, 1838. Verplank Van Antwerp, 1838.
William Ross, 1841. Joseph C. Hawkins, 1841.

Fairfield Office.

Bernhart Henn, 1845. Verplank Van Antwerp, 1845.


Chauncey Swan, 1839 to 1841.
John Rolands, 1839 to 1841.
Robert Ralston, 1839 to 1841.


Theodore S. Parvin, April, 1838.
Charles Weston, 1839 to 1840.
Morgan Reno, 1841 to 1846.

Legislative Assemblies.


Convened at Burlington, November 12, 1838.

The Council.

President of the Council, Jesse B. Browne, Whig.

Secretary, B. F. Wallace, Whig.

Lee Jesse B. Browne.
Van Buren J. Keith, E. A. M. Swazy.
Des Moines Arthur Ingraham, Robert Ralston, George Hepner.
Henry Jesse D. Payne, L. B. Hughes.
Muscatine, Louisa, Slaughter James M. Clark.
Cedar, Johnson, Jones, Linn Charles Whittlesey.
Scott and Clinton Jonathan W. Parker.
Dubuque, Jackson, Clayton Warner Lewis, Stephen Hempstead.

Democrats, 7; Whigs 6.

House of Representatives.

William H. Wallace, Speaker, Whig.

Joseph T. Fales, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee William Patterson, Hawkins Taylor, Calvin J. Price, James Brierly.
Van Buren James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey, Samuel Parker.
Des Moines James W. Grimes, George Temple, Van B. Delashmutt, Thomas Blair, George H. Beeler.
Henry William G. Coop, William H. Wallace, Asbury B. Porter.
Muscatine, Louisa, Slaughter John Frierson, William L. Toole, Levi Thornton, S. Clinton Hastings.
Cedar, Johnson, Jones, Linn Robert G. Roberts.
Scott and Clinton Laurel Summers, Jabez A. Burchard, Jr.
Dubuque, Jackson, Clayton Chauncey Swan, Andrew Bankson, Thomson Cox, Hardin Nowlin.

Democrats, 17; Whigs, 8.

The Assembly Adjourned January 25, 1839.


Convened at Burlington, November 4, 1839.

The Council.

President, Stephen Hempstead, Democrat.
Secretary, B. F. Wallace, Whig.

Lee Jesse B. Browne.
Van Buren J. Keith, E. A. M. Swazy.
Des Moines Arthur Ingraham, Robert Ralston, George Hepner.
Henry Jesse D. Payne, L. B. Hughes.
Muscatine, Louisa, Slaughter James M. Clark.
Cedar, Jones, Linn, Johnson Charles Whittlesey.
Scott and Clinton Jonathan W. Parker.
Dubuque, Jackson, Clayton Warner Lewis, Stephen Hempstead.

Democrats, 7; Whigs, 6.

House of Representatives.

Speaker, Edward Johnston, Democrat.
Chief Clerk, Joseph T. Fales, Democrat.

Lee William Patterson, Edward Johnston, Alfred Rich, Joshua Owen.
Van Buren James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey, Uriah Biggs.
Des Moines William R. Ross, Shepherd Leffler, L. N. English, Isaac Fleenor, Joseph C. Hawkins.
Henry and Jefferson William G. Coop, Jacob L. Myers, John B. Lash.
Muscatine and Johnson S. Clinton Hastings, T. T. Clark.
Louisa and Washington Daniel Brewer, Jacob Mintun.
Cedar, Jones and Linn George H. Walworth.
Scott and Clinton Laurel Summers, Joseph M. Roberson.
Jackson Thomas Cox.
Dubuque, Clayon, etc. Edward Langworthy, Loring Wheeler, James Churchman.

Democrats, 15; Whigs, 11.

An Extra Session was held at Burlington, beginning July 13, 1840.

The Assembly Adjourned January 17, 1840.


Convened at Burlington, November 2, 1840

The Council.

President, M. Bainbridge, Whig.
Secretary, B. F. Wallace, Whig.

Lee Jesse B. Browne, Edward Johnston.
Van Buren James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey.
Des Moines J. C. Hawkins.
Henry William H. Wallace.
Jefferson William G. Coop.
Louisa and Washington Francis Springer.
Muscatine and Johnson S. Clinton Hastings.
Cedar, Jones and Linn George Greene.
Scott and Clinton Jonathan W. Parker.
Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. M. Bainbridge, Joseph S. Kirkpatrick.

Democrats, 7; Whigs, 6.

House of Representatives.

Speaker, Thomas Cox, Democrat.
Chief Clerk, Joseph T. Fales, Democrat.

Lee James Brierly, Daniel F. Miller, John Box.
Van Buren Isaac N. Lewis, John Whitaker, William Steele.
Des Moines Shepherd Leffler, Milton D. Browning, Alfred Hebard, Robert Avery, David Hendershott.
Henry John B. Lash, Asbury B. Porter, Paton Wilson.
Jefferson Alexander A. Wilson.
Louisa William L. Toole.
Washington Simon P. Teeple.
Muscatine Thomas M. Isett.
Johnson Henry Felkner.
Cedar, Jones and Linn George H. Walworth, Harmon Van Antwerp.
Scott and Clinton Laurel Summers, Joseph M. Robertson.
Jackson Thomas Cox.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Edward Langworthy, Timothy Mason.

Democrats, 15; Whigs, 11.

The Assembly Adjourned January 15, 1841.


Convened at Iowa City, December 6, 1841.

The Council.

Jonathan W. Parker, President, Democrat.
J. W. Woods, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee Jesse B. Browne, Edward Johnston.
Van Buren James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey.
Des Moines Shepherd Leffler.
Henry William H. Wallace.
Jefferson William G. Coop.
Louisa and Washington Francis Springer.
Muscatine and Johnson S. Clinton Hastings.
Cedar, Jones and Linn George Greene.
Scott and Clinton Jonathan W. Parker.
Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. M. Bainbridge, Joseph S. Kirkpatrick.

Democrats, 8; Whigs, 5.

House of Representatives.

Warner Lewis, Speaker, Democrat.
Joseph T. Fales, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee William Patterson, E. S. McCulloch, Henry S. Campbell.
Van Buren John M. Whitaker, Uriah Biggs, Oliver Weld.
Des Moines Alfred Hebard, Isaac Leffler, David E. Blair, George Hepner, James M. Morgan.
Henry Asbury B. Porter, Paton Wilson, Simeon Smead.
Jefferson Richard Quinton.
Louisa William L. Toole.
Washington Thomas Baker.
Muscatine Samuel Holiday.
Johnson Henry Felkner.
Cedar, Jones and Linn Samuel P. Higginson, Thomas Denson.
Scott and Clinton Joseph M. Robertson, James Grant.
Jackson James K. Morse.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Warner Lewis, C. H. Booth.

Democrats, 16; Whigs, 10.

The Assembly Adjourned February 18, 1842.


Convened at Iowa City, December 6, 1842.

The Council.

John D. Elbert, President, Whig.
Joseph T. Fales, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee William Patterson, Robert M. G. Patterson.
Van Buren John D. Elbert, James H. Jenkins.
Des Moines Shepherd Leffler.
Henry William H. Wallace.
Jefferson Joseph B. Teas.
Louisa and Washington Francis Springer.
Muscatine and Johnson Pleasant Harris.
Cedar, Jones and Linn John P. Cook.
Scott and Clinton Robert Christie.
Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Thomas Cox, Francis Gehon.

Democrats 7: Whigs, 6.

House of Representatives.

John M. Morgan, Speaker, Democrat.
B. F. Wallace, Chief Clerk, Whig.

Lee James Brierly, E. S. McCulloch, William Steele.
Van Buren Isaac N. Lewis, Rickey D. Barton, Samuel Swearingen.
Des Moines David E. Blair, George Hepner, James M. Morgan, Abner Hackleman, David J. Sales.
Henry Paton Wilson, Evan Jay, Thomas McMillan.
Jefferson John W. Culbertson.
Louisa Joseph Newell.
Washington David Bunker.
Muscatine Err Thornton.
Johnson Henry Felkner.
Cedar and Jones George H. Walworth, John C. Berry.
Scott Joseph M. Robertson.
Clinton Eli Goddard.
Jackson Ansel Briggs.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Thomas Rogers, Frederick Andros.

Democrats, 15; Whigs, 11.

The Assembly Adjourned February 17, 1843.


Convened at Iowa City, December 4, 1843.

The Council.

Thomas Cox, President, Democrat.
B. F. Wallace, Secretary, Whig.

Lee William Patterson, Robert M. G. Patterson.
Van Buren John D. Elbert, James H. Jenkins.
Des Moines Shepherd Leffler.
Henry William H. Wallace.
Jefferson Joseph B. Teas.
Louisa and Washington Francis Springer.
Muscatine and Johnson Pleasant Harris.
Cedar, Jones and Linn John P. Cook.
Scott and Clinton Robert Christie.
Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Thomas Cox, Francis Gehon.

Democrats, 6; Whigs, 7.

House of Representatives.

James P. Carlton, Speaker, Democrat.
Joseph T. Fales, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee James Brierly, William Steele, Joseph Roberts.
Van Buren Josiah H. Bonney, Samuel Borland, James M. Wray.
Des Moines Alfred Hebard, Abner Hackleman, James W. Grimes, John Johnson, John D. Wright.
Henry Paton Wilson, Hamilton Robb, William Thompson.
Jefferson John W. Culbertson.
Louisa George W. McCleary.
Washington Thomas Baker.
Muscatine Edward E. Fay.
Johnson James P. Carlton.
Cedar, Jones and Linn George H. Walworth, Robert Smythe.
Scott Gilbert C. R. Mitchell.
Clinton John Brophy.
Jackson John Foley.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Thomas Rogers, Hardin Nowlin.

Democrats, 19; Whigs, 7.

The Assembly Adjourned February 16, 1844.

An Extra Session was held at Iowa City, beginning June 16, 1844.


Convened at Iowa City, May 5, 1845.

The Council.

S. C. Hastings, President, Democrat.
John F. Kinney, Secretary, Democrat

Lee James Brierly, John Thompson.
Van Buren, Davis, Appanoose Paul Brattain, Henry M. Shelby.
Des Moines Shepherd Leffler.
Henry John Stephenson.
Jefferson, Wapello, *Kishkekosh William G. Coop.
Louisa, Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, etc. Enoch Ross.
Muscatine and Johnson S. Clinton Hastings.
Cedar, Jones and Linn William Abbe.
Scott and Clinton Laurel Summers.
Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Stephen Hempstead, Philip B. Bradley.

Democrats, 11; Whigs, 2.

House of Representatives.

James M. Morgan, Speaker, Democrat.
William Thompson, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee Jacob Huner, Charles Stewart, James Anderson.
Van Buren Frederick Hancock, George Montague, George W. Lester.
Des Moines James M. Morgan, John Johnson, Ebenezer W. Davis, George Chandler, Richard Noble.
Henry Norton Munger, Samuel D. Woodworth, Charles Clifton.
Jefferson, Wapello, *Kishkekosh Reuben R. Harper.

Louisa George W. McCleary.
Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, etc. Stephen B. Shelledy.
Muscatine Abraham T. Banks.
Johnson Hugh D. Downey.
Cedar, Jones and Linn Joseph K. Snyder, John Taylor.
Scott Joseph M. Robertson.
Clinton Shubael Coy.
Jackson James Leonard.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. David S. Wilson, Samuel Murdock.

Democrats, 16; Whigs, 10.

The Assembly Adjourned June 11, 1845.


Convened at Iowa City, December 1, 1845.

The Council.

Stephen Hempstead, President, Democrat.
John F. Kinney, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee James Brierly, John Thompson.
Van Buren, Davis Appanoose Paul Brattain, Henry M. Shelby.
Des Moines Shepherd Leffler.
Henry John Stephenson.
Jefferson, Wapello, *Kishkekosh William G. Coop.
Louisa, Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, etc. Enoch Ross.
Muscatine and Johnson S. Clinton Hastings.
Cedar, Jones and Linn William Abbe.
Scott and Clinton Laurel Summers.
Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. Stephen Hempstead, Philip B. Bradley.

Democrats, 11; Whigs, 2.

House of Representatives.

George W. McCleary, Speaker, Democrat.
William Thompson, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee Jacob Huner, William Patterson, Jesse B. Browne.
Van Buren Frederick Hancock, George W. Lester, David Ferguson.
Des Moines James M. Morgan, John D. Wright, John Ripley, Archibald McMichael, Joshua Holland.
Henry Norton Munger, Samuel D. Woodworth, Charles Clifton.
Jefferson, Wapello, *Kishkekosh Joseph Flink.
Louisa George W. McCleary.
Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, etc. Stephen B. Shelledy.
Muscatine Abraham T. Banks.
Johnson Hugh D. Downey.
Cedar, Jones and Linn Joseph K. Synder, John Taylor.
Scott Joseph M. Robertson.
Clinton Shubael Coy.
Jackson Thomas Graham.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, etc. David S. Wilson, Samuel Murdock.

Democrats, 22; Whigs, 10.

The Assembly Adjourned January 19, 1846.

Constitutional Conventions.


Convened at Iowa City, October 7, 1844.

Adjourned November 1, 1844.

President, Shepherd Leffler, Democrat.
Secretary, George S. Hampton, Democrat.

Lee Charles Staley, Alexander Kerr, David Galland, Calvin J. Price, James Marsh, John Thompson, Henry M. Salmon, O. S. X. Peck.
Des Moines James Clarke, Henry Robinson, John D. Wright, Shepherd Leffler, Andrew Hooten, Enos Lowe, John Ripley, George Hepner.
Van Buren Elisha Cutler, Jr., John Davidson, Paul Brattain, David Ferguson, Gideon S. Bailey, John Hale, Jr., Thomas Charlton.
Jefferson Robert Brown, Hardin Butler, Sulifand S. Ross, James I. Murray, Samuel Whitmore.
Henry Joseph C. Hawkins, George Hobson, John H. Randolph, Jonathan C. Hall, Joseph D. Hoag.
Washington Wm. R. Harrison, Enoch Ross, Caleb B. Campbell.
Louisa John Brookbank, Wm. L. Toole, Wright Williams.
Muscatine Jonathan E. Fletcher, Ralph P. Lowe, Elijah Sells.
Johnson Robert Lucas, Samuel H. McCrory, Henry Felkner.
Linn Thomas J. McKean, Samuel W. Durham, Luman M. Strong.
Cedar Samuel A. Bissell, James H. Gower.
Scott James Grant, Andrew W. Campbell, Ebenezer Cook.
Clinton Lyman Lyons, Ralph R. Benedict.
Jones John Taylor.
Jackson Joseph S. Kirkpatrick, William Morden, Richard B. Wyckoff.
Wapello William H. Galbraith, William W. Chapman.
Davis J. C. Blankinship, Samuel W. McAtee.
Keokuk Richard Quinton.
Mahaska Van B. Delashmutt, Stephen B. Shelledy.
Dubuque, Delaware, Black Hawk and Fayette Francis Gehon, Edward Langworthy, Theophilus Crawford, Stephen Hempstead, Samuel B. Olmstead, Michael O’Brien.

Democrats, 53; Whigs, 17.

The constitution adopted by this convention was rejected by the people at an election held on the 4th day of August, 1845, there being 7,235 votes cast “for the constitution,” and 7,656 votes cast “against the constitution.”


Convened at Iowa City, May 4, 1846.

Adjourned May, 19, 1846.

President, Enos Lowe, Democrat.
Secretary, William Thompson, Democrat.

Lee David Galland, Josiah Kent, George Berry.
Des Moines Enos Lowe, Shepherd Leffler, George W. Bowie.
Van Buren Thomas Dibble, Erastus Hoskins, William Steele.
Jefferson Sullifand S. Ross, William G. Coop.
Henry George Hobson, Alvin Saunders.

Davis John J. Selman.
Appanoose and Monroe Wareham G. Clark.
Wapello Joseph H. Hedrick.
Iowa, Marion, Polk and Jasper John Conroy.
Mahaska Stephen B. Shelledy.
Keokuk Sanford Harned.
Washington Stewart Goodroll.
Louisa John Ronalds.
Muscatine J. Scott Richman.
Johnson Curtis Bates.
Linn and Benton Socrates H. Tryon.
Cedar Samuel A. Bissell.
Scott James Grant.
Clinton Henry P. Haun.
Jackson William Hubbell.
Jones Sylvester G. Matson.
Clayton David Olmstead.
Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan, Fayette, Black Hawk Thomas McCraney, Francis K. O’Ferrall.

Democrats, 22; Whigs, 10.

The constitution framed by this convention was adopted by the people at an election held on the 3d day of August, 1846. This constitution was presented to Congress in December, 1846, and on the 28th of the same month an act was passed for the admission of Iowa into the Union.



Ansel Briggs, 1846 to 1850.
Stephen Hempstead, 1850 to 1854.
James W. Grimes, 1854 to 1858.
Ralph P. Lowe, 1858 to 1860.
Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1860 to 1864.
William M. Stone, 1864 to 1868.
Samuel Merrill, 1868 to 1872.
Cyrus C. Carpenter, 1872 to 1876.
Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1876 to 1877.
Joshua G. Newbold, 1877 to 1878.
John H. Gear, 1878 to 1882.
Buren R. Sherman, 1882 to 1886.
William Larrabee, 1886 to 1890.
Horace Boies, 1890 to 1894.
Frank D. Jackson, 1894 to 1896.
Francis M. Drake, 1896 to 1898.
Leslie M. Shaw, 1898 to 1902.
Albert B. Cummins, 1902.


Office created by the Constitution of 1857.

Oran Faville, 1858 to 1860.
Nicholas J. Rusch, 1860 to 1862.
John R. Needham, 1862 to 1864.
Enoch W. Eastman, 1864 to 1866.
Benjamin F. Gue, 1866 to 1868.
John Scott, 1868 to 1870.
Madison M. Walden, 1870 to 1872.
Henry C. Bulis, 1872 to 1874.
Joseph Dysart, 1874 to 1876.
Joshua G. Newbold, 1876 to 1877.
Frank T. Campbell, 1878 to 1882.
Orlando H. Manning, 1882 to 1885.
John A. T. Hull, 1886 to 1890.
Alfred N. Poyneer, 1890 to 1892.
Samuel L. Bestow, 1892 to 1894.
Warren S. Dungan, 1894 to 1896.
Matt Parrott, 1896 to 1898.
J. C. Milliman, 1898 to 1902.
John Herriott, 1902 to 1904.


Elisha Cutler, 1846 to 1848.
Josiah H. Bonney, 1848 to 1850.
George W. McCleary, 1850 to 1863.
Elijah Sells, 1856 to 1863.
James Wright, 1863 to 1867.
Ed Wright, 1867 to 1873.
Josiah T. Young, 1873 to 1879.
John A. T. Hull, 1879 to 1885.
Frank D. Jackson, 1885 to 1891.
William M. McFarland, 1891 to 1897.
George L. Dobson, 1897 to 1901.
William B. Martin, 1901 to 1905.


Joseph T. Fales, 1846 to 1850.
William Pattee, 1850 to 1854.
Andrew J. Stevens, 1854 to 1855.
John Pattee, 1855 to 1859.
Jonathan W. Cattell, 1859 to 1865.
John A. Elliott, 1865 to 1871.
John Russell, 1871 to 1875.
Buren R. Sherman, 1875 to 1881.
William V. Lucas, 1881 to 1883.
John L. Brown, 1883 to 1885. Suspended by the Governor.
Jonathan W. Cattell, 1885 to 1886. Appointed by the Governor.
John L. Brown, 1886. Reinstated.
Charles Beardsley, April to July, 1886. Appointed by Governor.
John L. Brown, July 1886 to 1887. Reinstated July 14.
James A. Lyons, 1887 to 1893.
G. C. McCarthy, 1893 to 1899.
Frank F. Merriam, 1899 to 1903.
Beryl F. Carroll, 1903.


Morgan Reno, 1846 to 1850.
Israel Kister, 1850 to 1852.
Martin L. Morris, 1852 to 1859.
John W. Jones, 1859 to 1863.
William H. Holmes, 1863 to 1867.
Samuel E. Rankin, 1867 to 1873.
William Christy, 1873 to 1877.
George W. Bemis, 1877 to 1881.
Edwin H. Conger, 1881 to 1885.
Voltaire P. Twombly, 1885 to 1891.
Byron A. Beeson, 1891 to 1895.
John Herriott, 1895 to 1901.
Gilbert S. Gilbertson, 1901 to 1905.


Office created February, 1855.

Anson Hart, 1855 to 1857.
Theodore S. Parvin, 1857 to 1859.
Amos B. Miller, 1859 to 1862.
Edwin Mitchell, 1862 to 1863.
Josiah A. Harvey, 1863 to 1867.
Cyrus C. Carpenter, 1867 to 1871.
Aaron Brown, 1871 to 1875.
David Secor, 1875 to 1879.
James K. Powers, 1879 to 1883.

Office abolished January 1, 1883.


James Harlan, 1847 to 1848.
Thomas H. Benton, 1848 to 1854.
James D. Eads, 1854 to March 3, 1857. Suspended.
Joseph C. Stone, March to June, 1857.
Maturin L. Fisher, 1857 to 1858.

Office abolished December, 1858.


Office reëstablished March, 1864.

Oran Faville, 1864 to 1867.
D. Franklin Wells, 1867 to 1868.
Abraham S. Kissell, 1868 to 1872.
Alonzo Abernethy, 1872 to 1876.
Carl W. von Coelin, 1876 to 1882.
John W. Akers, 1882 to 1888.
Henry Sabin, 1888 to 1892.
J. B. Knoepfler, 1892 to 1894.
Henry Sabin, 1894 to 1898.
Richard C. Barrett, 1898 to 1904


Josiah T. Tubby, 1858 to 1859.
Thomas H. Benton, 1859 to 1863.
Oran Faville, 1863 to 1864.


Office created in 1878.

Cyrus C. Carpenter, 1878. Resigned in August.
Peter A. Dey, 1878 to 1895.
James W. McDill, 1878 to 1881.
Marcus C. Woodruff, 1879 to 1882.
Albert R. Anderson, 1881 to 1884.
James Wilson, 1882 to 1883.
Lorenzo S. Coffin, 1883 to 1888.
James W. McDill, 1884 to 1887.
Spencer Smith, 1887 to 1893.
Frank T. Campbell, 1888 to 1892.
John W. Luke, 1891 to 1895.
George W. Perkins, 1893 to 1899.
C. L. Davidson, 1894 to 1898.
Edward A. Dawson, 1896 to 1903.
David J. Palmer, 1898 to 1904.
Welcome Mowry, 1899 to 1902.
Ed. C. Brown, 1902 to 1905.

Supreme Court.


Charles Mason, 1847 to June.
Joseph Williams, 1847 and 1849.
S. Clinton Hastings, 1848.
George G. Wright, 1855 and 1864.
Ralph P. Lowe, 1860 and 1866.
Caleb Baldwin, 1862.
John F. Dillon, 1868.
Chester C. Cole, 1870 and 1876.
James G. Day, 1871, 1877, 1883.
Joseph M. Beck, 1872, 1879, 1885, 1891.
William E. Miller, 1874.
William H. Seevers, 1876, 1882, 1888.
James H. Rothrock, 1878, 1884, 1890, 1896.
Austin Adams, 1880, 1886.
Joseph R. Reed, 1889.
Josiah Given, 1889, 1895, 1901.
Gifford S. Robinson, 1892, 1899.
Charles T. Granger, 1894, 1900.
LaVega G. Kinne, 1897.
Horace E. Deemer, 1898.
Scott M. Ladd, 1902.


Joseph Williams, 1847 to 1855.
Thomas S. Wilson, 1847. Resigned October.
John F. Kinney, 1847 to 1854.
George Green, 1847 to 1855.
Jonathan C. Hall, 1854 to 1855.
William G. Woodward, 1855 to 1861.
Norman W. Isbell, 1855 to 1856.
Lacon D. Stockton, 1856 to 1860.
Caleb Baldwin, 1860 to 1866.
George G. Wright, 1860 to 1872.
Ralph P. Lowe, 1861 to 1867.
John F. Dillon, 1864 to 1869.
Chester C. Cole, 1864 to 1876.
Joseph M. Beck, 1867 to 1892.
Elias H. Williams, January, 1870, to September 14.
James G. Day, 1870 to 1884.
William E. Miller 1870 to 1877.
Austin Adams, 1876 to 1888.
James H. Rothrock, 1876 to 1897.
William H. Seevers, 1876 to 1889.
Joseph R. Reed, 1884 to 1889.
Gifford S. Robinson, 1888 to 1900.
Charles T. Granger, 1889 to 1901.
Josiah Given, 1889 to 1902.
LaVega G. Kinne, 1892 to 1898.
Horace E. Deemer, 1894 to 1905.
Scott M. Ladd, 1897 to 1903.
Charles M. Waterman, 1898. Resigned 1902.
John C. Sherwin, 1900 to 1905.
Emil McClain, 1901 to 1906.
Silas M. Weaver, 1902 to 1907.
Charles A. Bishop, 1902 to fill vacancy..

Judges of the District Court.


District. Name of Judge. When Elected.
First George H. Wiliams 1847
First Ralph P. Lowe 1852
First John W. Rankin appointed 1857
First Thomas W. Claggett 1857
Second James Grant 1847
Second Thomas S. Wilson 1852
Third Cyrus Olney 1847
Third Joseph C. Knapp appointed 1851
Third William H. Seevers 1852
Third Caleb Baldwin appointed 1856
Third Henry B. Hendershott 1856
Fourth James P. Carlton 1847
Fourth William Smyth appointed 1853
Fourth Isaac Cook appointed 1857
Fifth William McKay 1849
Fifth Phineas M. Casady 1854
Fifth Cave J. McFarland appointed 1854
Fifth William W. Williamson 1855
Election contested and McFarland continued in office
Sixth James Sloan 1851
Sixth Allen A. Bradford appointed 1852
Sixth E. H. Sears appointed 1855
Seventh Samuel H. Riddle appointed 1853
Eighth William E. Leffingwell 1853
Eighth John B. Booth appointed 1854
Eighth William H. Tuthill 1855
Ninth John S. Townsend 1853
Tenth Samuel Murdock 1855
Eleventh William M. Stone 1857
Twelfth Marshall F. Moore 1857
Thirteenth John D. Thompson 1857
Fourteenth Gilbert C. R. Mitchell 1857
Fourteenth Asahel H. Bennett appointed 1857
District. Name of Judge. When Elected.
First Francis Springer 1853
First Joshua Tracy appointed 1869
First P. Henry Smith appointed 1874
First Thomas W. Newman appointed 1874
First A. H. Stutsman 1878
Second John S. Townsend 1858
Second Henry H. Trimble 1862
Second Harvey Tannehill 1866
Second M. J. Williams 1870
Second Joseph C. Knapp 1874
Second E. L. Burton 1878
Third E. H. Sears 1858
Third James G. Day 1862
Third James W. McDill appointed 1870
Third Joseph R. Reed appointed 1872
Third Samuel Forrey 1872
Third R. C. Henry 1878
Third John W. Harvey 1882
Fourth Asahel W. Hubbard 1858
Fourth Isaac Pendleton 1862
Fourth Henry Ford 1866
Fourth Charles H. Lewis 1874
Fifth John H. Gray 1858
Fifth Charles C. Nourse appointed 1865
Fifth Hugh W. Maxwell appointed 1866
Fifth John Leonard 1884
Fifth William H. McHenry 1878
Sixth William M. Stone 1858
Sixth William Loughridge appointed 1851
Sixth Ezekiel S. Sampson 1866
Sixth H. S. Winslow 1874
Sixth J. C. Cook 1878
Sixth J. K. Johnson 1882
Seventh John F. Dillon 1858
Seventh J. Scott Richman appointed 1863
Seventh William F. Brannan appointed 1871
Seventh Walter I. Hayes 1878
Eighth William E. Miller 1858
Eighth Norman W. Isbell appointed 1862
Eighth Charles H. Conklin appointed 1864
Eighth Nathaniel M. Hubbard appointed 1865
Eighth James H. Rothrock 1866
Eighth John Shane 1876
Eighth James D. Giffen 1882
Ninth Thomas S. Wilson 1858
Ninth James Burt 1862
Ninth John M. Brayton 1870
Ninth David S. Wilson appointed 1872
Ninth Sylvester Bagg 1878
Ninth Charles F. Couch 1882
Tenth Elias H. Williams 1858
Tenth Milo McGlathery 1866
Tenth Reuben Noble 1874
Tenth E. E. Cooley 1880
Tenth L. O. Hatch 1882
Eleventh John Porter 1858
Eleventh Daniel D. Chase appointed 1866
Eleventh Isaac J. Mitchell 1874
Eleventh James W. McKenzie 1874
Eleventh Henry C. Henderson 1881
Twelfth William B. Fairfield 1864
Twelfth George W. Ruddick 1870
Thirteenth Joseph R. Reed 1872
Thirteenth C. F. Loofborough appointed 1883
Thirteenth E. E. Aylesworth 1884
Fourteenth E. R. Duffle 1876
Fourteenth Lot Thomas 1884
District. Name of Judge. When Elected.
First Joseph M. Casey 1886
First C. H. Phelps 1886
First James D. Smyth appointed 1891
First Alvin J. McCrary appointed 1895

First Henry Banks 1895
Second H. C. Traverse 1886
Second Dell Sturart 1886
Second Charles D. Liggett 1886
Second E. L. Burton appointed 1890
Second W. I. Babb 1890
Second Joseph C. Mitchell appointed 1892
Second W. D. Tisdale 1892
Second M. A. Roberts 1894
Second T. M. Fee 1894
Second F. W. Eichelberger 1894
Second Robert S. Sloan 1894
Second C. W. Vermillion appointed 1901
Third John W. Harvey 1886
Third R. C. Henry 1886
Third W. H. Tedford 1890
Third H. M. Towner 1890
Third Robert L. Parrish 1901
Fourth Charles H. Lewis 1886
Fourth George W. Wakefield 1886
Fourth Scott M. Ladd 1886
Fourth Frank R. Gaynor 1890
Fourth Anthony Van Wagenen appointed 1892
Fourth John F. Oliver 1894
Fourth William Hutchinson 1897
Fifth J. H. Henderson 1886
Fifth O. B. Ayers 1886
Fifth A. W. Wilkinson 1886
Fifth J. H. Applegate 1890
Fifth John A. Storey appointed 1895
Fifth James D. Gamble 1896
Sixth J. K. Johnson 1886
Sixth David Ryan 1886
Sixth W. R. Lewis 1886
Sixth A. R. Dewey 1890
Sixth Ben McCoy 1894
Sixth John T. Scott 1898
Sixth W. G. Clements 1898
Seventh A. J. Leffingwell 1886
Seventh W. F. Brannen 1886
Seventh John N. Rogers 1886
Seventh C. M. Waterman appointed 1887
Seventh Andrew Howat appointed 1888
Seventh Patrick B. Wolfe appointed 1891
Seventh Allen J. House appointed 1892
Seventh J. W. Bolinger 1897
Eighth Samuel H. Fairall 1886
Eighth Martin J. Wade appointed 1893
Ninth Josiah Given 1886
Ninth W. F. Conrad 1886
Ninth Marcus Kavanaugh 1886
Ninth Charles Bishop appointed 1889
Ninth Calvin P. Holmes 1890
Ninth S. F. Balliett 1890
Ninth W. A. Spurrier appointed 1894
Ninth T. F. Stevenson 1894
Ninth S. F. Prouty 1898
Ninth A. H. McVey appointed 1901
Ninth W. H. McHenry appointed 1902
Tenth C. F. Couch 1886
Tenth John J. Ney 1886
Tenth D. J. Lenehan 1886
Tenth J. L. Husted 1890
Tenth Frederick O’Donnell appointed 1892
Tenth Amos S. Blair appointed 1894
Tenth J. J. Tolerton 1894
Tenth Frank C. Platt 1898
Eleventh David D. Miracle 1886
Eleventh John L. Stevens 1886
Eleventh Silas M. Weaver 1886

Eleventh D. R. Hindman appointed 1888
Eleventh N. B. Hyatt 1893
Eleventh B. P. Birdsall 1893
Eleventh J. R. Whitaker 1898
Eleventh W. S. Kinyon 1899
Eleventh J. H. Richared 1901
Twelfth G. W. Ruddick 1888
Twelfth J. C. Sherwin appointed 1888
Twelfth John B. Cleland 1886
Twelfth Porter W. Burr 1892
Twelfth J. F. Clyde 1897
Twelfth C. H. Kelley 1899
Twelfth Clifford P. Smith 1899
Thirteenth L. O. Hatch 1886
Thirteenth C. T. Granger 1886
Thirteenth L. E. Fellows 1889
Thirteenth W. A Hoyt 1894
Thirteenth E. E. Cooley 1894
Thirteenth A. N. Hobson 1894
Fourteenth Lot Thomas 1888
Fourteenth George H. Carr 1886
Fourteenth William B. Quarton appointed 1894
Fourteenth F. H. Helsell 1898
Fourteenth A. D. Bailie 1900
Fifteenth A. B. Thornell 1886
Fifteenth George Carson 1886
Fifteenth H. E. Deemer 1886
Fifteenth H. W. Macy 1888
Fifteenth Walter I. Smith 1890
Fifteenth W. S. Lewis appointed 1894
Fifteenth W. R. Green 1894
Fifteenth O. D. Wheeler 1900
Sixteenth J. H. Macomber 1886
Sixteenth J. P. Connor 1886
Sixteenth C. D. Goldsmith 1890
Sixteenth George W. Paine 1890
Sixteenth S. M. Elwood 1894
Sixteenth Z. A Church 1894
Seventeenth L. G. Linne 1886
Seventeenth George M. Gilchrist 1889
Seventeenth J. R. Caldwell 1891
Seventeenth George W. Burnam 1894
Seventeenth Obed Caswell 1896
Eighteenth J. D. Giffen 1886
Eighteenth J. H. Preston 1886
Eighteenth W. G. Thompson 1894
Eighteenth W. P. Wolfe 1894
Eighteenth H. M. Remley 1896
Eighteenth W. N. Treichler 1898
Nineteenth J. L. Husted 1894
Nineteenth Fred O'Donnell 1894
Twentieth James D. Smyth 1896
Twentieth W. S. Withrow 1897


Office created February 9, 1853.

David C. Cloud, 1853 to 1856.
Samuel A. Rice, 1856 to 1861.
Charles C. Nourse, 1861 to 1865.
Isaac L. Allen, 1865. Resigned January, 1866.
Frederick E. Bissell, 1866 to 1867.
Henry O'Connor, 1867 to 1872.
Marsena E. Cutts, 1872 to 1877.
John F. McJunkin, 1877 to 1881.
Smith McPherson, 1881 to 1885.
Andrew J. Baker, 1885 to 1889.
John Y. Stone, 1889 to 1895.
Milton Remley, 1895 to 1901.
Charles W. Mullan, 1901 to 1905.


George S. Hampton, 1847 to 1848.
George S. Hampton, for 4th District, 1848 to 1853.
James W. Woods, for 1st District, 1848.
Alexander D. Anderson, for 21st District, 1848.
Lewis J. Whitten, for 5th District, 1848.
Thomas J. Given, for 3d District, 1848.
George S. Hampton, 1853 to 1855.
William Vandever, 1855 to 1856.
Lewis Kinsey, 1856 to 1867.
Charles Linderman, 1867 to 1875.
Edward J. Holmes, 1875 to 1883.
Gilbert B. Pray, 1883 to 1895.
Christopher T. Jones, 1895 to 1903.
J. C. Crockett, 1903 to 1905.


George Greene, 1847 to 1855.
William P. Clarke, 1855 to 1860.
Thomas F. Withrow, 1860 to 1867.
Edward H. Stiles, 1867 to 1875.
John S. Runnells, 1875 to 1882.
Bradbury W. Hight, 1882 to 1883.
Ezra C. Ebersole, 1883 to 1891.
Nathaniel B. Raymond, 1891 to 1895.
Benjamin I. Salinger, 1895 to 1903.
Wendall W. Cornwall, 1903 to 1905.

Military Officers.


Daniel S. Lee, 1851 to 1855.
George W. McCleary, 1855 to 1857.
Elijah Sell, 1857 to 1858.
Jesse Bowen, 1858 to 1861.
Nathaniel B. Baker, 1861 to 1876.
John H. Looby, 1876 to 1878.
Noble Warwick, 1878 Resigned August.
William L. Alexander, 1878 to 1889.
Byron A. Beeson, 1889 to 1890.
George Greene, 1890 to 1894.
John R. Prime, 1894 to 1896.
Henry H. Wright, 1896 to 1898.
Melvin H. Byers, 1898 to 1904.


John Kell, 1851.
Nathan Udell, 1860 to 1861.
J. C. Hughes, 1861 to 1864.
Edward J. McGorrisk, 1878 to 1882.
Smith G. Blythe, 1882 to 1884.
George P. Hanawalt, 1884 to 1890.
Frederick H. Little, 1890 to 1894.
James T. Priestly, 1894 to 1902.
Wilton McCarthy, 1902 to 1904.


Constantine Holtenbeck, 1851.
Hiram Price, 1861 to 1862.


H. R. Dewey, 1878 to 1880.
W. H. Thrift, 1880 to 1881.
H. G. Wolf, 1881 to 1883.
A. W. Tallman, 1883 to 1886.
R. S. Benson, 1886 to 1889.
H. H. Rood, 1889 to 1890.
E. E. Hasner, 1890 to 1892.
J. R. Lincoln, 1892 to 1900.
J. A Olmsted, 1900 to 1902.
J. R. Prime, 1902 to 1904.


H. M. Shelley, 1851 to 1861.
E. S. Bailey, 1886 to 1890.
W. H. C. Jaques, 1890 to 1892.
A. D. Collier, 1894 to 1896.
W. H. C. Jaques, 1896 to 1898.
W. G. Saunders, 1898 to 1904.


James Burt, appointed in 1851.
N. H. Brainard, 1861.
George J. North, 1864.
John S. Runnells, 1868.
William H. Fleming, 1869.
Patrick H. Conger, 1877.
H. H. Perkins, 1878.
William C. Wyman, 1888.
Clifford D. Ham, 1890.
William C. Wyman, 1894.
Joseph Beeson, 1902.


Thomas S. Epsy, appointed in 1851.
Charles B. Richards, 1858.
H. R. Heffifinger, 1878.
H. H. Clark, 1880.
M. L. Sherman, 1882.
Wm. W. Ellis, 1886.
M. M. Marshall, 1890.
H. S. Sheldon, 1894.
Parker McManus, 1896.
H. B. Hedge, 1902.


Ezra Brown, 1851.
Henry H. Rood, appointed 1896 John C. Loper, 1902.

Duties devolved on Adjutant-General in 1861.


George Paul, 1849 to 1851.
William H. Merritt, 1851 to 1853.
William A. Hornish, May, 1853.
D. A. Mahoney, 1853 to 1855.
Peter Moriarty, 1855 to 1857.
John Teesdale, 1857 to 1861.
Francis W. Palmer, 1861 to 1869.
Frank M. Mills, 1869 to 1871.
George W. Edwards, 1871 to 1873.
Richard P. Clarkson, 1873 to 1879.
Frank M. Mills, 1879 to 1883.
George E. Roberts, 1883 to 1889.
George H. Ragsdale, 1889 to 1895.
Freeman R. Conaway, 1895 to 1901.
Bernard Murphy, 1901 to 1903.


William M. Coles, 1855 to 1859.
Frank M. Mills, 1859 to 1867.
James S. Carter, 1867 to 1871.
James J. Smart, 1871 to 1875.
Henry A. Perkins, 1875 to 1879.
Matt Parrott, 1879 to 1885.
L. S. Merchant, 1885 to 1889.
Otto Nelson, 1889 to 1895.
Lafayette Young, 1895 to 1901.
Howard Tedford, 1901 to 1903.


Amos Dean, LL.D, 1855 to 1858.
Silas Totten, LL.D, 1860 to 1862.
Oliver M. Spencer, D.D., 1862 to 1867.
Nathan R. Leonard, A. M. (acting), 1867 to 1868.
James Black, D.D., 1868 to 1870.
George Thatcher, D.D. 1871 to 1877.
Christian W. Slagle, A. M., 1877 to 1878.
Charles A Schaeffer, A.M., Ph.D., 1887 to 1898.
George E. MacLean, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D., 1899.


A. S. Welch, A.M., 1868 to 1883.
S. A. Knapp, LL.D., 1884.
Liegh Hunt, A.M., 1885 and first half of 1886.
W. I. Chamberlain, 1886 to 1890.
W. M. Beardshear, A.M., LL.D., 1891 to August 5, 1902.
Edgar W. Stanton, M.Sc. (acting) 1902.


J. C. Gilchrist, 1876 to 1886.
Homer H. Seerley, A.M., 1886.


President. Secretary. Fair Held.
Thomas W. Clagett, 1854-57. J. M. Shaffer, 1854-5. Fairfield, 1854-5.
Dr. J. Bowen, 1858. J. H. Wallace, 1856-62. Muscatine, 1856-7.
Z. T. Fisher, 1859. J. H. Wallace, 1856-62. Oskaloosa, 1858-9.
George G. Wright, 1860-64. J. M. Shaffer, 1863-74. Iowa City, 1860-61.
Dubuque, 1862-63.
Peter Melendy, 1866-7-8-9. J. M. Shaffer, 1863-74. Burlington, 1864-5-6.
J. M. Shaffer, 1863-74. Clinton, 1867-8.
E. R. Shankland, 1870-71. J. M. Shaffer, 1863-74. Keokuk, 1869-70.
John Scott, 1872-3. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Cedar Rapids, 1871-2-3.
Oliver Mills, 1874-5-6. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Keokuk, 1874-5.
S. F. Spofford, 1877-8. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Cedar Rapids, 1876-7-8.
F. L. Downing, 1879-80. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Des Moines, 1879-1902.
J. W. Porter, 1881-2.
W. T. Smith, 1883-4-5. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Des Moines, 1879-1902.
H. C. Wheeler, 1886-7-8. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Des Moines, 1879-1902.
John Hays, 1889-90. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Des Moines, 1879-1902.
Albert Head, 1891.
J. W. McMullin, 1892-3. J. R. Shaffer, 1874-93. Des Moines, 1879-1902.
John A. Evans, 1894-5-6. P. L. Fowler, 1894-98. Des Moines, 1879-1902.
W. H. Field, 1897. P. L. Fowler, 1894-98. Des Moines, 1879-1902.
John Cownie, 1898.
W. F. Harriman, April, 1898-9. Geo. Van Houten, 1899-1900.


R. J. Johnston, President, 1900. J. C. Simpson, Secretary, 1901-3.
J. C. Frasier, President, 1901. J. C. Simpson, Secretary, 1901-3.
W. W. Morrow, President, 1902. J. C. Simpson, Secretary, 1901-3.


President. Secretary. Meeting Held.
James Weed, 1866. Mark Miller, 1866-7. Iowa City, 1866.
D. W. Kauffman, 1867. Mark Miller, 1866-7. Des Moines, 1867.
J. B. Grinnell, 1868. W. W. Beebe, 1868. Des Moines, 1868.
Suel Foster, 1869-72. D. W. Adams, 1868-72. Des Moines, 1869.
G. B. Brackett, 1873-6. J. L. Budd, 1873-85. Des Moines, 1870-1-2.
H. W. Lathrop, 1877-8. J. L. Budd, 1873-85. Davenport, 1873.
C. L. Watrous, 1879-82. J. L. Budd, 1873-85. Iowa City, 1874.
R. P. Speer, 1883-4. J. L. Budd, 1873-85. Burlington, 1875.
Silas Wilson, 1885-6. J. L. Budd, 1873-85. Des Moines, 1876.
C. G. Patten, 1887-8. G. B. Brackett, 1886. Oskaloosa, 1877.
Silas Wilson, 1889. Geo. H. Van Houten, 1887-90. Des Moines, 1878.
Eugene Secor, 1890-91. G. B. Brackett, 1891. Marshalltown, 1879.
A. F. Collman, 1892-4. J. L. Budd, 1892-5. Des Moines, 1880.
M. E. Hinkley, 1895. J. L. Budd. Cedar Falls, 1881.
F. M. Powell, 1896-7. Geo. Van Holuten, 1896-8. Des Moines, 1882.
C. F. Garner, 1898-1900. Wesley Greene, 1899-1903. Dubuque, 1883.
M. J. Wragg, 1901-3. Wesley Greene, 1899-1903. Des Moines, 1884.
Atlantic, 1885.
Des Moines, 1886.
Charles City, 1887.
After 1887 all meetings were held in Des Moines.


State Department Commanders.

First. 1866, Add. H. Sanders, Davenport.
1866. J. B. Leake, Davenport.
1867. W. T. Shaw, Anamosa.
1868. J. A. Williamson, Des Moines.
1869. E. W. Rice, Oskaloosa.
1874-5. J. C. Parrott, Keokuk.
1876-8. A. A. Perkins, Burlington.
1879. H. E. Griswold, Atlantic.
1880. W. F. Conrad, Des Moines.
1881. P. V. Carey, Des Moines.
1882. G. B. Hogin, Newton.
1883. John B. Cook, Carroll.
1884. E. G. Miller, Waterloo.
1885. W. R. Manning, Newton.
1886. W. A. McHenry, Denison.
1887. J. M. Tuttle, Des Moines.
1888. E. A. Consigny, Avoca.
1889. C. H. Smith, Mt. Pleasant.
1890. M. P. Mills, Cedar Rapids.
1891. C. L. Davidson, Hull.
1892. J. J. Steadman, Council Bluffs.
1893. Phil. Schaller, Sac City.
1894. G. A. Newman, Cedar Falls.
1895. J. K. P. Thompson, Rock Rapids.
1896. Josiah Given, Des Moines.
1897. A. H. Evans, Keokuk.
1898. R. W. Terrill, Manchester.
1899. C. F. Bailey, Ireton.
1900. M. B. Davis, Sioux City.
1901. Geo. Metzgar, Davenport.
1902. John Lindt, Council Bluffs.


Reuben Noble, Clayton County, 1886.
John F. Duncombe, Webster County, 1888.
Edward Johnston, Lee County, 1890.
George G. Wright, Polk County, 1892.
John Scott, Story County, 1896.
Hoyt Sherman, Polk County, 1898.
Theodore S. Parvin, Linn County, 1900.
(Acting) A. B. F. Hildreth, Floyd County, 1900.
(Acting) Warren S. Dungan, Lucas County, 1900.
(Acting) Samuel McNutt, Muscatine County, 1902.
(Acting) B. F. Gue, Polk County, 1902.
J. R. Reed, Pottawattamie County, 1903.

State Officials. (Appointed.)


Hugh W. Sample, 1847 to 1849.
Charles Corkery, 1847 to 1849.
Paul Brattain, 1847 to 1849.
William Patterson, 1849 to 1851.
Jesse Williams, 1849 to 1851.
George Gillaspy, 1849 to 1853.


Verplank Van Antwerp, 1851 to 1855.
Josiah H. Bonney, 1853 to 1855.
William McKay, 1855 to 1856.
Edwin Manning, 1856 to 1859.
William C. Drake, 1858 to 1860.


George Gillaspy, 1851 to 1855.
Paul C. Jeffries, 1853 to 1855.
John C. Lockwood, 1855 to 1857.


Lemuel B. Patterson, 1846 to 1851.
Israel Kister, 1851 to 1852.
Martin L. Morris, 1852 to 1855.
John Pattee, 1855 to 1858.
J. P. Coulter, 1858 to 1868.
John C. Merrill, 1868 to 1872.
Ada E. North, 1872 to 1878.
Sara B. Maxwell, 1878 to 1888.
Mary H. Miller, 1888 to 1894.
Laura C. Creighton, 1894 to 1896.
Lana H. Cope, 1896 to 1898.
Johnson Brigham, 1898 to 1906.


Authorized in January, 1855.

State Geologists.

James Hall, 1855 to 1857.
Charles A. White, 1866 to 1870.
Samuel Calvin, 1892.


J. D. Whitney, 1855 to 1857.
Chandler Childs, 1866 to 1867.
O. H. St. John, 1867 to 1870.
Charles R. Keyes, 1892 to 1894.
H. Foster Bain, 1895 to 1900.
Arthur G. Leonard, 1900.


Charles Aldrich, 1892.


William Larrabee, 1899 to 1900.
L. G. Kinne, 1899 to 1908.
John Cownie, 1899 to 1904.
G. S. Robinson, 1900 to 1906.


Charles Ben Darwin, 1860 to 1866.
William Smyth, 1860 to 1866.
Winslow T. Barker, 1860 to 1866.
F. E. Bissell, 1866.
W. H. Seevers, 1866.
Jacob Butler, 1866.


Nicholas J. Rusch, 1860 to 1862.
George D. Perkins, 1881.



Edward Mumm, Lee County.
Mathias J. Rohifs, Scott County.
Claus L. Clausen, Mitchell County.
Corneilus Rhynsberger, Marion County.
Sumner F. Spofford, Polk County.
Marcus Tuttle, Cerro Gordo County.
The Governor, Chairman.
Alexander R. Fulton, Secretary.


The number reduced to five members including the Governor.

M. J. Rohifs.
S. F. Spofferd.
Charles V. Gardner.
Governor C. C. Carpenter, Chairman.
A. R. Fulton, Secretary.

The Board was abolished in 1873, and the Secretary made Commissioner of Immigration.


Park C. Wilson, 1882 to 1886.
Joshua A. Smith, 1886 to 1888.
Thomas Binks, 1886 to 1892.
James E. Stout, 1886 to 1889.
James Gilroy, 1888 to 1892.
Morgan G. Thomas, 1889 to 1900.
John W. Canty, 1892 to 1894.
John Verner, 1892 to 1894.
James A. Campbell, 1894 to 1902.
James W. Miller, 1894 to 1904.
John Verner, 1900 to 1904.
Ed. Sweeney, 1902 to 1904.


Henry D. Sherman, 1886 to 1890.
Augustus C. Tupper, 1890 to 1894.
W. K. Boardman, 1894 to 1898.
Byron P. Norton, 1898 to 1902.
H. R. Wright, 1902 to 1904.


E. R. Hutchins, 1884 to 1890.
J. R. Sovereign, 1890 to 1894.
W. E. O’Bleness, 1894 to 1900.
C. F. Wennerstrum, 1900 to 1902.
Edward D. Brigham, 1902 to 1904.


Ed. Wright, 1886 to 1890.
William L. Carpenter, 1890 to 1894.
George Metzger, 1894 to 1898.
Joseph D. McGarraugh, 1898 to 1902.
Timothy E. McCurdy, 1902 to 1904.


O. M. Olson, 1880 to 1881.
G. H. Shaffer, 1880 to 1888.
C. A. Weaver, 1880 to 1890.
Robert Wilson, 1881 to 1884.
R. W. Crawford, 1884 to 1887.
J. H. Pickett, 1886 to 1898.
H. K. Snyder, 1888 to 1891.
J. H. Harrison, 1890 to 1893.
J. H. Mitchell, 1891 to 1894.
Fletcher Howard, 1893 to 1902.
W. L. Leland, 1894 to 1903.
N. T. Hendrix, 1899 to 1901.


Samuel B. Evens, 1874 to 1876.
B. F. Shaw, 1874 to 1882.
C. A. Haines, 1874 to 1876.
A. W. Aldrich, 1882 to 1886.
E. D. Carlton, 1886 to 1890.
R. K. Soper, 1890 to 1892.
T. J. Griggs, 1892 to 1894.


Geo. E. Delevan, 1894 to 1901.
George A. Lincoln, 1901 to 1904.


B. W. Blanchard, 1884 to 1886.
John Blanchard, 1886 to 1888.
Charles Beardsley, 1888 to 1890.
James J. Dunn, 1890 to 1894.
L. S. Merchant, 1894.
Luther A. Brewer, 1894 to 1898.
H. M. Pickell, 1898 to 1902.
Louis Weinstein, 1898 to 1902.
J. B. M. Bishop, 1898 to 1902.
W. D. Hartman, 1898 to 1902.
F. J. Young, 1898 to 1902.
J. O’Keefe, 1898 to 1902.
S. H. Bauman, 1898 to 1902.
F. O. Udall, 1898 to 1902.
C. F. Gullixson, 1898 to 1902.
Theo. Guittar, 1898 to 1902.
C. K. Meyers, 1898 to 1902.
W. A. Welch, 1898 to 1902.
C. H. Hare, 1898 to 1902.
A. Crawshaw, 1898 to 1902.


W. S. Robertson, 1880 to 1888.
W. H. Dickinson, 1880 to 1889.
Geo. F. Roberts, 1880 to 1883.
Justin M. Hull, 1880 to 1891.
P. W. Lewellen, 1880 to 1892.
H. H. Clark 1880 to 1893.
E. M. Reynolds, 1880 to 1894.
J. L. Loring, 1880 to 1889.
J. F. McJunkin, 1880 to 1881.
L. F. Andrews, Secretary, 1880 to 1885.
Smith McPherson, 1881 to 1885.
S. B. Olney, 1883 to 1890.
A. J. Baker, 1885 to 1889.
M. Stalker, 1885 to 1896.
J. F. Kennedy, Secretary, 1885 to 1902.
J. C. Shrader, 1887 to 1902.
J. Y. Stone, 1885 to 1895.
Fred Becker, 1889 to 1896.
E. A. Guilbert, 1890 to 1900.
Edwin H. Carter, 1891 to 1898.
J. M. Emmert, 1892 to 1899.
R. E. Conniff, 1893 to 1900.
J. A. Scroggs, 1894 to 1901.
Warren Dickinson, 1894 to 1901.
Milton Remley, 1895 to 1900.
Walton Bancroft, 1897 to 1903.
James I. Gibson, 1898 to 1902.
John A. McKlween, 1898 to 1905.
Henry Matthey, 1899 to 1906.
A. M. Linn, 1901 to 1903.
Charles B. Adams, 1901 to 1904.
Fred W. Powers, 1901 to 1908.
J. H. Sams, 1902 to 1909.

State Legislatures of Iowa.


Convened at Iowa City, November 30, 1846.

The Senate.

Thomas Baker, President, Democrat.
John B. Russell, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee Jacob Huner, James Sprott.
Van Buren John M. Whitaker, John F. Sanford.
Davis and Appanoose John J. Selman.
Wapello and Monroe James Davis.
Marion, Polk, Dallas and Jasper Thomas Baker.
Des Moines Milton D. Browning, Samuel Fullinwider.
Henry Evan Jay.
Jefferson Robert Brown.
Louisa and Washington Francis Springer.
Keokuk and Mahaska R. R. Harbour.
Muscatine, Johnson and Iowa Thomas Hughes.
Scott and Clinton Loring Wheeler.
Cedar, Linn and Benton Samuel A. Bissell.
Jackson and Jones Philip B. Bradley.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, Fayette, Buchanan and Black Hawk Theophilus Crawford, Thomas H. Benton, Jr.

Democrats, 12; Whigs, 6.

House of Representatives.

Jesse B. Browne, Speaker, Whig.
Silas A. Hudson, Chief Clerk, Whig.

Lee Jesse B. Browne, William Steele, William J. Cochran, Josiah Clifton, Reuben Conlee, Daniel S. Baker.
Van Buren George Montague, Anderson McPherrin, Dudley Hardy, R. B. Willoughby.
Davis and Appanoose Andrew Leach.
Wapello A. B. Comstock.
Monroe Charles Anderson.
Marion, Polk, Dallas and Jasper John N. Kinsman, Simeon Reynolds.
Des Moines Alfred Hebard, David E. Blair, G. W. Bowie, Joshua Holland.
Henry John T. Morton, Abraham Updegraff, Thomas Wright.
Jefferson Samuel Whitmore, James R. Bailey, William H. Lyons.
Louisa Wright Williams.
Washington Stewart Goodrell.
Keokuk Nelson King.
Mahaska John W. Smith.
Muscatine Elijah Sells.
Muscatine, Johnson and Iowa Irad C. Day.
Johnson and Iowa Smiley H. Bonham.
Scott James McManus.
Clinton William E. Leffingwell.
Cedar Nelson Rathbun.
Linn and Benton Robert Smyth.
Jackson and Jones Sylvester G. Matson, George F. Green.
Dubuque, Clayton, Delaware, Fayette, Buchanan and Black Hawk Samuel B. Olmstead, Michael O’Brien.

Democrats, 17; Whigs, 23.

The regular session adjourned February 25, 1847.

An extra session convened January 3, 1848. Thomas Hughes was President of the extra session, and J. S. Richman was Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives.

John Howell was Senator from Jefferson County at the extra session; and Josiah Kent took the place of Baker from Lee; T. L. Sargent that of Bowie of Des Moines; George Wayland that of Whitmore from Jefferson, and William Edmundson that of Smith of Mahaska.

The extra session adjourned January 25, 1848.


Convened at Iowa City, December 4, 1848.

The Senate.

John J. Selman, President, Democrat.
C. C. Rockwell, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee James Sprott, Thomas S. Espy.
Van Buren John F. Sanford, George G. Wright.
Davis and Appanoose John J. Selman.
Wapello and Monroe Barney Royston.
Marion, Polk, Dallas and Jasper Phineas M. Casady.
Des Moines Milton D. Browning, Alfred S. Fear.
Henry Evan Jay.
Jefferson John Howell.
Louisa and Washington Francis Springer.
Keokuk and Mahaska R. R. Harbour.
Muscatine, Johnson and Iowa Freeman Alger.
Scott and Clinton Loring Wheeler.
Cedar, Linn and Benton John P. Cook.
Jackson and Jones Philip B. Bradley.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, Fayette, Buchanan and Black Hawk Theophilus Crawford, John G. Shields.

Democrats, 11; Whigs, 8.

House of Representatives.

Smiley H. Bonham, Speaker, Democrat.
William E. Leffingwell, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee William C. Read, Cave J. McFarland, Michael H. Walker, Samuel Norton, Isaac W. Griffith.
Van Buren John Alexander, Josiah W. McManaman, Abner H. McCrary, Willard Elmer.
Davis and Appanoose Reuben Riggs.
Wapello Joseph H. Flint.
Monroe William M. Allison.
Marion, Polk, Dallas and Jasper Lysander W. Babbitt, Manly Gifford.
Des Moines Thomas L. Sargeant, George Davidson, John Penny, John L. Corse.
Henry Samuel D. Woodworth, Mark Burroughs, H. R. Thomspon.
Jefferson George Weyand, William Baker, Andrew Collins.
Louisa Wright Williams.
Washington Stewart Goodrell.
Keokuk William Jacobs.
Mahaska —— ——
Muscatine George D. Stephenson.
Muscatine, Johnson and Iowa Joseph E. Harrison.
Johnson and Iowa Smiley H. Bonham.
Scott John D. Evans.
Clinton James D. Bourne.
Cedar Jeremiah C. Betts.
Linn and Benton Abraham Timmons.
Jackson and Jones Dennis A. Mahoney, Nathan G. Sales.
Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, Fayette, Buchanan and Black Hawk Sidney Wood, James A. Langton.

Democrats, 28; Whigs, 11.

The Assembly Adjourned January 15, 1849.


Convened at Iowa City, December 2, 1850.

The Senate.

Enos Lowe, President, Democrat.
Philip B. Bradley, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee Thomas S. Espy, Nathan Baker.
Van Buren George G. Wright, John B. Spees.
Davis, Appanoose and Wayne John J. Selman.
Wapello, Monroe and Lucas Henry B. Hendershott.
Marion, Polk, Dallas, Jasper, Marshall, Story, Boone, Warren and Madison Phineas M. Casady.
Des Moines George Hepner, Enos Lowe.
Henry John T. Morton.
Jefferson John Howell.
Louisa and Washington Norman Everson.
Mahaska, Keokuk and Poweshiek Joseph Lowe.
Muscatine, Johnson and Iowa Freeman Alger.
Scott and Clinton William E. Leffingwell.
Cedar, Linn, Benton and Tama John P. Cook.
Jackson and Jones Nathan G. Sales.
Dubuque, Clayton, Delaware, Buchanan, Black Hawk, Winneshiek and Allamakee John G. Shields, Warner Lewis.

Democrats, 13; Whigs, 5.

House of Representatives.

George Temple, Speaker, Democrat.
C. C. Rockwell, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee E. S. McCulloch, John Thompson, R. P. Wilson, Smith Hamill, Adolphus Salmon.
Van Buren Abner H. McCrary, George C. Allender, Chauncey G. Dibble.
Davis, Appanoose and Wayne Reuben Riggs, Samuel Riggs
Wapello Joseph H. Flint, Andrew Major.
Monroe and Lucas N. B. Preston.
Marion, Polk, Dallas, Jasper, Marshall, Story, Boone, Warren and Madison Lysander W. Babbitt, Edwin R. Guiberson.
Des Moines William Harper, George Temple, Moses W. Robinson.
Henry Peyton Wilson, Abraham Updegraff.
Jefferson Charles Negus, Thomas McCulloch, Hiram D. Gibson.
Louisa Andrew Gamble.
Washington David Bunker.
Mahaska, Keokuk and Poweshiek William Jacobs, R. R. Habour.
Muscatine John A. Parvin.
Johnson and Iowa Gilman Folsom.
Scott Laurel Summers.
Clinton William G. Haun.
Cedar Goodwin Taylor.
Linn, Benton and Tama Isaac M. Preston.
Jackson and Jones Richard B. Wyckoff, John E. Goodenow.
Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan and Black Hawk Theophilus Crawford, Hugh V. Gildea, A. K. Eaton.
Clayton, Fayette, Winneshiek and Allamakee Eliphalet Price.

Democrats, 34; Whigs, 5.

The Assembly Adjourned February 5, 1852.


Convened at Iowa City, December 6, 1852.

The Senate.

William E. Leffingwell, President, Democrat.
T. B. Cuming, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee Calvin J. Price, James M. Love, Salmon Cowles.
Des Moines Milton D. Browning, George Hepner.
Van Buren John B. Spees, George Schramm.
Jefferson William G. Coop, John Park.
Henry Archibald McKinney.
Wapello John W. Hedrick.
Wapello, Monroe, Lucas, Clarke Henry B. Hendershott.
Davis Samuel G. McAchran.
Davis, Appanoose, Wayne and Decatur Amos Harris.
Pottawattamie Hadley D. Johnson.
Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Page and Fremont George W. Lucas.
Louisa and Washington Norman Everson.
Keokuk Joseph Lowe.
Mahaska John R. Needham.
Marion, Warren and Madison Jefferson D. Hillis.
Scott Eli S. Wing.
Muscatine Jonathan E. Fletcher.
Cedar and Clinton William E. Leffingwell.

Johnson, Iowa, and Poweshiek George D. Crosthwait.
Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Guthrie, Greene, Boone, Story, Marshall, Hardin, Risley, Yell, Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmet, Bancroft, Winnebago, Worth Andrew Y. Hull.
Jackson Elisha F. Clark.
Jackson and Jones Nathan G. Sales.
Linn, Benton and Tama Isaac M. Preston.
Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan, Black Hawk, Grundy, Butler, Bremer, Clayton, Fayette, Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Mitchell, Floyd, Chickasaw John G. Shields, Warner Lewis, Maturin L. Fisher.

Democrats, 20; Whigs, 11.

House of Representatives.

James Grant, Speaker, Democrat.
J. S. Hooton, Chief Clerk, Democrat.

Lee S. G. Wright, H. Washbutn, J. S. Gilmore, J. M. Anderson, F. Heaser, S. W. Sears.
Des Moines James W. Grimes, Justus Clark, W. Seymour, J. Wilson Williams.
Van Buren Anderson McPherrin, Lewis Fordyce, Jacob Ream, Robert Russell.
Jefferson Samuel Whitmore, W. T. Rogers, H. B. Mitchell.
Henry Robert Caulk, James C. Green, Levi Jessup.
Wapello Robert Cock, James C. Ramsey.
Wapello, Monroe, Lucas, Clarke Henry Allen.
Monroe, Lucas and Clark John S. Townsend.
Davis Albert Duckworth, John A. Drake.
Davis, Appanoose, Wayne and Decatur Abraham Putman.
Appanoose, Wayne and Decatur Harvey B. Duncan.
Pottawattamie A. S. Bryant.
Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Page and Fremont William C. Means.
Pottawattamie, Mills, Remont, Page, Taylor, Ringgold, Union, Adams, Montgomery, Cass, Adair, Audubon, Shelby, Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Carroll, Sac, Ida, Wahkaw, Plymouth, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Sioux, O'Brien, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola and Buncombe Joseph L. Sharp
Louisa Micajah Reeden, John Cleaves.
Washington David Bunker, Horace H. Wilson.
Keokuk Harvey Stevens.
Mahaska William R. Ross.
Keokuk and Mahaska Samuel Coffin.
Marion, Warren and Madison P. Gad Bryan, James M. Walters, Napoleon B. Allison.
Scott James Grant, LeRoy Dodge.
Muscatine Elijah Sells, Freeman Alger.
Cedar Amos Witter.
Clinton William G. Haun.
Johnson Gilman Folsom.

Johnson, Iowa and Poweshiek Robert M. Hutchison.
Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Guthrie, Greene, Boone, Story, Marshall, Hardin, Risley, Yell, Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmet, Bancroft, Winnebago, Worth J. F. Rice, Joseph C. Goodson, Benjamin Green.
Jackson George F. Green, L. Wasson.
Jones John Taylor.
Linn, Benton and Tama A. F. Stedman, John McArthur.
Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan A. K. Eaton, A. D. Anderson, Richard Bonson.

Democrats, 40; Whigs, 23.

The Assembly Adjourned January 24, 1853.


Convened at Iowa City, December 4, 1854.

The Senate.

Maturin L. Fisher, President, Democrat.
P. B. Bradley, Secretary, Democrat.

Lee James M. Love, Exum S. McCulloch, W. A. Thurston.
Des Moines Milton D. Browning, William F. Coolbaugh.
Van Buren George Schramm, Abner H. McCrary.
Jefferson William G. Coop, John Park.
Henry Alvin Saunders.
Wapello James C. Ramsey.
Wapello, Monroe, Lucas, Clarke Dan Anderson.
Davis Samuel G. McAchran.
Davis, Appanoose, Wayne and Decatur Nathan Udell.
Pottawattamie James D. Test.
Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Page and Fremont George W. Lucas.
Louisa and Washington H. T. Cleaver.
Keokuk James L. Hogin.
Mahaska John R. Needham.
Marion, Warren and Madison Jefferson D. Hillis.
Scott Ambrose C. Fulton.
Muscatine George W. Wilkinson.
Cedar and Clinton Juilus J. Matthews.
Johnson, Iowa and Poweshiek Samuel Workmen.
Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Guthrie, Greene, Boone, Story, Marshall, Hardin, Risley, Yell, Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmet, Bancroft, Winnebago, Worth Theophilus Bryan, James C. Jordan.
Jackson Elisha F. Clark.
Jackson and Jones Joseph Birge.
Linn, Benton and Tama Isaac M. Preston.
Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan, Black Hawk, Grundy, Butler, Bremer, Clayton, Fayette, Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Mitchell, Floyd, Chickasaw William W. Hamilton, Maturin L. Fisher, John G. Shields.

Democrats 17; Whigs, 14.

House of Representatives.

Reuben Noble, Speaker, Whig.
Charles C. Nourse, Chief Clerk, Whig.

1 Allamakee and Winneshiek James D. McKay.
2 Clayton Reuben Noble, Lafayette Bigelow.
3 Fayette, Chickasaw, Butler, Bremer, Black Hawk, Grundy, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Howard, Mitchell and Worth Jacob W. Rogers.
4 Delaware and Buchanan Thomas E. Turner.
5 Dubuque Richard Bonson, John M. Moore, Ben M. Samuels, William S. Hall.
6 Jackson James P. Eddie, Thomas S. Smith.
7 Jones William H. Holmes.
8 Jackson and Jones David Kinert.
9 Cedar Allen D. Graham.
10 Clinton Joseph A. Brown.
11 Scott Amos Witter, Andrew J. Hyde.
12 Cedar, Clinton and Scott George Smith.
13 Washington Samuel A. Russell.
14 Louisa John C. Lockwood.
15 Washington and Louisa James N. Young.
16 Muscatine Reasin Pritchard, John H. Pignan.
17 Des Moines Thomas L. Sargeant, John L. Corse, Joshua Tracy, George S. Albright.
18 Henry Willet Dorland, Francis White, Samuel McFarland.
19 Lee George Newsam, William Damon, Josiah Hinkle, Horace Dewey, Samuel Boyles, Robert P. Creel.
20 Linn John P. Conkey, Robert Holmes.
21 Johnson Samuel H. McCrory.
22 Johnson and Iowa Rolla Johnson.
23 Poweshiek, Jasper, Benton and Tama John Connell.
24 Van Buren George N. Rosser, Joseph Barker, Robert Meek, Henry Weatherington.
25 Jefferson James Wamsley, Edmund Meachem, Robert Stephenson.
26 Davis O. D. Tisdale, D. C. Greenleaf.
27 Wapello Samuel K. Creamer, Nimrod Poston.
28 Wapello and Keokuk Cyrus Franklin.
29 Keokuk W. F. Morgan.
30 Appanoose William Monroe.
31 Monroe Matthew A. Goodfellow.
32 Wayne, Decatur, Lucas, Clarke S. P. Yeomans.
33 Mahaska Samuel Coffin, Micajah Williams.
34 Marion James M. Walters, Green T. Clark.
35 Marion, Warren and Madison P. Gad Bryan, Jarius E. Neal.
36 Polk Alfred M. Lyon.
37 Polk, Dallas and Guthrie Ezra Vanfossen.
38 Greene, Boone, Story, Hardin, Webster, Yell, Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Hancock, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmet, Bancroft, Winnebago and Marshall Samuel B. McCall.
39 Fremont, Page, Taylor and Ringgold William Dewey.
40 Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Adair, Audubon and Cass Richard Tutt.
41 Pottawattamie Daniel S. Jackson, John T. Baldwin.

42 Harrison, Shelby, Carroll, Crawford, Monona, Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Buena Vista, Cherokee, Plymouth, Sioux, O’Brien, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola and Buncombe Thomas B. Neely

Democrats, 31; Whigs, 40.

The regular session adjourned January 26, 1855. An extra session convened July 2, 1856; which adjourned on the 16th of July.

At the extra session David T. Brigham took the place of James M. Love of Lee County; and James C. Jordan was awarded the seat held by Theophilus Bryan, in the Senate.

In the House, at the extra session Lewis Kinsey took the place of Lockwood of Louisa; J. S. Richman that of Pritchard of Muscatine; J. S. Hamilton that of Damon of Lee; J. M. Anderson that of Boyles of Lee; William Beckford that of Wamsley of Jefferson; C. E. Noble that of Meacham of Jefferson; and J. W. Russell that of Tutt of the Fortieth District.


Convened at Iowa City, December 1, 1856.

The Senate.

William W. Hamilton, President, Republican.
Charles C. Nourse, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee E. S. McCulloch, William A. Thruston.
2 Lee and Van Buren David T. Brigham.
3 Van Buren Abner H. McCrary.
4 Des Moines William F. Coolbaugh, Lyman Cook.
5 Davis Henry H. Trimble.
6 Jefferson William M. Reed.
7 Henry Alvin Saunders.
8 Wapello James C. Ramsey.
9 Monroe, Lucas and Clarke Dan Anderson.
10 Appanoose, Wayne and Decatur John W. Warner.
11 Fremont, Mills, Page, Taylor, Montgomery, Ringgold, Adams and Union Samuel Dale.
12 Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon, Crawford, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmet, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, O’Brien, Plymouth, Sioux and Buncombe James D. Test.
13 Louisa H. T. Cleaver.
14 Washington Charles Foster.
15 Keokuk James L. Hogin.
16 Mahaska William Loughridge.
17 Marion Jairus E. Neal.
18 Warren, Madison, Adair and Cass M. L. McPherson.
19 Muscatine George W. Wilkinson.
20 Johnson and Iowa Samuel J. Kirkwood.
21 Scott Nicholas J. Rusch.
22 Cedar Jonathan W. Cattell.
23 Clinton Julius J. Matthews.
24 Linn William G. Thompson.
25 Linn, Benton, Black Hawk, and Buchanan George McCoy.
26 Poweshiek, Jasper, Marshall and Tama Josiah B. Grinnell.
27 Polk, Dallas and Guthrie James Jordan.

28 Jackson Jeremiah W. Jenkins.
29 Jackson and Jones Joseph Birge.
30 Dubuque William G. Stewart.
31 Dubuque and Delaware William W. Hamilton.
32 Clayton Henry B. Carter.
33 Fayette, Bremer, Butler, Franklin, Grundy, Hardin, Wright, Webster, Boone, Story, Greene and Humboldt Aaron Brown.
34 Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Floyd, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, Bancroft and Kossuth Jeremiah T. Atkins.

Democrats, 12; Republicans, 23.

House of Representatives.

Samuel McFarland, Speaker, Republican.
James W. Logan, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Joseph Van Velkenburgh, Thomas Sawyer, J. B. Pease, J. H. Sullivan, W. H. Griswold.
2 Des Moines Thomas J. R. Perry, J. Wilson Williams, E. D. Rand.
3 Ban Buren David Doud, Jr., R. H. McDow, D. Hardy.
4 Davis Barnett Milliser, David Mendenhall.
5 Jefferson Charles O. Stanton, W. H. Copeland, Lewis Reeder.
6 Henry Willett Dorland, Samuel McFarland.
7 Wapello Cyrus Franklin, S. G.. Finney.
8 Wapello and Keokuk Morrison F. Bottorf.
9 Monroe Samuel Gossage.
10 Lucas, Clarke and Union D. W. Scoville.
11 Appanoose James Galbraith.
12 Wayne and Decatur Thomas M. Bowen.
13 Fremont William Kelsey.
14 Mills, Taylor, Page, Montgomery, Ringgold and Adams Samuel H. Moer.
15 Pottawattamie A. V. Lartimer.
16 Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon, Crawford, Carroll, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmet, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, O'Brian, Plymouth, Sioux and Buncombe N. G. Wyatt.
17 Louisa N. W. Burris.
18 Washington William B. Lewis.
19 Louisa and Washington Andrew J. Kirkpatrick.
20 Keokuk Abraham C. Price.
21 Mahaska R. M. Wilson, John H. Fry.
22 Marion Green T. Clark, Miles Jordan.
23 Warren C. B. Jones.
24 Madison, Adair and Cass Benjamin F. Roberts.
25 Muscatine David C. Cloud, J. A. Mills.
26 Johnson George D. Wooden.
27 Johnson and Iowa Phineas Inskeep.
28 Scott Eli S. Wing, Horatio G. Barner, Robert H. Rogers.
29 Cedar Ed. Wright.
30 Clinton Charles H. Toll.
31 Clinton and Cedar E. M. Wright.
32 Linn John E. Kurtz, Daniel Lothian.

33 Poweshiek and Jasper David Edmundson.
34 Benton, Tama and Marshall Delos Arnold.
35 Polk William P. Davis.
36 Polk, Dallas and Guthrie Benjamin Green.
37 Jackson William Mordan, Jacob K. Hershberger.
38 Jones William H. Holmes.
39 Jackson and Jones William Thomas.
40 Delaware James M. Noble.
41 Black Hawk and Buchanan Morrison Bailey.
42 Dubuque John M. Moore, Winslow T. Barker, Thomas Hardie, Daniel Cort.
43 Clayton La Fayette Bigelow, Francis Rodman.
44 Boone, Webster, Story, Hardin, Greene, Frankin, Wright, and Humboldt Walter C. Wilson.
45 Allamakee James Bryson.
46 Winneshiek, Howard, Mitchell, Worth, Winnebago and Bancroft Claus L. Clausen.
47 Fayette Robert A. Richardson.
48 Bremer, Chickasaw, Butler, Floyd, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth and Grundy E. R Gillett.

Democrats, 26; Republicans, 44.

E. M. Wright of Clinton died at the beginning of the session, and his seat remained vacant.

The Assembly Adjourned January 29, 1857.

The Third Constitutional Convention.

Convened at Iowa City, January 19, 1857.

Francis Springer, President, Republican.
Thomas J. Saunders, Secretary, Republican.
1 Lee Edward Johnstone, William Patterson.
2 Lee and Van Buren Squire Ayers.
3 Van Buren Timothy Day.
4 Des Moines Jonathan C. Hall, Moses W. Robinson.
5 Davis David P. Palmer.
6 Jefferson James F. Wilson.
7 Henry Rufus L. B. Clarke
8 Wapello George Gillaspy.
9 Monroe, Lucas and Clarke John Edwards.
10 Appanoose, Wayne, Decatur Amos Harris.
11 Fremont, Mills, Page, Taylor, Montgomery, Ringgold, Adams and Union Daniel H. Solomon.
12 Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon, Crawford, Carroll, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmet, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, O’Brien, Plymouth, Sioux and Buncombe Daniel W. Price.
13 Louisa Francis Springer.
14 Washington David Bunker.
15 Keokuk Jeremiah Hollingsworth.
16 Mahaska James A. Young.
17 Marion Hiram D. Gibson.
18 Warren, Madison, Adair, Cass Lewis Todhunter.
19 Muscatine John A. Parvin.

20 Johnson and Jones William Penn Clarke.
21 Scott George W. Ells.
22 Cedar Robert Gower.
23 Clinton Aylett R. Cotton.
24 Linn Hosea W. Gray.
25 Linn, Benton, Black Hawk and Buchanan James C. Traer.
26 Poweshiek, Jasper, Marshall and Tama Harvey J. Skiff.
27 Polk, Dallas and Guthrie Thomas Seely.
28 Jackson William A. Warren.
29 Jackson and Jones Albert H. Marvin.
30 Dubuque John H. Emerson.
31 Dubuque and Delaware John H. Peters.
32 Clayton Alpheus Scott.
33 Fayette, Bremer, Butler, Franklin, Grundy, Hardin, Wright, Webster, Boone, Story, Greene, Allamakee, Winneshiek and Humboldt Sheldon G. Winchester.
34 Howard, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Floyd, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, Bancroft and Kossuth John T. Clark.

Democrats, 15; Republicans, 21.

The constitution framed by this convention was adopted by a vote of the electors on the 3d of August, 1857, and took effect September 3, 1857.

The Convention adjourned March 5, 1857.


(First under the Constitution of 1857.)

Convened at Des Moines, January 11, 1858.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Oran Faville, President, Republican.

George E. Spencer, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee John R. Allen, John W. Rankin.
2 Lee and Van Buren David T. Brigham.
3 Van Buren Gideon S. Bailey.
4 Des Moines William F. Coolbaugh, Lyman Cook.
5 Davis Henry H. Trimble.
6 Jefferson William M. Reed.
7 Henry Alvin Saunders.
8 Wapello John A. Johnson.
9 Monroe, Lucas and Clarke Dan. Anderson.
10 Appanoose, Wayne, Decatur John W. Warner.
11 Fremont, Mills, Page, Taylor, Montgomery, Ringgold, Union and Adams Samuel Dale.
12 Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon, Crawford, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmet, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, O’Brien, Plymouth, Sioux, and Buncombe W. H. M. Pusey.
13 Louisa Samuel Reiner.
14 Washington Charles Foster.
15 Keokuk O. P. Sharradan.
16 Mahaska William Loughridge.
17 Marion Jairus E. Neal.
18 Warren, Madison, Adair, Cass M. L. McPherson.
19 Muscatine A. O. Patterson.

20 Johnson and Iowa Samuel J. Kirkwood.
21 Scott Nicholas J. Rusch.
22 Cedar Jonathan W. Cattell.
23 Clinton George M. Davis.
24 Linn William G. Thompson.
25 Linn, Benton, Black Hawk and Buchanan George McCoy.
26 Poweshiek, Jasper, Marshall, and Tama Josiah B. Grinnell.
27 Polk, Dallas and Guthrie William P. Davis.
28 Jackson Jeremiah W. Jenkins.
29 Jackson and Jones Joseph Mann.
30 Dubuque William G. Stewart.
31 Dubuque and Delaware David S. Wilson.
32 Clayton Henry B. Carter.
33 Fayette, Bremer, Butler, Franklin, Grundy, Hardin, Wright, Webster, Boone, Story, Greene and Humboldt Aaron Brown.
34 Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Floyd, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, Bancroft and Kossuth Jeremiah T. Atkins.

Democrats, 14; Republicans, 22.

House of Representatives.

Stephen B. Shelledy, Speaker, Republican.
William P. Hepburn, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Allamakee George W. Gray.
2 Winneshiek E. E. Cooley.
3 Fayette Robert A. Richardson.
4 Clayton L. G. Collins, W. H. Sterns.
5 Buchanan and Fayette J. S. Woodward.
6 Black Hawk Zimri Streeter.
7 Dubuque Theophilus Crawford, Lincoln Clark, Dennis A. Mahoney.
8 Delaware Joseph Grimes.
9 Dubuque, Jones and Clayton W. S. Johnson.
10 Benton Thomas Drummond.
11 Howard, Chickasaw, Bremer W. P. Harmon.
12 Mitchell, Floyd and Butler Matthew M. Trumbull.
13 Worth, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Wright. Hancock, Winnebago, Kossuth, Webster, Hamilton, Calhoun, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Sac, Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson and Emmet Cyrus C. Carpenter.
14 Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Monona, Crawford, Woodbury, Ida, Plymouth, Cherokee, O’Brien, Osceola and Buncombe Samuel H. Casady.
15 Guthrie, Dallas, Cass, Adair Leroy Lambert.
16 Boone, Greene, Carroll, Audubon Cornelius Beal.
17 Hardin, Grundy and Story John L. Dana.
18 Tama and Marshall T. Walter Jackson.
19 Polk Thomas Mitchell.
20 Jasper Stephen B. Shelledy.
21 Iowa, Poweshiek, Mahaska William H. Seevers.
22 Johnson John Clark, J. Cavanaugh.
23 Linn E. D. Wain, Ellsworth N. Bates.
24 Jones H. Steward.

25 Cedar Ed. Wright.
26 Jackson Philip B. Bradley, T. Millsap.
27 Clinton Horace Anthony, Thomas Watts.
28 Scott John W. Thompson, Benjamin F. Gue, Robert Scott.
29 Muscatine Freeman Alger.
30 Muscatine and Cedar William Lundy.
31 Louisa Royal Prentiss.
32 Des Moines Justus Clarke, William H. Clune.
33 Des Moines and Lousia D. N. Sprague.
34 Washington Samuel E. Rankin.
35 Keokuk Theron A. Morgan.
36 Washington and Keokuk W. McGrew.
37 Iowa and Poweshiek C. J. L. Foster.
38 Mahaska A. M Cassiday.
39 Marion Israel C. Curtis, Martin B. Bennett.
40 Warren Charles E. Millard.
41 Madison Edwin R. Guiberson.
42 Lucas and Clarke John Edwards.
43 Fremont, Mills, Montgomery James M. Dews.
44 Adams, Union, Page, Taylor and Ringgold W. B. Davis.
45 Decatur W. J. Laney.
46 Davis Barnett Milliser.
47 Wayne, Appanoose and Davis Alonzo W. Sharp.
48 Appanoose J. A. Pierson.
49 Van Buren Squire Ayers, J. J. Cassady.
50 Monroe John Reitzel.
51 Wapello William Campbell, William McCormick.
52 Jefferson James F. Wilson, T. Moorman.
53 Henry Lauren Dewey, J. F. Randolph.
54 Lee C. C. Bauder, J. A. Casey, William W. Belknap.
55 Lee, Henry and Van Buren George W. McCrary.

Democrats, 30; Republicans, 42.

The Assembly Adjourned March 23, 1858.


Convened at Des Moines, January 8, 1860.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Nicholas J. Rusch, President, Republican.

James H. Saunders, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee John W. Rankin, Valentine Buechel.
2 Van Buren Gideon S. Bailey.
3 Davis Cyrus Bussey.
4 Appanoose Nathan Udell.
5 Wayne and Decatur William E. Taylor.
6 Ringgold, Taylor, Adams, Union and Clark J. C. Hagans.
7 Page, Fremont, Mills and and Montgomery Harvey W. English.
8 Des Moines William F. Coolbaugh.
9 Henry Alvin Saunders.
10 Jefferson James F. Wilson.
11 Wapello John A. Johnson.
12 Monroe and Lucas Dan Anderson.
13 Louisa Samuel Reiner.
14 Muscatine A. O. Patterson.
15 Washington William B. Lewis.
16 Keokuk O. P. Sharradan.
17 Mahaska H. H. Williams.
18 Marion Jairus E. Neal.
19 Scott John W. Thompson.

20 Clinton George M. Davis.
21 Cedar James M. Kent.
22 Johnson Jesse Bowen.
23 Polk William P. Davis.
24 Jackson George F. Green.
25 Jones Joseph Mann.
26 Linn H. G. Anglo.
27 Dubuque David S. Wilson, George W. Trumbull.
28 Clayton D. Hammer.
29 Warren Paris P. Henderson.
30 Madison, Dallas and Adair M. L. McPherson.
31 Pottawattamie, Cass, Harrison, Shelby, Audubon and Guthrie W. H. M. Pusey.
32 Monona, Crawford, Carroll, Greene, Woodbury, Sac, Ida, Calhoun, Webster, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Cherokee, Plymouth, Sioux, O’Brien, Clay, Palo Alto, Kossuth, Emmet, Dickinson, Osceola and Buncombe John F. Duncombe.
33 Iowa and Poweshiek J. J. Watson.
34 Jasper and Marshall A. M. Pattison.
35 Benton and Tama Thomas Drummond.
36 Grundy, Black Hawk, Butler and Franklin A. F. Brown.
37 Delaware and Buchanan David C. Hastings.
38 Fayette and Bremer Lucian L. Ainsworth.
39 Allamakee and Winneshiek George W. Gray.
40 Howard, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Floyd, Cerro Gordo, Worth, Hancock, Winnebago and Wright Julius H. Powers.
41 Story, Boone, Hardin and Hamilton John Scott.

Republicans, 23; Democrats, 20.

House of Representatives.

John Edwards, Speaker, Republican.
Charles Aldrich, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee E. S. McCulloch, Calvin J. Price, Nathaniel G. Hedges, Thomas W. Clagett.
2 Van Buren John M. Whitaker, Henry Clay Caldwell.
3 Davis Harvey Dunlavy, Marvin Hotchkiss.
4 Appanoose Frederick A. Stephens.
5 Wayne Hartley Bracewell.
6 Decatur Racine D. Kellogg.
7 Ringgold and Taylor Reuben A. Moser.
8 Page and Fremont Reuben F. Conner.
9 Des Moines Justus Clark, Moses W. Robinson, Jonathan C. Hall.
10 Henry Alvah H. Bereman, A. J. Withrow.
11 Jefferson Matthew Clark, W. W. Cottle.
12 Wapello Jonathan C. Mitchell, James Doggett.
13 Monroe L. O. Haskell.
14 Lucas John Edwards.
15 Clarke John L. Millard.
16 Union, Adams, Adair, Cass K. W. Macomber.
17 Montgomery and Mills Washington Darling.
18 Louisa John H. Williamson.
19 Muscatine Michael Price, George C. Shipman.
20 Washington Matthew Morehead, Robert Glasgow.
21 Keokuk H. Campbell, George P. Ellis.
22 Mahaska Mahlon Stanton, Thomas N. Barnes.
23 Marion Martin B. Bennett, Israel C. Curtis.

24 Warren James E. Williamson.
25 Madison Thomas D. Jones.
26 Pottawattamie Samuel H. Riddle.
27 Scott Benjamin F. Gue, James Quinn, William H. F. Gurley.
28 Clinton Nathaniel B. Baker, George W. Parker.
29 Cedar Ed. Wright.
30 Johnson Rush Clark, George T. Davis.
31 Iowa Hugh B. Lynch.
32 Poweshiek A. M. Cowing.
33 Jasper C. M. Davis.
34 Polk Stewart Goodrell.
35 Dallas Leroy Lambert.
36 Guthrie, Audubon, Shelby, and Harrison Daniel M. Harris.
37 Jackson Benjamin McCullough, William H. Reed.
38 Jones John Taylor.
39 Linn Amos Witter, Jennings Crawford.
40 Benton James McQuinn.
41 Tama Abraham Tompkins.
42 Marshall William Bremner.
43 Story and Hamilton S. B. Rosenkrans.
44 Boone Cornelius Beal.
45 Crawford, Monona, Carroll, and Greene J. W. Denison.
46 Dubuque Francis A. Gniffke, James H. Williams, F. Mangold, John D. Jennings.
47 Delaware John W. LeLacheur.
48 Buchanan George W. Bemis.
49 Black Hawk Zimri Streeter.
50 Hardin David Hunt.
51 Humboldt, Webster, Pocahontas and Calhoun Samuel Rees.
52 Clayton S. R. Peet, Samuel Merrill.
53 Fayette Leander C. Noble.
54 Bremer and Chickasaw George W. Ruddick.
55 Franklin, Wright, Butler and Grundy Chauncey Gillett.
56 Allamakee Charles Paulk.
57 Winneshiek Amos Hoag.
58 Cerro Gordo, Worth, Winnebago and Floyd, also Hancock Elbridge G. Bowdoin.
59 Mitchell and Howard O. D. Sabin.
60 Woodbury, Ida, Plymouth, Cherokee, also Sioux, O’Brien, Buncombe and Osceola Patrick Robb.
61 Dickinson, Sac, Buena Vista, Kossuth, also Emmet, Clay, and Palo Alto John E. Blackford.

Republicans, 49; Democrats, 37.

The regular session adjourned on the 3d of April, 1860.

An extra session convened on the 15th of May, 1861, and adjourned on the 29th of May.


Convened at Des Moines, January 13, 1862.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor John R. Needham, President, Republican.

William F. Davis, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Frederick Hesser, George W. McCrary.
2 Van Buren Abner H. McCrary.
3 Davis James Pollard; qualified February 8th.
4 Appanoose Nathan Udell.

5 Wayne and Decatur E. F. Esteb; qualified February 19th.
6 Ringgold, Taylor, Page, Union, Adams and Montgomery J. C. Hagans.
7 Fremont, Mills and Pottawattamie Harvey W. English.
8 Des Moines John G. Foote.
9 Henry Theron W. Woolson.
10 Jefferson J. Monroe Shaffer.
11 Wapello J. W. Dixon.
12 Monroe and Lucas Warren S. Dungan.
13 Louisa James S. Hurley.
14 Muscatine William G. Woodward.
15 Washington William B. Lewis.
16 Keokuk I. P. Teter.
17 Mahaska H. H. Williams.
18 Marion Jairus E. Neal.
19 Scott Benjamin F. Gue, Joseph B. Leake.
20 Clinton Norman Boardman.
21 Cedar James M. Kent.
22 Johnson Jesse Bowen.
23 Polk Josiah H. Hatch.
24 Jackson George F. Green.
25 Jones William H. Holmes.
26 Linn H. G. Angle.
27 Dubuque George W. Trumbull, John D. Jennings.
28 Clayton D. Hammer.
29 Warren John Kern; qualified February 15th.
30 Madison and Clarke M. L. McPherson.
31 Adair, Cass, Dallas, Guthrie, Audubon and Shelby James Redfield.
32 Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Carroll, Woodbury, Sac, Ida, Calhoun, Webster, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Cherokee, Plymouth, Sioux, O’Brien, Clay, Palo Alto, Kossuth, Emmet, Dickinson, Osceola and Buncombe John F. Duncombe.
33 Iowa and Poweshiek J. J. Watson.
34 Marshall, Hardin, Grundy A. M. Pattison.
35 Benton and Tama Joseph Dysart.
36 Black Hawk, Butler, Franklin A. F. Brown.
37 Delaware D. C. Hastings.
38 Fayette and Bremer Lucien L. Ainsworth.
39 Allamakee George W. Gray.
40 Chickasaw, Howard, Mitchell, Winnebago, Hancock, Floyd, Worth, Cerro Gordo and Wright George W. Howard; qualified March 21st.
41 Story, Boone, Hamilton and Greene Edwin B. Potter; qualified February 19th.
42 Winneshiek Martin V. Burdick.
43 Jasper Sherman G. Smith.

Republicans, 32; Democrats, 14.

House of Representatives.

Rush Clark, Speaker, Republican.
Charles Aldrich, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Charles W. Lowrie, T. G. Stevenson, Martin Thompson, Godfrey Elchorn.
2 Van Buren George Schramm, Joshua Glanville.
3 Davis Hervey Dunlavy, David Ferguson.

4 Appanoose George B. Stewart, Edward J. Gault.
5 Wayne Hartley Bracewell.
6 Decatur Racine D. Kellogg.
7 Des Moines J. Wilson Williams, Franklin Wilcox, Calvin J. Jackson.
8 Henry W. C. Woodworth, John P. West.
9 Jefferson Peter Walker, Abial R. Pierce.
10 Wapello Joseph H. Flint, Thomas D. McGlothlen.
11 Monroe Oliver P. Rowles.
12 Lucas John D. Sarver.
13 Clarke William M. Calfee.
14 Fremont James L. Mitchell.
15 Mills Appler R. Wright.
16 Louisa John Cleves.
17 Washington Thaddeus H. Stanton, John W. Quinn.
18 Keokuk John Wasson, Louis Hollingsworth.
19 Mahaska Micajah T. Williams, Samuel G. Castor.
20 Marion Hiram D. Gibson, W. E. Wetherall.
21 Warren Newton Guthrie.
22 Madison Alfred Hood.
23 Pottawattamie W. W. Wilson.
24 Muscatine George C. Shipman, Michael Price.
25 Johnson Rush Clark, Samuel H. Fairall.
26 Iowa Henry M. Martin.
27 Poweshiek Thomas Holyoke.
28 Jasper John Meyer.
29 Polk John Mitchell.
30 Dallas Peter T. Russell.
31 Scott James T. Lane, Joseph R. Porter, Joseph H. White.
32 Clinton George W. Parker, John S. Maxwell.
33 Cedar H. C. Loomis, James H. Rothrock.
34 Jackson Ebenezer Dorr, Joseph P. Eaton.
35 Jones Otis Whittemore, John Russell.
36 Linn Joseph B. Young, Isaac Minburn.
37 Benton James McQuinn.
38 Tama Leander Clark.
39 Marshall Thomas Mercer.
40 Story Thomas C. McCall.
41 Boone Alfred L. Speer.
42 Dubuque Thomas Hardie, William McLennan, F. M. Knoll, Christian Denlinger.
43 Delaware Salue G. Van Anda.
44 Buchanan Jed Lake.
45 Black Hawk Warner H. Curtis.
46 Hardin W. J. Moir.
47 Clayton George L. Bass, D. W. Chase.
48 Fayette W. B. Lakin, Levi Fuller.
49 Bremer Joseph O. Hudnutt.
50 Chickasaw J. F. Wilson.
51 Allamakee Joseph Burton.
52 Winneshiek William H. Baker, Ole Nelson.
53 Howard and Mitchell D. G. Frisbie.
54 Floyd, Cerro Gordo, Worth and Winnebago Elbridge G. Bowdoin.
55 Butler, Grundy and Franklin Alonzo Converse.
56 Hancock, Kossuth, Emmet and Palo Alto J. E. Blackford.
57 Humboldt, Wright, Hamilton and Webster Lewis H. Cutler.
58 Dickinson, Clay, Buena Vista and Pocahontas Charles C. Smeltzer.
59 Plymouth, Cherokee, Ida and Woodbury Isaac Pendleton.
60 Sac, Calhoun, Carroll, Greene George S. Walton.
61 Audubon, Guthrie, Cass, Adair Samuel L. Lorah.
62 Taylor, Ringgold and Union Reuben A. Mosher.

63 Adams, Montgomery and Page George A. Gordon.
64 Shelby, Harrison, Monona and Crawford William W. Fuller.

Republicans, 60; Democrats, 34.

The regular session adjourned April 8, 1862. An extra session convened September 3, 1862, and adjourned on the 11th of September.


Convened at Des Moines, January 11, 1864.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Enoch Eastman, President, Republican.

William F. Davis, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Frederick Hesser, George W. McCrary.
2 Van Buren Abner H. McCrary.
3 Davis Samuel A. Moore.
4 Appanoose Nathan Udell.
5 Wayne, Lucas and Clark Ziba Brown.
6 Decatur C. G. Bridges.
7 Ringgold, Taylor, Page, Union, Adams and Montgomery vL. W. Hillyer.
8 Fremont, Mills, Cass, and Pottawattamie Lewis W. Ross.
9 Des Moines John G. Foote.
10 Henry Theron W. Woolson.
11 Jefferson D. P. Stubbs.
12 Wapello J. W. Dixon.
13 Monroe William C. Shippen.
14 Louisa James S. Hurley.
15 Muscatine John A. Parvin.
16 Washington J. F. McJunkin.
17 Keokuk John C. Hogin.
18 Mahaska J. A. L. Crookham.
19 Marion Thomas McMillan.
20 Warren Philo G. C. Merrill.
21 Madison, Dallas, Guthrie, and Adair Benjamin F. Roberts.
22 Scott Benjamin F. Gue, Thomas J. Saunders.
23 Clinton Norman Boardman.
24 Cedar Henry Wharton.
25 Johnson Ezekiel Clark.
26 Iowa and Poweshiek M. E. Cutts.
27 Jasper Elisha Flaugh.
28 Polk Josiah H. Hatch.
29 Jackson John Hilsinger.
30 Jones Ezekiel Cutler; qualified February 6th.
31 Linn Joseph B. Young.
32 Benton and Tama William B. King.
33 Marshall, Story, Boone, Hamilton and Greene Henry C. Henderson.
34 Dubuque John D. Jennings, F. M. Knoll.
35 Delaware John M. Brayton.
36 Buchanan and Bremer L. W. Hart.
37 Clayton Benjamin T. Hunt.
38 Fayette Harvey S. Brunson.
39 Hardin, Grundy, Black Hawk, Butler and Franklin Coker F. Clarkson.
40 Allamakee George W. Gray.
41 Winneshiek Martin V. Burdick.
42 Howard, Mitchell, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Floyd and Chickasaw John G. Patterson.

43 Harrison, Shelby, Audubon, Monona, Crawford, Carroll, Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Calhoun, Webster, Plymouth, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Winnebago, Hancock, Wright, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Sioux, O’Brien, Clay, Palo Alto, Kossuth, Emmet, Dickinson, Osceola and Buncombe George W. Bassett.

Republicans, 42; Democrats, 4.

House of Representatives.

Jacob Butler, Speaker, Republican.
Jacob Rich, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Ferdinand Meissner, B. S. Merriam, Washington Galland.
2 Van Buren William C. Garrett, James W. Latham.
3 Davis F. H. Cary, Dennis A. Hurst.
4 Appanoose Edward F. Morton.
5 Wayne Elijah Glendenning.
6 Decatur John R. Andrews.
7 Des Moines Joseph J. McMakin, James Bruce.
8 Henry H. R. Lyons, Alvah H. Bereman.
9 Jefferson George C. Fry, Owen Bromley.
10 Wapello Peter Knox, Edward H. Stiles.
11 Monroe John Clark.
12 Lucas H. H. Day.
13 Clarke Calvin R. Johnson.
14 Page N. L. Van Sandt.
15 Fremont T. L. Buckham.
16 Mills William Hale.
17 Louisa Enoch Potter.
18 Washington Samuel A. Russell, Nathan Littler.
19 Keokuk Joseph Andrews, R. S. Mills.
20 Mahaska J. N. H. Campbell, Ephriam Munsell.
21 Marion John L. McCormack, Stephen Y. Gose.
22 Warren Samuel B. Lindsay.
23 Madison John E. Barby.
24 Pottawattamie Andrew J. Bell.
25 Muscatine Jacob Butler, Samuel McNutt.
26 Johnson Robert S. Finkbine, Warner Spurrier.
27 Iowa Silas G. Sweet.
28 Poweshiek Reuben Sears.
29 Jasper Salem Jeffries.
30 Polk Nicholas Baylies.
31 Dallas Elwood Lindley.
32 Scott Hugh M. Thompson, Hugh M. G. Skiles, Williamson Sanderson.
33 Clinton George W. Parker, Samuel G. Magill.
34 Cedar John W. Stanton, William P. Wolf.
35 Jackson Henry Green, Ebenezer Dorr.
36 Jones John Russell, J. H. Fuller.
37 Linn John P. Carbee, Charles Weare.
38 Benton Alexander Runyon.
39 Tama Phineas Helm.
40 Marshall Oliver F. Hixson.
41 Dubuque Daniel Cort, Benjamin B. Richards, John Christoph, D. O’Brien.
42 Delaware Joseph W. Simpson.
43 Buchanan Dilazon D. Holdridge.
44 Black Hawk Cicero Close.
45 Hardin William J. Moir.
46 Clayton William J. Gilchrist, Henry White.
47 Fayette P. F. Sturgis.
48 Bremer John E. Burke.

49 Chickasaw Henry C. Vinton.
50 Allamakee Charles Paulk.
51 Winneshiek Ole Nelson, James H. Brown.
52 Howard and Mitchell Thomas R. Perry.
53 Butler, Franklin and Grundy Willis A. Lathrop.
54 Cerro Gordo and Floyd A. B. F. Hildreth.
55 Hamilton and Story George M. Maxwell.
56 Boone and Greene Samuel B. McCall.
57 Wright, Hancock, Winnebago and Worth Charles D. Pritchard.
58 Emmet, Humboldt, Kossuth, and Palo Alto Edward McKnight.
59 Clay, Dickinson, O’Brien, Sioux John Smith.
60 Buena Vista, Calhoun, Pocahontas and Webster James W. Logan.
61 Cherokee, Ida, Plymouth, and Woodbury William L. Joy.
62 Carroll, Crawford, Monona, Sac Addison Oliver.
63 Harrison and Shelby Stephen King.
64 Adair, Audubon, Cass, Guthrie Elbridge B. Fenn.
65 Adams, Montgomery, Union W. B. Davis.
66 Ringgold and Taylor William Elliot.

Republicans, 87; Democrats, 5.

The General Assembly Adjourned March 29, 1864.


Convened at Des Moines, January 8, 1866.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Benjamin F. Gue, President, Republican.

J. W. Dixon, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Nathaniel G. Hedges, Joseph Holman.
2 Van Buren Eliab Doud.
3 Davis Samuel A. Moore.
4 Appanoose Nathan Udell.
5 Lucas, Clarke and Wayne Edward E. Edwards.
6 Ringgold and Decatur C. G. Bridges.
7 Taylor, Page, Union, Adams and Montgomery L. W. Hillyer.
8 Fremont, Mills, Cass and Pottawattamie Lewis W. Ross.
9 Des Moines Fitz Henry Warren.
10 Henry Theron W. Woolson.
11 Jefferson D P. Stubbs.
12 Wapello Edward H. Stiles.
13 Monroe William C. Shippen.
14 Louisa James M. Robertson.
15 Muscatine John A. Parvin.
16 Washington J. F. McJunkin.
17 Keokuk Ezekiel S. Sampson.
18 Mahaska J. A. L. Crookham.
19 Marion Thomas McMillan.
20 Warren William M. Marshman.
21 Madison, Dallas, Adair and Guthrie Joseph R. Reed.
22 Scott Joseph B. Leake, Andrew M. Larimer.
23 Clinton John Henry Smith.
24 Cedar Henry Wharton.
25 Johnson Ezekiel Clark.
26 Iowa and Poweshiek M. E. Cutts.
27 Jasper John Meyer.
28 Polk Jonathan W. Cattell.

29 Jackson John Hilsinger.
30 Jones Sewell S. Farwell.
31 Linn Joseph B. Young, admitted February 22.
32 Benton and Tama Wiliam B. King.
33 Marshall, Story and Boone Henry C. Henderson.
34 Dubuque F. M. Knoll, Benjamin B. Richards.
35 Delaware John M. Brayton.
36 Buchanan and Bremer L. W. Hart.
37 Clayton Benjamin T. Hunt.
38 Fayette William B. Lakin.
39 Hardin, Grundy and Hamilton Coker F. Clarkson.
40 Black Hawk and Butler Joseph B. Powers.
41 Allamakee Charles Paulk.
42 Winneshiek H. C. Bulls.
43 Howard, Mitchell, Floyd and Chickasaw John G. Patterson.
44 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth, Emmet, Dickinson, Clay, Palo Alto, Hancock, Cerro Gordo, Wright, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Sac, Calhoun, Webster and Franklin George W. Bassett.
45 Harrison, Shelby, Audubon, Carroll, Greene, Crawford, Monona, Woodbury, Ida, Cherokee, Plymouth, Sioux, Osceola, O’Brien and Lyon Addison Oliver.

Republicans, 43; Democrats, 5.

House of Representatives.

Ed Wright, Speaker, Republican.
Charles Aldrich, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Webster Ballinger, William G. Buck, Peter M. Lowden.
2 Van Buren Joel Brown, Jonathan Thatcher.
3 Davis J. M. Garrett, Henry C. Traverse.
4 Appanoose Madison M. Walden.
5 Wayne Samuel L. Glasgow.
6 Decatur Thomas H. Brown.
7 Des Moines J. Wilson Williams, Charles Ben Darwin, Samuel A. Flanders.
8 Henry John P. West, Thomas A. Bereman.
9 Jefferson George C. Fry, John T. McCullough.
10 Wapello Peter Knox, Charles Dudley.
11 Monroe Henry L. Dashiell.
12 Lucas A. B. Conaway.
13 Clarke John F. Landes.
14 Page Charles Linderman.
15 Fremont William C. Sipple.
16 Mills William Hale.
17 Louisa N. T. Brown.
18 Washington Granville G. Bennett, Howard M. Holden.
19 Keokuk Theron A. Morgan, David A. Stockman.
20 Mahaska Thomas N. Barnes, Simon G. Gary.
21 Marion B. F. Van Leuven, James D. Gamble.
22 Warren George E. Griffith.
23 Madison Joseph M. Browne.
24 Pottawattamie William F. Sapp.
25 Muscatine Samuel McNutt, R. M. Burnett.
26 Johnson G. E. DeForest, Robert S. Finkbine.
27 Iowa John R. Serrin.
28 Poweshiek David H. Emery.
29 Jasper David Ryan.
30 Polk Hoyt Sherman, George Lute Godfrey,

31 Dallas W. S. M. Abbott.
32 Scott Hugh M. Thomson, M. J. Rohlfs, John N. Rogers.
33 Clinton B. R. Palmer, G. W. Thorne.
34 Cedar Ed. Wright, John G. Safely.
35 Jackson John Wilson, Alva McLaughlin.
36 Jones John Russell, John McKean.
37 Linn John B. Carbee, A. Sydney Belt.
38 Benton Alexander Runyan.
39 Tama Leander Clark.
40 Marshall Thomas J. Wilson.
41 Dubuque D. O’Brien, Winslow T. Barker, Thomas S. Wilson, Andrew Bahl.
42 Delaware Albert Boomer.
43 Buchanan Phineas C. Wilcox.
44 Black Hawk Cicero Close.
45 Hardin Thomas B. Knapp.
46 Clayton John Garber, P. P. Olmsted, Douglas Leffingwell.
47 Fayette Alonzo Abernethy, D. G. Goodrich.
48 Bremer Allen E. Holmes.
49 Chickasaw Gilbert J. Tisdale.
50 Allamakee P. G. Wright, L. E. Fellows.
51 Winneshiek James H. Brown, Horace B. Williams.
52 Boone W. C. Martin.
53 Story George M. Maxwell.
54 Howard and Mitchell D. W. Poindexter.
55 Butler and Grundy Lorenzo D. Tracy.
56 Floyd and Cerro Gordo Wilberforce P. Gaylord.
57 Webster, Pocahontas, Buena Vista and Clay Robert Alcorn.
58 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth and Hancock L. Dwelle
59 Humboldt, Wright, Franklin and Hamilton G. W. Hand.
60 Dickinson, Palo Alto, Emmet and O’Brien; also Osceola and Lyon Howard Graves.
61 Woodbury, Plymouth, Cherokee and Sioux William L. Joy.
62 Monona, Crawford, Ida, Sac S. J. Comfort.
63 Harrison and Shelby L. R. Bolter.
64 Calhoun, Greene, Carroll and Audubon Azor R. Mills.
65 Guthrie, Adair and Cass Abraham L. McPherson.
66 Montgomery, Adams, Union A. K. Crawford.
67 Taylor and Ringgold Alexander Z. Huggins.

Republicans, 83; Democrats, 15.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 3, 1866.


Convened at Des Moines, January 13, 1868.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor John Scott, President, Republican.

James M. Weart, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Joseph Hollman, N. G. Hedges.
2 Van Buren Eliab Doud.
3 Davis Henry C. Traverse.
4 Appanoose Madison M. Walden.
5 Lucas, Clarke, Wayne J. D. Wright.
6 Monroe Edward M. Bill.
7 Decatur, Ringgold Isaac W. Keller.
8 Taylor, Page, Adams, Union, Montgomery N. B. Moore.
9 Cass, Mills and Pottawattamie J. P. Cassady.

10 Des Moines Charles L. Matthies.
11 Henry Theron W. Woolson.
12 Jefferson A. R. Pierce.
13 Wapello A. H. Hamilton.
14 Louisa James M. Robertson.
15 Washington Granville G. Bennett.
16 Muscatine John A. Parvin.
17 Keokuk John C. Johnson.
18 Mahaska John R. Needham.
19 Marion Thomas McMillan.
20 Warren George E. Griffith.
21 Madison, Adair, Guthrie and Dallas Joseph R. Reed.
22 Scott Andrew M. Lauimer, W. W. Cones.
23 Clinton John Henry Smith.
24 Cedar William P. Wolf.
25 Johnson Samuel H. Fairall.
26 Iowa, Poweshiek Matthew Long.
27 Jasper John Meyer.
28 Polk Jonathan W. Cattell.
29 Jackson Lewis B. Dunham.
30 Jones Sewell S. Farwell.
31 Linn Robert Smyth.
32 Benton, Tama James Chapin.
33 Marshall, Hardin Wells S. Rice.
34 Dubuuqe F. M. Knoll, B. B. Richards.
35 Delaware Joseph Grimes.
36 Buchanan, Bremer William G. Donnan.
37 Clayton Homer E. Newell.
38 Fayette William Larrabee.
39 Franklin, Butler, Grundy and Cerro Gordo Marcus Tuttle.
40 Black Hawk Joseph B. Powers.
41 Allamakee L. E. Fellows.
42 Winneshiek H. C. Bulls.
43 Floyd, Mitchell, Howard and Chickasaw James G. Patterson.
44 Boone, Hamilton, Story and Greene Isaac J. Mitchell.
45 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth, Emmet, Clay, Dickinson, Palo Alto, Hancock, Wright, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Sac, Calhoun, Buena Vista, Webster Theodore Hawley.
46 Harrison, Shelby, Audubon, Carroll, Crawford, Monona, Woodbury, Ida, Cherokee, Plymouth, Sioux, O’Brien Addison Oliver.

Republicans, 42; Democrats, 7.

House of Representatives.

John Russell, Speaker, Republican.
Marcus C. Woodruff, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Gibson Browne, C. C. Bauder, William Werner.
2 Van Buren Joel Brown, Seth Craig.
3 Davis J. M. Garrett, William G. Wilson.
4 Appanoose Bannock Phillips.
5 Wayne William Glasgow.
6 Decatur Henry W. Peck
7 Des Moines Robert Allen, A. G. Adams.
8 Henry J. P. Grantham, Jacob Hart.
9 Jefferson John Hayden, A. R. Fulton.
10 Wapello Charles Dudley, S. T. Caldwell.

11 Monroe A. A. Ramsay.
12 Lucas Samuel D. Wheeler.
13 Clarke Barclay Burrows.
14 Page Joseph Cramer.
15 Fremont Frederick Rector.
16 Mills John Y. Stone.
17 Louisa Albert Ellis.
18 Washington Joseph D. Miles, M. Goodspeed.
19 Keokuk John Morrison, William Hartsock.
20 Mahaska Charles Stanley, Thomas Ballinger.
21 Marion Edmund Mechem, Banner G. Bowen.
22 Warren Mark A. Dashiell.
23 Madison Benjamin F. Murray.
24 Pottawattamie Lysander W. Babbitt.
25 Muscatine Samuel McNutt, R. M. Burnett.
26 Johnson John P. Irish, Jacob Y. Blackwell.
27 Iowa Abraham Bolton.
28 Poweshiek Leonard F. Parker.
29 Jasper Merritt P. Attwood.
30 Polk John A. Kasson, Joshua H. Hatch.
31 Dallas LeRoy Lambert.
32 Scott Matthias J. Rohlfs, Charles Kelley, Mathuselah C. Davis.
33 Clinton A. R. Cotton, Charles G. Trusdell, Charles E. Leffingwell.
34 Jones John Russell, John McKean.
35 Cedar William S. Chase, Charles P. Sheldon.
36 Jackson Lewis W. Stuart, John A. Fritz.
37 Linn Adam Perry, William B. Leach.
38 Benton John W. Traer.
39 Tama James Wilson.
40 Marshall Ben W. Johnson.
41 Dubuque Thomas S. Wilson, R. Barrett Lockwood, John B. Longueville, Dennis Donovan.
42 Delaware Cummings Sanborn.
43 Buchanan Phineas C. Wilcox.
44 Black Hawk George Ordway.
45 Hardin Thomas B. Knapp.
46 Clayton Horace Hamilton, James Newberry, Presley G. Bailey.
47 Fayette Aaron Brown, Curtis R. Bent.
48 Bremer Darius P. Walling.
49 Chickasaw William Tucker.
50 Allamakee Pierce G. Wright, George R. Miller.
51 Winneshiek H. B. Williams, Jeremiah T. Atkins.
52 Boone Jackson Orr.
53 Story James Hawthorne.
54 Floyd Wilberforce C. Gaylord.
55 Harrison and Shelby Joseph H. Smith.
56 Mitchell and Howard James H. Brown.
57 Sioux, O’Brien, Buena Vista, and Cherokee Eli Johnson.
58 Dickinson, Emmet, Clay and Palo Alto Roderick A. Smith.
59 Cerro Gordo, Winnebago, Worth and Kossuth Charles W. Yenncy.
60 Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Plymouth Eugene Criss.
61 Wright, Hamilton, Franklin and Hancock John D. Hunter.
62 Webster, Pocahontas, Calhoun and Humboldt Samuel Rees.
63 Monona, Crawford, Carroll Stephen Tillson.
64 Greene, Guthrie, Audubon Henry C. Rippey.
65 Ringgold and Taylor Leonard T. McCoun.
66 Adair, Cass, Montgomery Galen F. Killburn.
67 Butler and Grundy James A. Guthrie.
68 Adams and Union Neal W. Rowell.

Republicans, 86; Democrats, 14.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 8, 1868.


Convened at Des Moines, January 10, 1870.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Madison M. Walden, President, Republican.

James M. Weart, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee E. S. McCulloch.
2 Van Buren Jacob G. Vale.
3 Davis Henry C. Traverse.
4 Appanoose W. F. Vermillion.
5 Monroe and Wayne Edward M. Bill.
6 Clarke, Lucas and Union James D. Wright.
7 Decatur, Ringgold and Taylor Isaac W. Keller.
8 Adams, Fremont and Page Napoleon B. Moore.
9 Montgomery, Cass, Mills and Pottawattamie Jefferson P. Cassady.
10 Des Moines Charles Beardsley.
11 Henry John P. West.
12 Jefferson Abial R. Pierce.
13 Wapello Augustus H. Hamilton.
14 Louisa James S. Hurley.
15 Washington Granville G. Bennett.
16 Muscatine Samuel McNutt.
17 Keokuk J. W. Havens.
18 Mahaska John N. Dixon.
19 Marion John Cathcart.
20 Warren George E. Griffith.
21 Madison, Adair, Dallas and Guthrie Benjamin F. Murray.
22 Scott Robert Lowry, H. R. Claussen.
23 Clinton Alexander P. Ireland.
24 Cedar William P. Wolf.
25 Johnson Samuel H. Fairall.
26 Iowa Matthew Long.
27 Poweshiek and Tama Joseph Dysart.
28 Jasper Frank T. Campbell.
29 Polk B. F. Allen.
30 Jackson Lewis P. Dunham.
31 Jones J ohn McKean.
32 Linn Robert Smyth.
33 Benton James Chapin.
34 Marshall and Hardin Wells S. Rice.
35 Dubuque F. M. Knoll, M. B. Mulkem.
36 Delaware Joseph Grimes.
37 Buchanan William G. Donnan.
38 Black Hawk George W. Couch.
39 Clayton Homer E. Newell.
40 Fayette William Larrabee.
41 Allamakee L. E. Fellows.
42 Winneshiek H. C. Bulis.
43 Chickasaw, Floyd and Howard John G. Patterson.
44 Bremer, Butler and Grundy Emmons Johnson.
45 Hamilton, Story and Boone Isaac J. Mitchell.
46 Mitchell, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Wright, Hancock, Winnebago and Kossuth Marcus Tuttle.
47 Webster, Greene, Carroll, Calhoun, Sac, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Palo Alto, Clay, Emmet, Dickinson Theodore Hawley.
48 Audubon, Shelby, Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Woodbury, Ida, Plymouth, Cherokee, O’Brien, Sioux, Lyon and Osceola Charles Atkins.

Republicans, 43; Democrats, 7.

House of Representatives.

Aylett R. Cotton, Speaker, Republican.
Charles Aldrich, Chief Clerk, Republican.
1 Lee Christian Hirschler, David S. Bell, Patrick Gibbons.
2 Des Moines William Harper, Thomas J. Sauer.
3 Henry Joshua G. Newbold, Joshua W. Satterthwait.
4 Jefferson Joseph Ball, William Hopkirk.
5 Van Buren Joel Brown, George N. Rosser.
6 Wapello Charles Dudley, John H. Carver.
7 Davis Timothy O. Norris.
8 Monroe Benjamin F. Elbert.
9 Appanoose Claudius B. Miller.
10 Lucas A. H. Stutsman.
11 Wayne Lewis Miles, Jr.
12 Decatur Fred A. Teale.
13 Clarke John L. Millard.
14 Union and Adams Neal W. Rowell.
15 Ringgold, Taylor Leonard T. McCoun.
16 Page William Butler.
17 Mills John T. Stone.
18 Fremont James M. Hood.
19 Pottawattamie John Beresheim.
20 Cass, Adair, Montgomery Wesley W. Merritt.
21 Madison John H. Hartenbower.
22 Warren Alexander H. Swan.
23 Marion D. T. Durham, B. F. Keables.
24 Mahaska M. E. Cutts, John F. Lacy.
25 Keokuk John Morrison, Jr., B. A. Haycock.
26 Washington Joseph D. Miles, Samuel Bigger.
27 Louisa George D. Harrison.
28 Muscatine John Mahin, William C. Evans.
29 Cedar James W. Beatty, J. Q. Tufts.
30 Scott M. J. Rohlfs, C. C. Applegate, John W. Green.
31 Clinton A. R. Cotton, Samuel H. Rogers, Benjamin Spencer.
32 Jackson James Dunne, Emory DeGroat.
33 Johnson John P. Irish, David Stewart.
34 Iowa James P. Ketcham.
35 Poweshiek Erastus Snow.
36 Polk John A. Kasson, George W. Jones.
37 Jasper Caleb Bundy, John H. Tait.
38 Dallas Cole Noel.
39 Greene, Calhoun, Pocahontas and Humboldt Gilluns S. Toliver.
40 Shelby, Audubon, Guthrie William H. Campbell.
41 Harrison George H. McGavren.
42 Boone John F. Hopkins.
43 Story William K. Wood.
44 Tama James Wilson.
45 Benton James W. Traer.
46 Marshall Delos Arnold.
47 Linn O liver O. Stanchfield, E. A. Warner.
48 Jones John Russell, P. G. Bonewitz.
49 Dubuque Theophilus Crawford, John Christoph, William Mills, Fred O’Donnell.
50 Delaware Cummings Sanborn.
51 Clayton Samuel Murdock, H. B. Taylor.
52 Allamakee Pierce G. Wright, D. Dickerson.
53 Buchanan Daniel S. Lee.
54 Fayette Aaron Brown, Joseph Hobson.
55 Winneshiek Horace B. Williams, A O. Lemon.
56 Mitchell and Howard Amos S. Faville.
57 Chickasaw George W. Butterfield.
58 Floyd H. O. Pratt.
59 Bremer O. C. Harrington.
60 Black Hawk T. B. Carpenter, Jesse Wasson.
61 Butler and Grundy S. B. Dumont.

62 Hardin Henry L. Huff.
63 Wright, Hamilton, Franklin John D. Hunter.
64 Webster Galusha Parsons.
65 Hancock, Cerro Gordo B. F. Hartshorn.
66 Winnebago and Worth, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmet and Dickinson Hardwood G. Day.
67 Woodbury, Plymouth, Sioux, O’Brien, Lyon, Osceola Constant R. Marks.
68 Sac, Beuna Vista, Cherokee and Clay George H. Wright.
69 Monona, Crawford, Carroll and Ida J. D. Miracle.

Republicans, 86; Democrats, 14.

The General Assembly Adjourned on the 13th of April, 1870.


Convened at Des Moines, January 8, 1872.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Henry C. Bulls, President, Republican.

John A. T. Hull, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee E. S. McCulloch.
2 Van Buren Jacob G. Vale.
3 Davis Horatio A. Wonn.
4 Appanoose Edward J. Gault.
5 Monroe and Wayne Martin Read.
6 Clarke, Lucas and Union Robert A. Dague.
7 Decatur, Ringgold and Taylor Elisha T. Smith.
8 Fremont, Adams and Page J. S. McIntyre.
9 Mills, Pottawattamie and Montgomery John Y. Stone.
10 Des Moines Charles Beardsley.
11 Henry John P. West.
12 Jefferson Moses A. McCoid.
13 Wapello Joseph H. Merrill.
14 Louisa James S. Hurley.
15 Washington Joseph D. Miles.
16 Muscatine Samuel McNutt.
17 Keokuk Joseph W. Havens.
18 Mahaska James A. Young.
19 Marion John L. McCormack.
20 Warren Mark A. Dashiell.
21 Madison, Adair and Cass Benjamin F. Murray.
22 Scott Robert Lowry, Hans R. Claussen.
23 Clinton Alexander B. Ireland.
24 Cedar John C. Chambers.
25 Johnson Samuel H. Fairall.
26 Iowa James P. Ketcham.
27 Tama and Poweshiek Joseph Dysart.
28 Jasper Frank T. Campbell.
29 Polk B. F. Allen.
30 Jackson Lewis W. Stewart.
31 Jones John McKean.
32 Linn Ezekiel B. Kephart.
33 Benton John Shane.
34 Marshall and Hardin R. Howe Taylor.
35 Dubuque Benjamin B. Richards.
36 Delaware Albert Boomer.
37 Buchanan George W. Bemis.
38 Black Hawk and Grundy John H. Leavitt.
39 Clayton Oliver W. Crary.
40 Fayette William Larrabee.
41 Allamakee Samuel H. Kinne.
42 Winneshiek George R. Willett.

43 Floyd, Butler and Mitchell Alonzo Converse.
44 Bremer, Chickasaw and Howard John E. Burke.
45 Story and Boone George M. Maxwell.
46 Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Worth, Winnebago, Hancock, Wright, Kossuth, Crocker and Emmet Elisha A. Howland.
47 Hamilton, Webster, Sac, Humboldt, Calhoun, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Dickinson, Clay and Buena Vista William H. Fitch.
48 Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Shelby, Ida, Woodbury, Plymouth, Cherokee, O’Brien, Sioux, Lyon and Osceola Charles Atkins.
49 Dallas, Guthrie, Audubon, Carroll and Greene John J. Russell.

Republicans, 42; Democrats, 8.

House of Representatives.

James Wilson, Speaker, Republican.
John J. Safely, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Webster Ballinger, E. M. Stewart, Conrad Schweer.
2 Des Moines John H. Gear, Benton J. Hall.
3 Henry Joshua G. Newbold, John M. Hanson.
4 Jefferson William Hopkirk, Edward Campbell, Jr.
5 Van Buren Samuel Whitten, John R. Wright.
6 Wapello John H. Carver, Samuel T. Caldwell.
7 Davis Isaac Blakely.
8 Monroe James Hinton.
9 Appanoose Claudius B. Miller.
10 Lucas David J. McCoy.
11 Wayne James H. Crawford,
12 Decatur Fred Teale.
13 Clarke James Rice.
14 Union, Adams Franklin M. Davis.
15 Ringgold, Taylor Andrew Johnson.
16 Page William Butler.
17 Mills Appler R. Wright.
18 Fremont Washburn A. Stow.
19 Pottawattamie John Beresheim.
20 Cass, Adair, Montgomery Oliver Mills.
21 Madison David D. Davidson.
22 Warren John M. Lee.
23 Marion Benjamin F. Keables, David T. Durham.
24 Mahaska L. F. Ellsworth, W. L. McAllister.
25 Keokuk John Morrison, Jr., John F. Wilson.
26 Washington Marshall Goodspeed, Charles H. Wilson.
27 Louisa Francis A. Duncan.
28 Muscatine William C. Evans, Elmus Day.
29 Cedar John Q. Tufts, James W. Beatty.
30 Scott Matthias J. Rohlfs, John W. Green, Joseph H. Freeman.
31 Clinton James Van Deventer, George Rule, Nathaniel A. Merrill.
32 Jackson George C. Heberling, William H. Read.
33 Johnson John P. Irish, George Paul.
34 Iowa John C. Clarke.
35 Poweshiek L. E. Cardell.
36 Polk John A. Kasson, James M. Tuttle.
37 Jasper Ira E. Draper, John P. Beatty.
38 Dallas Hugo G. Van Meter.
39 Guthrie, Greene William Maxwell.

40 Audubon, Shelby, Crawford, and Monona Charles G. Perkins.
41 Harrison Phineas Caldwell.
42 Boone Charles J. A. Ericson.
43 Story William K. Wood.
44 Tama James Wilson.
45 Benton E. M. Stedman, Frank G. Clark.
46 Marshall James L. Williams.
47 Linn Joseph S. McClure, W. D. Lietzenberg.
48 Jones Peter G. Bonwitz, John Tasker.
49 Dubuque Fred O’Donnell, Caleb H. Booth, John Christopher.
50 Delaware Cornelius T. Peet.
51 Clayton Robert B. Flenniken, Louis Renther.
52 Allamakee Henry Dayton, Andrew Sandry.
53 Buchanan Joseph M. Hovey.
54 Fayette Lucan L. Ainsworth.
55 Winneshiek Knut E. Bergh, Warren Danforth.
56 Mitchell, Howard William W. Blackman.
57 Chickasaw Darius B. Hanan.
58 Floyd Henry O. Pratt.
59 Bremer James A. Skillen.
60 Black Hawk Cicero Close, George B. Van Saun,
61 Butler Samuel B. Dumont.
62 Franklin, Grundy Michael A. Leahy.
63 Hardin Lewis O. Bliss.
64 Wright, Hamilton, Humboldt Sumner B. Hewitt, Jr.
65 Webster John F. Duncombe.
66 Cerro Gordo, Worth, Hancock, Winnebago David Secor.
67 Kossuth, Crocker, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, Calhoun Robert Struthers.
68 Carroll, Sac, Buena Vista, Cherokee Fletcher A. Blake.
69 Woodbury, Ida, Plymouth, Sioux and Lyon A. R. Appleton.
70 O’Brien, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Osceola Henry B. Wood.

Republicans, 78; Democrats, 22.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 23, 1872.


Convened at Des Moines, January 12, 1874.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Joseph Dysart, President, Republican.

John A. T. Hull, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Henry W. Rothert.
2 Van Buren James B. Pease.
3 Davis Horatio A. Wonn.
4 Appanoose Edward J. Gault.
5 Monroe and Wayne Lloyd Selby.
6 Clarke, Lucas and Union Robert A. Dague.
7 Decatur, Ringgold and Taylor Elisha T. Smith.
8 Fremont, Adams and Page J. S. McDityre.
9 Mills, Pottawattamie and Montgomery John Y. Stone.
10 Des Moines J. Wilson Williams.
11 Henry John P. West.
12 Jefferson Moses A. McCoid.
13 Wapello Joseph H. Merrill.
14 Keokuk H. N. Newton.
15 Washington and Louisa Joseph D. Miles.
16 Madison and Dallas Henry Thornburg.

17 Adair, Cass, Adams and Union Lafayette Young.
18 Mahaska James A. Young.
19 Marion John L. McCormack
20 Warren Mark A. Dashiell.
21 Muscatine Gilbert H. Wood.
22 Scott Jeremiah H. Murphy.
23 Clinton Nathaniel A. Merrell.
24 Cedar John C. Chambers.
25 Johnson Samuel H. Fairall.
26 Iowa John N. W. Rumple.
27 Jasper Frank T. Campbell.
28 Polk Thomas Mitchell.
29 Hamilton and Hardin Elias Jessup.
30 Jackson L. W. Stuart.
31 Jones George L. Lovell.
32 Linn Ezekiel B. Kephart.
33 Benton John Shane.
34 Marshall and Grundy R. Howe Taylor.
35 Dubuque Dennis N. Cooley.
36 Delaware Albert Boomer.
37 Buchanan G. W. Bemis
38 Poweshiek and Tama John Conaway.
39 Clayton Oliver W. Crary.
40 Fayette William Larrabee.
41 Allamakee Samuel H. Kinne.
42 Winneshiek George R. Willett.
43 Mitchell, Floyd and Butler Alonzo Converse.
44 Black Hawk Edward G. Miller.
45 Boone and Story George M. Maxwell.
46 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth, Hancock, Cerro Gordo, Humboldt, Wright and Franklin Elisha A. Howland.
47 Dickinson, Emmet, Clay, Palo Alto, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Ida, Sac, Calhoun, Webster William H. Fitch.
48 Howard, Chickasaw, Bremer Hiram Bailey.
49 Greene, Carroll, Crawford, Shelby, Audubon and Guthrie John J. Russell.
50 Lyon, Osceola, O’Brien, Sioux, Plymouth, Cherokee, Woodbury, Monona, Harrison George D. Perkins.

Republicans, 34; Democrats, 6; Independents, 10.

House of Representatives.

John H. Gear, Speaker, Republican.
James M. Weart, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Isaac Hollingsworth, Absalom Anderson, Conrad Schweer.
2 Des Moines William Lamme, John H. Gear.
3 Henry Joshua G. Newbold, Hugh R. Lyons.
4 Jefferson William Hopkirk.
5 Van Buren Joseph Work.
6 Wapello Jacob Siberell, Jacob W. Dixon.
7 Davis Wesley S. Monroe.
8 Monroe Lorenzo O. Haskell.
9 Appanoose Samuel Jordan.
10 Lucas Edward S. Thompson.
11 Wayne Alva Humeston.
12 Decatur Stanfield P. McNeill.
13 Clarke Smiley H. Bonham.
14 Ringgold and Union Andrew Johnson.
15 Taylor Houston January.

16 Page Allen J. Chantry.
17 Fremont John Cooper.
18 Mills James Mickelwait.
19 Pottawattamie Loveridge S. Axtell.
20 Montgomery and Adams Cornelius C. Platter.
21 Audubon, Shelby, Adair, Cass William H. Easton.
22 Madison Orin B. Bissell.
23 Warren William Runciman.
24 Marion Samuel Breckinridge, Green T. Clark.
25 Mahaska Nelson Cone, Thomas C. Beach.
26 Keokuk David Archer, Jared T. Harper.
27 Washington Edwin F. Brockway, Benjamin F. Brown.
28 Louisa Benjamin Jennings.
29 Muscatine Charles C. Horton, David G. McCloud.
30 Scott Eugene Birchard, David B. Connelly, Ernst Mueller.
31 Clinton Ebenezer Dow, Henry Muhs, Edward Svendsen.
32 Cedar John Q. Tufts, Henry Wharton, Sr.
33 Johnson George Paul, John Hindman.
34 Iowa John C. Clarke.
35 Poweshiek John Moore.
36 Jasper W. P. Cowman, George M. Wilson.
37 Polk William G. Madden, Isaac Brandt.
38 Dallas John McLucas.
39 Guthrie Wilber F. Cardell.
40 Harrison Lemuel R. Bolter.
41 Monona, Crawford, Ida and Cherokee Edmund B. Baird.
42 Greene, Carroll, Calhoun, Sac James N. Miller.
43 Webster Silas Corey.
44 Boone Willis L. Defore.
45 Story Lucian Q. Hoggatt.
46 Hardin Oliver P. Chapin.
47 Marshall Demas M. Moninger.
48 Grundy Lorenzo D. Tracy.
49 Tama William G. Malin.
50 Black Hawk Charles B. Campbell, Robert P. Speer.
51 Benton Eli M. Stedman, S. G. Burnett.
52 Buchanan Samuel T. Sprangler.
53 Linn William D. Litzenberg, Arthur M. McKeel.
54 Jones T. O. Bishop, John W. Moore.
55 Jackson George C. Heberling, P. Mitchell.
56 Dubuque Thos. W. Johnson, Wendelin Lattner, C. J. Rogers.
57 Delaware Cornelius T. Peet.
58 Clayton Jabez C. Rounds, Bernard F. Schroeder.
59 Fayette William R. Morley.
60 Allamakee Henry Dayton.
61 Winneshiek Warren Danforth, John DeCow.
62 Bremer Louis Case.
63 Chickasaw Darius B. Hanan.
64 Howard Henry A. Goodrich.
65 Mitchell Henry Kelly.
66 Floyd Benjamin Darland.
67 Butler Charles A. L. Roszelle.
68 Franklin and Cerro Gordo Michael A. Leahy.
69 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth and Hancock David Secor.
70 Humboldt, Hamilton, Wright John W. Parmelee.
71 Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Palo Alto and Emmet E. J. Hartshorn.
72 Clay, Dickinson, Osceola and O’Brien Henry B. Wood.
73 Woodbury, Plymouth, Sioux and Lyon Samuel E. Gilliland.

Republicans, 50; Independents, 44; Democrats, 6.

The General Assembly Adjourned March 19, 1874.


Convened at Des Moines, January 10, 1876.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Joshua G. Newbold, President, Republican.

John A. T. Hull, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Henry W. Rothert.
2 Van Buren James B. Pease.
3 Davis Horatio B. Wonn.
4 Appanoose Joshua Miller.
5 Monroe and Wayne Henry L. Dashiell.
6 Clarke and Lucas Samuel L. Bestow.
7 Taylor, Ringgold, and Decatur Fred Teale.
8 Fremont, Page, Montgomery Alfred Hebard.
9 Pottawattamie and Mills George F. Wright.
10 Des Moines J. Wilson Williams.
11 Henry John S. Woolson.
12 Jefferson Moses A. McCoid.
13 Wapello Joseph H. Merrill.
14 Keokuk Hosea N. Newton.
15 Washington and Louisa William Wilson.
16 Madison and Dallas Henry Thornburg.
17 Adair, Cass, Adams and Union Lafayette Young.
18 Mahaska Thomas R. Gilmore.
19 Marion John L. McCormack.
20 Warren William Graham.
21 Muscatine Gilbert H. Wood.
22 Scott Jeremiah H. Murphy.
23 Clinton N. A. Merrell.
24 Cedar Henry C. Carr.
25 Johnson Ezekiel Clark.
26 Iowa John N. W. Rumble.
27 Jasper Frank T. Campbell.
28 Polk Thomas Mitchell.
29 Hamilton and Hardin Elias Jessup.
30 Jackson William A. Maginnis.
31 Jones George W. Lovell.
32 Linn Stephen L. Dows.
33 Benton John Shane.
34 Marshall and Grundy Delos Arnold.
35 Dubuque Dennis N. Cooley.
36 Delaware Lewis G. Hersey.
37 Buchanan Merritt W. Harmon.
38 Poweshiek and Tama John Conaway.
39 Clayton John T. Stoneman.
40 Fayette William Larrabee.
41 Allamakee Samuel H. Klnne.
42 Winneshiek George R. Willett.
43 Mitchell, Floyd and Butler Arad Hitchcock.
44 Black Hawk Edward G. Miller.
45 Boone and Story William H. Gallup.
46 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth, Hancock, Cerro Gordo, Humboldt, Wright and Franklin Lemuel Dwelle.
47 Dickinson, Emmet, Clay, Palo Alto, Buena Vista, Ida, Pocahontas, Sac, Calhoun, Webster Eldin J. Hartshorn.
48 Howard, Chickasaw, Bremer Hiram Bailey.
49 Greene, Carroll, Crawford, Shelby, Audubon and Guthrie Samuel D. Nichols.

50 Lyon, Osceola, O’Brien, Sioux, Plymouth, Cherokee, Woodbury, Monona and Harrison George D. Perkins.

Republicans, 35; Democrats, 9.

House of Representatives.

John H. Gear, Speaker, Republican.
James W. Logan, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Wesley C. Hobbs, John Gibbons, John N. Irwin.
2 Des Moines John H. Gear, William Lynch.
3 Henry William Allen, Jacob Kauffman.
4 Jefferson W. L. S. Simmons.
5 Van Buren Thomas Christy.
6 Wapello G. A. Madson, Jacob W. Dixon.
7 Davis L. D. Hotchkiss.
8 Monroe A. M. Giltner.
9 Appanoose James B. Stuckey.
10 Lucas Dan M. Baker.
11 Wayne Elijah Glendenning.
12 Decatur Stanfield P. McNeill.
13 Clarke Jacob Proudfoot.
14 Ringgold and Union S. W. McElderry.
15 Taylor John Madden.
16 Page Edwin P. Hoag.
17 Fremont William M. Brooks.
18 Mills John Y. Stone.
19 Pottawattamie Daniel Hunt.
20 Montgomery and Adams George A. Morse.
21 Audubon, Shelby, Adair, Cass Milton K. Campbell.
22 Madison J. J. Smith.
23 Warren Samuel Irwin.
24 Marion Green T. Clark, John B. Elliott.
25 Mahaska W. H. Seevers, Hardin Tice.
26 Keokuk B. A. Cleveland, Sanford Harned.
27 Washington William Said, G. T. Auld.
28 Louisa Robert E. Benton.
29 Muscatine Charles C. Horton, Frank A. J. Gray.
30 Scott Ernest Mueller, Eugene Birchard, Joseph A. Crawford.
31 Clinton Edward H. Thayer, John A. Young, Henry Horstman.
32 Cedar Robert G. Scott, Alexander Moffit.
33 Johnson Rush Clark, Charles W. McCune.
34 Iowa John L. Williams.
35 Poweshiek Charles F. Carver.
36 Jasper George M. Wilson, Joel W. Deweese.
37 Polk William G. Madden, Josiah Given.
38 Dallas T. C. Norris.
39 Guthrie George J. Maris.
40 Harrison Lemuel R. Bolter.
41 Monona, Crawford, Ida and Cherokee George Rae.
42 Greene, Carroll, Calhoun, Sac Orlando H. Manning.
43 Webster Samuel Rees.
44 Boone Levi Colvin.
45 Story Milton Evans.
46 Hardin John Hall.
47 Marshall William D. Mills.
48 Grundy James Underwood.
49 Tama Gamaliel Jaqua.
50 Black Hawk H. C. Hemenway, Harlan P. Homer.
51 Benton E. Smyth Johnson, John McCartney.
52 Buchanan John Calvin.
53 Linn Moses C. Jordan, William Ure.
54 Jones William T. Shaw, George W. Lathrope.
55 Jackson Lewis W. Stuart, William H. Reed.
56 Dubuque Thomas W. Johnson, Theophilus Crawford, J. K. Graves.
57 Delaware Joseph Chapman.
58 Clayton Charles Mentzel, Thomas D. White.
59 Fayette William E. Fuller.
60 Allamakee Luther Brown.
61 Winneshiek Warren Danforth, Martin N. Johnson.
62 Bremer Louis Case.
63 Chickasaw John McHugh.
64 Howard Henry T. Reed.
65 Mitchell Jesse P. Brush.
66 Floyd Jared B. Shepardson.
67 Butler John Palmer.
68 Franklin and Cerro Gordo Lorenzo D. Lane.
69 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth and Hancock Henry H. Bush.
70 Humboldt, Hamilton, Wright John L. Morse.
71 Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Palo Alto, Emmet Gifford S. Robinson.
72 Clay, Dickinson, Osceola and O'Brien John F. Glover.
73 Woodbury, Plymouth, Sioux and Lyon Samuel B. Gilliland.

Republicans, 70; Democrats, 30.

The General Assembly Adjourned March 16, 1876.


Convened at Des Moines, January 14, 1878.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Frank T. Campbell, President, Republican.

John A. T. Hull, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee James M. Shelley.
2 Van Buren and Davis Horatio A. Wonn.
3 Appanoose Joshua Miller.
4 Monroe and Wayne Henry L. Dashiel.
5 Union, Clark and Lucas Samuel L. Bestow.
6 Decatur, Ringgold, Taylor Fred Teale.
7 Fremont and Page P. W. Lewellen.
8 Mills, Montgomery, Adams Alfred Hebard.
9 Des Moines John Patterson.
10 Henry John S. Woolson.
11 Jefferson Moses A. McCoid.
12 Keokuk Sanford Harned.
13 Wapello Gregg A. Madson.
14 Washington and Louisa William Wilson.
15 Mahaska Thomas R. Gilmore.
16 Marion John L. McCormack.
17 Warren William Graham.
18 Madison, Cass and Adair Lafayette Young.
19 Pottawattamie George F. Wright.
20 Muscatine Thomas Hanna.
21 Scott William A. Foster.
22 Clinton Nathaniel A. Merrill.
23 Cedar and Jones Henry C. Carr.
24 Jackson William A. Maginnis.
25 Johnson Ezekiel Clark.
26 Iowa J. N. W. Rumple.
27 Linn Stephen L. Dows.
28 Benton John D. Nichols.
29 Jasper John Meyer.
30 Polk Robert C. Webb.

31 Dallas, Guthrie, Audubon and Shelby Samuel D. Nichols.
32 Marshall and Grundy Delos Arnold.
33 Story and Boone William H. Gallup.
34 Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Ida and Sac Augustin W. Ford.
35 Dubuque Moses M. Ham.
36 Delaware Charles E. Bronson.
37 Hardin and Hamilton Daniel D. Chase.
38 Black Hawk H. C. Hemenway.
39 Buchanan M. W. Harmon.
40 Clayton J. T. Stoneman.
41 Allamakee Samuel H. Kinne.
42 Winneshiek Martin N. Johnson.
43 Fayette William Larrabee.
44 Bremer, Chickasaw, Howard Aaron Kimball.
45 Poweshiek and Tama Robert M. Haines.
46 Butler, Floyd, Mitchell W. W. Blackman.
47 Winnebago, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Wright, Franklin and Hancock Lemuel Dwelle.
48 Webster, Greene, Calhoun, and Carroll J. J. Russell.
49 Kossuth, Humboldt, Emmet, Dickinson, Clay, Palo Alto, O’Brien, Pocahontas and Osceola Eldin J. Hartshorn.
50 Woodbury, Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon, Cherokee and Buena Vista Albert H. Lawrence.

Republicans, 38; Democrats, 12.

House of Representatives.

John T. Stone, Speaker, Republican.
William V. Lucas, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee J. D. M. Hamilton, Jacob S. Lessenger.
2 Des Moines John M. Kopp, Walcott Seymour.
3 Henry Jacob Kauffman, William Allen.
4 Jefferson John Heron.
5 Van Buren Oliver O. H. P. Scott.
6 Wapello Joseph A. Israel, Wilson A. Fast.
7 Davis Loyal D. Hotchkiss.
8 Monroe R. Wallace Duncan.
9 Appanoose Samuel T. Sherrod.
10 Lucas Smith H. Mallory.
11 Wayne Greenwood Wright.
12 Clarke John Stephenson.
13 Decatur William S. Warnock.
14 Union James Doty.
15 Ringgold Allen Higgins.
16 Adams George A. Moore.
17 Taylor James P. Flick.
18 Montgomery George T. Ashby.
19 Page Edwin B. Hoag.
20 Mills John T. Stone.
21 Fremont Joseph Rhodes.
22 Pottawattamie George Carson, Benjamin F. Clayton.
23 Cass Oil Coomes.
24 Madison William F. Hadley.
25 Warren George Wright.
26 Marion William M. Stone, John B. Elliott.
27 Mahaska John R. Nichols, Horace W. Gleason.
28 Keokuk Matthias Williams.
29 Washington Benoni Parkinson.
30 Louisa George Jamison.
31 Muscatine F. A. J. Gray, Isaac R. Terry.

32 Scott Charles M. Waterman, Bruce T. Seaman, Ernest Mueller.
33 Cedar Elwood Macy.
34 Johnson Moses Bloom, George Paul.
35 Iowa Norman B. Holbrook.
36 Poweshiek Andrew J. Wood.
37 Jasper John C. Hiatt, Joel W. Deweese.
38 Polk Jerry B. Tiffin, Clarence S. Wilson.
39 Dallas William S. Russell.
40 Guthrie Thomas Seeley.
41 Harrison Henry B. Lyman.
42 Boone George W. Crooks.
43 Story Frank Curtis.
44 Marshall John M. Parker.
45 Tama Gamaliel Jaqua.
46 Benton John McCartney, E. S. Johnson.
47 Linn Irving P. Bowdish, William Ure.
48 Jones Silas M. Yoran.
49 Clinton John A. Young, Artemus A. Gardner.
50 Jackson Justin W. Miles, Philip P. Bradley.
51 Dubuque Frederick M. Knoll, Dennis O’Brien, Fred O’Donnell.
52 Delaware Joseph Chapman.
53 Buchanan John Calvin.
54 Black Hawk Jeremiah L. Gay, Lore Alford.
55 Grundy George Wells.
56 Hardin Edward Taylor.
57 Hamilton Ira H. Tremain.
58 Webster Oliver Tyson.
59 Woodbury James H. Bolton.
60 Butler Alvin M. Whaley.
61 Bremer John K. L. Maynard.
62 Fayette Henry Rickel.
63 Clayton Alexander Bliedung, Thomas Updegraff.
64 Allamakee Benjamin Ratcliff.
65 Winneshiek Henry A. Baker, Hiram C. Manning.
66 Howard Charles E. Brown.
67 Chickasaw William E. Perrin.
68 Mitchell John Gammons.
69 Floyd Orlo H. Lyon.
70 Plymouth, Sioux and Lyon William Barrett.
71 Monona, Crawford and Ida Elijah Peake.
72 Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas and Sac L. H. Gordon.
73 Greene, Carroll and Calhoun Orlando H. Manning.
74 Adair, Audubon and Shelby John A. Hallock.
75 Clay, Osceola, O’Brien and Dickinson Charles McAllister.
76 Emmet, Palo Alto, Kossuth and Humboldt John J. Wilson.
77 Wright, Winnebago, Hancock and Worth A. C. Walker.
78 Cerro Gordo and Franklin John H. King.

Republicans, 73; Democrats, 25; Greenbackers, 2.

The General Assembly Adourned March, 26, 1878.


Convened at Des Moines, January 12, 1880.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Frank T. Campbell, President, Republican.

A. T. McCarger, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee James M. Shelley.
2 Van Buren and Davis Henry C. Traverse.
3 Appanoose Jesse J. Wall.
4 Monroe and Wayne David M. Clark.

5 Union, Clarke and Lucas William M. Wilson.
6 Decatur, Ringgold and Taylor Isaac W. Keller.
7 Fremont and Page Philip W. Lewellen.
8 Mills, Montgomery and Adams Alfred Hebard.
9 Des Moines John Patterson.
10 Henry John S. Woolson.
11 Jefferson Sanford M. Boling.
12 Keokuk Sanford Harned.
13 Wapello Gregg A. Madson.
14 Washington and Louisa John W. Prizer.
15 Mahaska J. Kelley Johnson.
16 Marion James F. Greenlee.
17 Warren Mark A. Dashiell.
18 Madison, Adair and Cass Lafayette Young.
19 Pottawattamie George F. Wright.
20 Muscatine Thomas Hanna.
21 Scott William A. Foster.
22 Clinton Nathaniel A. Merrell.
23 Cedar and Jones John Russell.
24 Jackson Pierce Mitchell.
25 Johnson John C. Shrader.
26 Iowa Christian Hedges.
27 Linn John W. Henderson.
28 Benton John D. Nichols.
29 Jasper John Meyer.
30 Polk Robert C. Webb.
31 Dallas, Guthrie, Audubon and Shelby Samuel D. Nichols.
32 Marshall and Grundy Delos Arnold.
33 Boone and Story John D. Gillett.
34 Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Ida and Sac Augustin W. Ford.
35 Dubuque Moses M. Ham.
36 Delaware Rodney W. Tirrill.
37 Hardin and Hamilton Daniel D. Chase.
38 Black Hawk H. C. Hemenway.
39 Buchanan Merritt W. Harmon.
40 Clayton Martin Garber.
41 Allamakee Henry Nielander.
42 Winneshiek Martin N. Johnson.
43 Fayette William Larrabee.
44 Bremer, Chickasaw, Howard Aaron Kimball.
45 Poweshiek and Tama Robert M. Haines.
46 Butler, Floyd and Mitchell W. P. Gaylord.
47 Winnebago, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Wright, Franklin, Hancock F. M. Goodykoontz.
48 Calhoun, Carroll, Greene and Webster John J. Russell.
49 Kossuth, Humboldt, Emmet, Dickinson, Clay, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, O’Brien, Osceola Eldin J. Hartshorn.
50 Woodbury, Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon, Cherokee, Buena Vista Albert H. Lawrence.

Republicans, 41; Democrats, 7; Nationals, 2.

House of Representatives.

Lore Alford, Speaker, Republican.
William V. Lucas, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Andrew B. Caldwell, Joseph M. Casey.
2 Des Moines Samuel L. Glasgow, J. Wilson Williams.
3 Henry Joshua G. Newbold, Charles W. Payne.
4 Jefferson John W. Hayden.

5 Van Buren Daniel W. Stutsman.
6 Wapello F. M. Epperson, J. G. Hutchinson.
7 Davis Samuel B. Downing.
8 Monroe James M. Robb.
9 Appanoose Samuel Hixson.
10 Lucas Warren S. Dungan.
11 Wayne A. C. Reck.
12 Clarke John H. Martindale.
13 Decatur J. C. Porter.
14 Union Francis M. Richey.
15 Ringgold Charles C. Bosworth.
16 Adams Edmund Homan.
17 Taylor Nathan S. Hornaday.
18 Montgomery Zelotes T. Fisher.
19 Page Watson E. Webster.
20 Mills Winfield S. Lewis.
21 Fremont Thomas R. Stockston.
22 Pottawattamie George Carson, Benjamin F. Clayton.
23 Cass Oil Coomes.
24 Madison Daniel Francis.
25 Warren William J. Cochran.
26 Marion Lorin N. Hays, Solomon F. Prouty.
27 Mahaska James Bridges, Joseph H. Evans.
28 Keokuk Cyrus H. Mackey.
29 Washington Abram Pearson.
30 Louisa William A. Colton.
31 Muscatine Pliny Nichols, Isaac R. Terry.
32 Scott Henry Egbert, Ernest Mueller, Bruce T. Seaman.
33 Cedar Robert G. Scott.
34 Johnson Moses Bloom, Lewis R. Wolfe.
35 Iowa Elvin Tilton.
36 Poweshiek Andrew J. Wood.
37 Jasper Eli E. Dotson, John M. Tool.
38 Polk Josiah A. Harvey, James C. Jordan.
39 Dallas William S. Russell.
40 Guthrie Joel L. Palmer.
41 Harrison George Richardson.
42 Boone John H. Jennings.
43 Story William D. Lucas.
44 Marshall John M. Parker.
45 Tama George R. Struble.
46 Benton Joseph E. Cobbey, Jacob K. Wagner.
47 Linn William R. Brown, R. D. Stephens.
48 Jones Silas M. Yoran.
49 Clinton William Lake, LeRoi B. Wadleigh.
50 Jackson A. W. Richardson, Samuel S. Simpson.
51 Dubuque Michael Ehl, William J. Knight, Dennis O’Brien.
52 Delaware William H. Merten.
53 Buchanan Isaac Muncey.
54 Black Hawk Lore Alford, Jeremiah L. Gay.
55 Grundy Abram V. Stout.
56 Hardin Corydon M. Nagle.
57 Hamilton Gilbert M. Blair.
58 Webster John F. Duncombe.
59 Woodbury John B. Belfrage.
60 Butler Alvin M. Whaley.
61 Bremer Ephraim J. Dean.
62 Fayette Abner Lewis.
63 Clayton Gregor McGregor, John Van Staden.
64 Allamakee Thomas H. Barnes.
65 Winneshiek Henry A. Bakers, Levi M. Hubbell.
66 Howard Samuel S. Lambert.
67 Chickasaw William B. Perrin.
68 Mitchell Isaac Patterson.
69 Floyd Orlo H. Lyon.
70 Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon Alexander L. Beach.
71 Monona, Crawford, Ida Henry C. Laub.
72 Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Sac D. J. McDaid.

73 Calhoun, Carroll, Greene S. T. Hutchinson.
74 Adair, Audubon, Shelby Platt Wicks.
75 Clay, Dickinson, O’Brien and Osceola Walter B. Brown.
76 Emmet, Humboldt, Kossuth and Palo Alto Anson D. Bicknell.
77 Hancock, Winnebago, Worth and Wright Justin M. Hull.
78 Cerro Gordo, Franklin John H. King.

Republicans, 82; Democrats, 14; Nationals, 4.

The General Assembly Adjourned March, 27, 1880.


Convened at Des Moines, January 9, 1882.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Orlando H. Manning, President, Republican.

Frank D. Jackson, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Henry W. Rothert.
2 Van Buren and Davis Alexander Brown.
3 Appanoose Jesse J. Wall.
4 Monroe and Wayne David M. Clark.
5 Union, Clarke and Lucas William M. Wilson.
6 Decatur, Ringgold and Taylor Isaac W. Keller.
7 Fremont and Page Talton E. Clark.
8 Mills, Montgomery and Adams Alfred Hebard.
9 Des Moines Benton J. Hall.
10 Henry Lot Abraham.
11 Jefferson Sanford M. Boling.
12 Keokuk Cassius M. Brown.
13 Wapello Joseph G. Hutchison.
14 Washington and Louisa John W. Prizer.
15 Mahaska J. Kelley Johnson.
16 Marion James P. Greenlee.
17 Warren Mark A. Dashiell.
18 Madison, Adair and Cass Cephas B. Hunt.
19 Pottawattamie George F. Wright.
20 Muscatine Pliny Nichols.
21 Scott John C. Bills.
22 Clinton Wickliffe A. Cotton.
23 Cedar and Jones John Russell.
24 Jackson Pierce Mitchell.
25 Johnson John C. Shrader.
26 Iowa William A. Patrick.
27 Linn John W. Henderson.
28 Benton John D. Nichols.
29 Jasper Egbert C. Sudlow.
30 Polk Hiram T. Smith.
31 Dallas, Guthrie, Audubon and Shelby Samuel D. Nichols.
32 Marshall and Grundy Delos Arnold.
33 Boone and Story John D. Gillett.
34 Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Ida and Sac T. M. C. Logan.
35 Dubuque Julius K. Graves.
36 Delaware Rodney W. Tirrill.
37 Hardin and Hamilton John L. Kamrar.
38 Black Hawk H. C. Hemenway.
39 Buchanan Merritt W. Harmon.
40 Clayton Martin Garber.
41 Allamakee Henry Neilander.
42 Winneshiek Henry A. Baker.
43 Fayette William Larrabee.
44 Bremer, Chickasaw, Howard C. A Marshall.

45 Poweshiek and Tama Alfred N. Poyneer.
46 Butler, Floyd and Mitchell Alvin M. Whaley.
47 Winnebago, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Wright, Franklin, Hancock Horace G. Parker.
48 Calhoun, Carroll, Greene and Webster John J. Russell.
49 Kossuth, Humboldt, Emmet, Dickinson, Clay, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, O’Brien, Osceola Eldin J. Hartshorn.
50 Woodbury, Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon, Cherokee, Buena Vista Gifford S. Robinson.

Repulicans, 45; Democrats, 2; Greenbacks, 3.

House of Representatives.

George R. Struble, Speaker, Republican.
Eugene C. Haynes, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee John N. Irwin, James H. Snook.
2 Des Moines William Lynch, A. H. Kuhlemeier.
3 Henry Charles W. Payne, Micajah L. Crew.
4 Jefferson John Williamson.
5 Van Buren James Elerick.
6 Wapello F. M. Epperson, George W. Dickens.
7 Davis Samuel B. Downing.
8 Monroe James M. Robb.
9 Appanoose Eph. M. Reynolds.
10 Lucas Warren S. Dungan.
11 Wayne George McCulloch.
12 Clarke William H. Hall.
13 Decatur William F. Kelley.
14 Union Anson P. Stephens.
15 Ringgold Charles C. Bosworth.
16 Adams Thomas L. Maxwell.
17 Taylor Lyman Evans.
18 Montgomery Cornelius C. Platter.
19 Page John X. Griffith.
20 Mills Winfield S. Lewis.
21 Fremont Loren R. Henderson.
22 Pottawattamie Henry O. Seifert, Jacob C. Morgan.
23 Cass William Baughman.
24 Madison Butler Bird.
25 Warren William F. Powell.
26 Marion William Blain, Henry M. McCully.
27 Mahaska James Bridges, Robert B. Warren.
28 Keokuk Thomas E. Johns.
29 Washington Abram Pearson.
30 Louisa Francis A. Duncan.
31 Muscatine John C Donahey, John A. Pickler.
32 Scott Ernst Mueller, P. W. McManus, William O. Schmidt.
33 Cedar William P. Wolf.
34 Johnson Lewis R. Wolfe, Edward W. Lucas.
35 Iowa Elvin Tilton.
36 Poweshiek Charles H. Spencer.
37 Jasper Ell E. Dotson, John M. Tool.
38 Polk Thomas W. Havens, Thomas E. Haines.
39 Dallas Timothy J. Caldwell.
40 Guthrie Michael McDonald.
41 Harrison Lemuel R. Bolter.
42 Boone Adoniram J. Holmes.
43 Story Thomas C. McCall.
44 Marshall Edward L. Lemert.
45 Tama George R. Struble.
46 Benton John Ryder, John M. St. Clair.
47 Linn Irving P. Bowdish, Frank W. Hart.

48 Jones Martin H. Calkins.
49 Clinton Dallas D. Rorick, Larkin Upton.
50 Jackson Samuel S. Simpson, Gilman L. Johnson.
51 Dubuque Dennis O’Brien, Michael Ehl, A. W. Daugherty.
52 Delaware William H. Merten.
53 Buchanan Isaac Muncey.
54 Black Hawk Charles A. Bishop, Thomas Welstead.
55 Grundy Abram V. Stout.
56 Hardin Cyrus J. Cook.
57 Hamilton Charles Aldrich.
58 Webster Robert M. Right.
59 Woodbury Elbert H. Hubbard.
60 Butler Henry C. Brown.
61 Bremer Lewis S. Hanchett.
62 Fayette William Taylor.
63 Clayton Gregor McGregor, John Van Staden.
64 Allamakee Willard C. Earle.
65 Winneshiek Levi Hubbell, D. O. Aaker.
66 Howard Samuel S. Lambert.
67 Chickasaw James F. Babcock.
68 Mitchell Henry F. Tucker.
69 Floyd Waldo S. Flint.
70 Plymouth, Sioux and Lyon Charles L. Davidson.
71 Monona, Crawford and Ida Robert T. Shearer.
72 Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas and Sac Horatio Pitcher.
73 Calhoun, Carroll, Greene L. F. Danforth.
74 Adair, Audubon and Shelby Platt Wicks.
75 Clay, Dickinson, O’Brien and Osceola Osmond M. Barrett.
76 Emmet, Humboldt, Kossuth and Palo Alto John J. Wilson.
77 Hancock, Winnebago, Worth and Wright John E. Anderson.
78 Cerro Gordo and Franklin Rufus S. Benson.

Republicans, 70; Democrats, 24; Greenbacks, 6.

The General Assembly Adjourned March 17, 1882.


Convened at Des Moines, January 14, 1884.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Orlando H. Manning, President, Republican.

Frank D. Jackson, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee Henry W. Rothert.
2 Van Buren and Davis John W. Carr.
3 Appanoose and Monroe Edward J. Gault.
4 Wayne and Lucas Lewis Miles.
5 Clarke and Decatur John McDonough.
6 Ringgold, Taylor and Union A. P. Stephens.
7 Fremont and Page Talton E. Clark.
8 Mills and Montgomery James S. Hendrie.
9 Des Moines Benton J. Hall.
10 Jefferson and Henry Lot Abraham.
11 Louisa and Washington Francis A. Duncan.
12 Keokuk and Iowa Cassius M. Brown.
13 Wapello Joseph G. Hutchison.
14 Mahaska Ben McCoy.
15 Marion Edward R. Cassatt.
16 Madison and Warren Eli Wilkin.
17 Audubon, Guthrie and Dallas Timothy J. Caldwell.
18 Adams, Adair and Cass Cephas B. Hunt.
19 Pottawattamie George Carson.
20 Muscatine Pliny Nichols.
21 Scott John C. Bills.

22 Clinton Wickliffe A. Cotton.
23 Jackson Gilman L. Johnson.
24 Cedar and Jones John C. Chambers.
25 Johnson Moses Bloom.
26 Linn John W. Henderson.
27 Benton John Ryder.
28 Marshall Preston M. Sutton.
29 Jasper Egbert O. Sudlow.
30 Polk Hiram Y. Smith.
31 Boone and Story John D. Gillett.
32 Hardin and Grundy Enoch W. Eastman.
33 Buchanan and Delaware William G. Donnan.
34 Harrison and Shelby T. M. C. Logan.
35 Dubuque Julius K. Graves.
36 Clayton Frank D. Bayless.
37 Hamilton, Webster and Wright John L. Kamrar.
38 Black Hawk Herman C. Hemenway.
39 Butler and Bremer Alvin M. Whaley.
40 Allamakee and Fayette William Larrabee.
41 Howard, Mitchell and Worth J. H. Sweney.
42 Winneshiek Henry A. Baker.
43 Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hancock and Winnebago John D. Glass.
44 Chickasaw and Floyd Chapman A. Marshall.
45 Poweshiek and Tama Alfred N. Poyneer.
46 Woodbury, Monona, Crawford Charles E. Whiting.
47 Humboldt, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmet, Kossuth, Clay Charles C. Chubb.
48 Greene, Carroll and Calhoun John J. Russell.
49 Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon, Osceola, O’Brien and Dickinson Osmond M. Barrett.
50 Buena Vista, Cherokee, Sac, Ida Gifford S. Robinson.

Republicans, 39; Democrats, 11.

House of Representatives.

William P. Wolf, Speaker, Republican.

Sidney A. Foster, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee Henry C. Miller, Charles Doerr.
2 Des Moines William Lynch, William B. Culbertson.
3 Henry Washington I. Babb.
4 Jefferson Lewis Fordyce.
5 Van Buren William R. Wherry.
6 Wapello P. G. Ballingall, Henry Canfield.
7 Davis Baptist Hardy.
8 Monroe James S. Hogeland.
9 Appanoose Samuel Jordan.
10 Lucas George C. Boggs.
11 Wayne Samuel Wright.
12 Clarke W. H. Hall.
13 Decatur Elijah Banta.
14 Union George Derr.
15 Ringgold John Cole.
16 Adams Benjamin Widner.
17 Taylor Dennis Hamblin.
18 Montgomery John V. Johnson.
19 Page William Butler.
20 Mills Samuel T. Brothers.
21 Fremont Loran R. Henderson.
22 Pottawattamie B. F. Clayton, Edwin W. Davis.

23 Cass Jacob Kuhn.
24 Adair John A. Storey.
25 Madison Albert R. Dabney.
26 Warren James H. Millen.
27 Marion Hardin B. Cloud.
28 Mahaska Mathew Picken.
29 Keokuk Timothy F. McCarty.
30 Washington John P. Huskins.
31 Louisa O. H. P. Linn.
32 Muscatine James J. Russell.
33 Scott William O. Schmidt, Whitaker M. Grant,
34 Cedar William P. Wolf.
35 Johnson Cyrus S. Ranck, Edward W. Lucas.
36 Iowa Norman B. Holbrook.
37 Poweshiek Joel Stewart.
38 Jasper Byron C. Ward, William H. McCulloch.
39 Polk James M. Tuttle, Charles L. Watrous.
40 Dallas David J. Pattee.
41 Guthrie James A. Lyons.
42 Harrison Lemuel R. Bolter.
43 Boone Philip Livinston.
44 Story Thomas C. McCall.
45 Marshall John G. Brown.
46 Tama Welcome Mowry.
47 Benton George C. Scrimgeour.
48 Linn Robert Smyth, Jonathan J. Nugent.
49 Jones Martin H. Calkins.
50 Clinton Larkin Upton, Nathaniel A. Merrell.
51 Jackson John Manderschied.
52 Dubuque John J. Linehan, Isaac W. Baldwin.
53 Delaware Joseph M. Holbrook.
54 Buchanan William H. Chamberlin.
55 Black Hawk George W. Hayzlett.
56 Grundy Daniel Kerr.
57 Hardin Silas M. Weaver.
58 Hamilton Julius M. Jones.
59 Webster Cyrus C. Carpenter.
60 Woodbury Squire W. Haviland.
61 Butler Henry C. Brown.
62 Bremer Harry H. Green.
63 Fayette Edward Rice.
64 Clayton John Killen, Charles Mentzel.
65 Allamakee Theo. Natchtway.
66 Winneshiek Drengman O. Aaker.
67 Howard Samuel A. Converse.
68 Chickasaw John M. Gilliland.
69 Mitchell Clarence C. Vanderpoel.
70 Floyd Ethelbert W. Wilbur.
71 Plymouth Henry C. Curtis.
72 Sioux, Lyon and Osceola Lorenzo D. Sherman.
73 Monona Daniel Campbell.
74 Crawford Charles Bullock.
75 Ida and Buena Vista Jesse Kennedy.
76 Cherokee and Clay Charles W. Filmore.
77 Sac D. J. McDaid.
78 Calhoun and Pocahontas Josiah D. McVay.
79 Greene Albert Head.
80 Carroll Michael Miller.
81 Shelby Christian J. Wayland.
82 Audubon Jacob A. Overholtzer.
83 O’Brien and Dickinson George W. Schee.
84 Palo Alto, Emmet and Kossuth Thomas W. Harrison.
85 Humboldt and Wright William T. R. Humphrey.
86 Winnebago, Hancock, Worth George F. Wattson.
87 Cerro Gordo Norman Densmore.
88 Franklin Rufus S. Benson.

Republicans, 52; Democrats, 42; Greenbacks, 6.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 2, 1884.


Convened at Des Moines, January 11, 1886.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor John A. T. Hull, President, Republican.

Don D. Donnan, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee J. M. Casey.
2 Van Buren and Davis John W. Carr.
3 Appanoose and Monroe Edward J. Gault.
4 Wayne and Lucas Lewis Miles.
5 Clarke and Decatur John McDonough.
6 Ringgold, Taylor and Union A. P. Stephens.
7 Page and Fremont T. E. Clarke.
8 Mills and Montgomery James S. Hendrie.
9 Des Moines W. W. Dodge.
10 Henry and Jefferson John S. Woolson.
11 Louisa and Washington Francis A. Duncan.
12 Wapello J. G. Hutchison.
13 Keokuk and Iowa James Dooley.
14 Mahaska Benjamin McCoy.
15 Marion Ed. R. Cassatt.
16 Madison and Warren Eli Wilkin.
17 Audubon, Guthrie and Dallas Timothy J. Caldwell.
18 Adair, Adams and Cass Lafayette Young.
19 Pottawattamie George Carson.
20 Muscatine S. T. Chesebro.
21 Scott W. O. Schmidt.
22 Clinton P. B. Wolfe.
23 Jackson G. L. Johnson.
24 Cedar and Jones John C. Chambers.
25 Johnson Moses Bloom.
26 Linn J. W. Henderson.
27 Benton John Ryder.
28 Marshall Preston M. Sutton.
29 Jasper M. P. Doud.
30 Polk C. H. Gatch.
31 Boone and Story John Scott.
32 Hardin and Grundy M. Underwood.
33 Buchanan and Delaware William G. Donnan.
34 Harrison and Shelby L. R. Bolter.
35 Dubuque W. J. Knight.
36 Clayton F. D. Bayless.
37 Hamilton, Webster and Wright N. F. Weber.
38 Black Hawk Matt Parrott.
39 Butler and Bremer Alvin M. Whaley.
40 Allamakee and Fayette W. C. Earle.
41 Howard, Mitchell and Worth J. H. Sweney.
42 Winneshiek T. W. Burdick.
43 Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hancock and Winnebago John D. Glass.
44 Chickasaw and Floyd R. W. Riniger.
45 Poweshiek and Tama A. N. Poyneer.
46 Woodbury, Monona, Crawford C. E. Whiting.
47 Humboldt, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmet, Kossuth, Clay Charles C. Chubb.
48 Greene, Carroll and Calhoun J. K. Deal.
49 Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon, O’Brien, Oseola and Dickinson O. M. Barrett.
50 Buena Vista, Cherokee, Sac, Ida G. S. Robinson.

Republicans, 31; Democrats and Fusion, 19.

House of Representatives.

Albert Head, Speaker, Republican.
J. K. Powers, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee J. E. Craig, W. G. Kent.
2 Des Moines W. B. Culbertson, John S. Penny.
3 Henry W. S. Withrow.
4 Jefferson H. B. Mitchell.
5 Van Buren W. M. Walker.
6 Wapello D. A. LaForce, J. R. Burgess.
7 Davis L. D. Hotchkiss.
8 Monroe A. A. Ramsey.
9 Appanoose E. M. Reynolds.
10 Lucas George C. Boggs.
11 Wayne J. R. Bradley.
12 Clarke W. G. Agnew.
13 Decatur Thomas Teale.
14 Union W. H. Robb.
15 Ringgold John Cole.
16 Adams Ed. C. Russell.
17 Taylor G. L. Finn.
18 Montgomery F. P. Greenlee.
19 Page William Butler.
20 Mills John Barnum.
21 Fremont J. M. Hammond.
22 Pottawattamie J. H. Keatley, R. S. Hart.
23 Cass Silas Wilson.
24 Adair John A. Storey.
25 Madison A. R. Dabney.
26 Warren C. L. Anderson.
27 Marion E. Shaw.
28 Mahaska D. L. Lyons.
29 Keokuk W. W. Kline.
30 Washington B. F. Tipton.
31 Louisa L. A. Riley.
32 Muscatine B. H. Garrett.
33 Scott Philip Dietz, George H. Clark.
34 Cedar R. G. Cousins.
35 Johnson C. S. Ranck, George W. Ball.
36 Iowa N. B. Holbrook.
37 Poweshiek W. H. Redman.
38 Jasper Aaron Custer, J. H. Smith.
39 Polk Wesley Redhead, J. G. Berryhill.
40 Dallas D. J. Pattee.
41 Guthrie J. A. Lyons.
42 Harrison D. M. Harris.
43 Boone S. L. Moore.
44 Story Oley Nelson.
45 Marshall J. G. Brown.
46 Tama H. J. Stiger.
47 Benton S. S. Sweet.
48 Linn William G. Thompson, John T. Hamilton.
49 Jones George W. Lathrop.
50 Clinton John Coleman, Edward Hart.
51 Jackson John Manderscheid.
52 Dubuque J. J. Linehan, I. W. Baldwin,
53 Delaware L. S Gates.
54 Buchanan W. H. Chamberlin.
55 Black Hawk G. W. Hayzlett.
56 Grundy Hans Peterson.
57 Hardin S. M. Weaver.
58 Hamilton Augustus Anderson.
59 Webster S. T. Meservey.
60 Woodbury R. C. Rice.
61 Butler Elwood Wilson.
62 Bremer M. S. Wright.
63 Fayette J. K. Montgomery.
64 Clayton J. Killen, J. F. Thompson.
65 Allamakee Theo. Natchwey.
66 Winneshiek Nels Larson.

67 Howard S. A. Converse.
68 Chickasaw H. H. Bailey.
69 Mitchell D. F. McCarthy.
70 Floyd E. W. Wilbur.
71 Plymouth W. H. Dent.
72 Lyon, Sioux and Osceola E. C. Roach.
73 Monona W. F. Wiley.
74 Crawford I. T. Roberts.
75 Buena Vista and Ida G. L. Dobson.
76 Cherokee and Clay M. S. Butler.
77 Sac Phil Schaller.
78 Pocahontas and Calhoun J. J. Bruce.
79 Greene Albert Head.
80 Carroll W. L. Culbertson.
81 Shelby C. J. Wyland.
82 Audubon J. A Overholtzer.
83 O’Brien and Dickinson George W. Shee.
84 Palo Alto, Emmet, Kossuth R. H. Spencer.
85 Humboldt and Wright I. L. Welch.
86 Winnebago, Hancock, Worth Simon Rustard.
87 Cerro Gordo N. Densmore.
88 Franklin R. S. Benson.

Republicans, 60; Fusion, 40.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 13, 1886.


Convened at Des Moines, January 9, 1888.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor John A. T. Hull, President, Republican.

Cloud H. Brock, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee William G. Kent.
2 Jefferson and Van Buren R. R. Vale.
3 Appanoose and Davis W. H. Taylor.
4 Lucas and Wayne Warren S. Dungan.
5 Union, Ringgold and Decatur J. B. Harsh.
6 Adams and Taylor George L. Finn.
7 Page and Fremont Talton E. Clark.
8 Mills and Montgomery Thomas Weidman.
9 Des Moines W. W. Dodge.
10 Henry and Washington John S. Woolson.
11 Warren and Clarke James H. Barnett.
12 Keokuk and Poweshiek James Dooley.
13 Wapello J. G. Hutchison.
14 Mahaska Ben McCoy.
15 Marion and Monroe Ed. R. Cassatt.
16 Adair and Madison Richard Price.
17 Audubon, Dallas and Guthrie T. J. Caldwell.
18 Cass and Shelby Lafayette Young.
19 Pottawattamie William Groneweg.
20 Muscatine and Louisa S. T. Chesebro.
21 Scott William O. Schmidt.
22 Clinton P. B. Wolfe.
23 Jackson A. G. Kegler.
24 Cedar and Jones E. B. Bills.
25 Iowa and Johnson M. J. Kelly.
26 Linn J. H. Smith.
27 Calhoun and Webster J. D. McVay.
28 Marshall W. D. Mills.
29 Jasper M. P. Doud.
30 Polk C. H. Gatch.
31 Boone and Story D. B. Davidson.
32 Woodbury J. S. Lawrence.

33 Buchanan and Delaware Ed. P. Seeds.
34 Harrison, Monona, Crawford L. R. Bolter.
35 Dubuque W. J. Knight.
36 Clayton F. D. Bayless.
37 Hamilton, Hardin and Wright N. F. Weber.
38 Black Hawk and Grundy Matt Parrott.
39 Butler and Bremer L. S. Hanchett.
40 Allamakee and Fayette L. B. Mattoon.
41 Mitchell, Worth and Winnebago J. H. Sweney.
42 Howard and Winnesheik S. A. Converse.
43 Hancock, Franklin, Cerro Gordo N. V. Brower.
44 Chickasaw and Floyd R. G. Reiniger.
45 Benton and Tama A. N. Poyneer.
46 Cherokee, Ida and Plymouth A. F. Meservey.
47 Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Palo Alto and Kossuth A. B. Funk.
48 Sac, Carroll and Greene John K. Deal.
49 Lyon, Osceola, Sioux, O’Brien O. M. Barrett.
50 Buena Vista, Pocahontas and Humboldt A. O. Garlock.

Republicans, 32; Democrats, 15; Independents, 3.

House of Representatives.

W. H. Redman, Speaker, Republican.
D. C. Kolp, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee John E. Craig.
2 Van Buren W. M. Thorniley.
3 Davis L. D. Hotchkiss.
4 Appanoose G. W. Wyckoff.
5 Wayne L. W. Lewis.
6 Decatur Thomas Teale.
7 Ringgold Wiliam Brown.
8 Taylor C. M. Paschal.
9 Page S. E. Field.
10 Fremont F. M. Estes.
11 Mills A. J. Chantry.
12 Montgomery John W. Yergey.
13 Adams Edward C. Russell.
14 Union W. H. Robb.
15 Clarke W. G. Agnew.
16 Lucas H. L. Byers.
17 Monroe J. C. Robeson.
18 Wapello J. R. Burgess.
19 Jefferson George W. Ball.
20 Henry S. L. Steele.
21 Des Moines Fred W. Kline.
22 Louisa L. A. Riley.
23 Washington B. F. Tipton.
24 Keokuk J. C. Beem.
25 Mahaska Samuel W. Jones.
26 Marion Lafayette Jolly.
27 Warren C. L. Anderson.
28 Madison J. H. Mack.
29 Adair A. D. Crooks.
30 Cass Silas Wilson.
31 Pottawattamie R. S. Hart, A. W. Wyman.
32 Harrison B. F. Roberts.
33 Shelby W. Roundy.
34 Audubon William Walker.
35 Guthrie I. R. Shipley.
36 Dallas T. A. Thornburg.

37 Polk James G. Berryhill, A. B. Cummins.
38 Jasper A. Custer.
39 Poweshiek W. H. Redman.
40 Iowa Abraham Owen.
41 Johnson George W. Wagner.
42 Muscatine John A. Evans.
43 Scott Philip Dietz, Chas. G. Hipwell.
44 Cedar H. C. Piatt.
45 Clinton W. W. Buell, G. M. Curtis.
46 Jackson George L. Mitchell.
47 Jones G. Eilers.
48 Linn Joshua Doron, John T. Hamilton.
49 Benton John C. Kennan.
50 Tama R. H. Moore.
51 Marshall Charles Ezkles.
52 Story Oley Nelson.
53 Boone John C. Hall.
54 Greene Albert Head.
55 Carroll Oliver Horton.
56 Crawford W. A. Davie.
57 Monona F. F. Roe.
58 Woodbury R. C. Rice.
59 Ida D. Nicoll.
60 Sac I. S. Hunter.
61 Calhoun Edgar L. Hobbs.
62 Webster Isaac L. Woods.
63 Hamilton Augustus Anderson.
64 Hardin Thomas N. Hauser.
65 Grundy H. S. Draper.
66 Black Hawk Edward Townsend.
67 Buchanan John Calvin.
68 Delaware W. C. Oakman.
69 Dubuque A. Limbock, James Rowan.
70 Clayton J. F. Thompson.
71 Fayette G. D. Darnall.
72 Bremer John Homrighaus.
73 Butler Elwood Wilson.
74 Franklin J. W. Luke.
75 Wright A. S. Chapman.
76 Humboldt J. M. Schleicher.
77 Clay, Pocahontas Charles W. Fillmore.
78 Buena Vista G. L. Dobson.
79 Cherokee J. C. Lockin.
80 Plymouth A. M. Duus.
81 Sioux Henry Hospers.
82 O’Brien E. F. Parkhurst.
83 Dickinson, Emmet, Palo Alto W. M. McFarland.
84 Kossuth Andrew D. Clarke.
85 Winnebago, Hancock John W. Mahoney.
86 Cerro Gordo James G. Blythe.
87 Floyd E. W. Wilbur.
88 Chickasaw John Foley.
89 Allamakee John F. Dayton.
90 Winneshiek Nels Larson.
91 Howard William Theophilus.
92 Mitchell James A. Smith.
93 Worth J. N. Slosson.
94 Lyon, Osceola E. C. Roach.

Republicans, 64; Democrats, 33; Independents, 3.

The General Assembly Adjourned on the 10th of April, 1888.


Convened at Des Moines, January 13, 1890.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor A. N. Poyneer, President, Republican.

W. R. Cochrane, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee William G. Kent.
2 Jefferson, Van Buren B. R. Vale.
3 Appanoose, Davis William H. Taylor.
4 Lucas, Wayne Warren S. Dungan.
5 Union, Ringgold, Decatur J. B. Harsh.
6 Adams, Taylor George L. Finn.
7 Fremont, Page G. W. Perkins.
8 Montgomery, Mills Thomas Weidman.
9 Des Moines W. W. Dodge.
10 Washington, Henry John S. Woolson.
11 Warren, Clarke James H. Barnett.
12 Poweshiek, Keokuk Joel Stewart.
13 Wapello P. G. Ballingall.
14 Mahaska Ben McCoy.
15 Marion, Monroe Ed. R. Cassatt.
16 Adair, Madison Richard Price.
17 Audubon, Dallas, Guthrie T. J. Caldwell.
18 Cass, Shelby W. F. Cleveland.
19 Pottawattamie William Groneweg.
20 Muscatine, Louisa John M. Gobble.
21 Scott William O. Schmidt.
22 Clinton P. B. Wolfe.
23 Jackson A. G. Kegler.
24 Cedar, Jones E. B. Bills.
25 Iowa, Johnson M. J. Kelly.
26 Linn J. H. Smith.
27 Calhoun, Webster J. D. McVey.
28 Marshall William D. Mills.
29 Jasper Perry Engle.
30 Polk C. H. Gatch.
31 Boone, Story D. B. Davidson.
32 Woodbury J. S. Lawrence.
33 Delaware, Buchanan Ed. P. Seeds.
34 Harrison, Monona, Crawford L. R. Bolter.
35 Dubuque James A. Shields.
36 Clayton F. D. Bayless.
37 Wright, Hardin, Hamilton William C. Smith.
38 Grundy, Black Hawk Matt Parrott.
39 Butler, Bremer L. S Hanchett.
40 Allamakee, Fayette L. B. Mattoon.
41 Mitchell, Worth, Winnebago J. F. Clyde.
42 Winneshiek, Howard A. K. Bailey.
43 Hancock, Franklin, Cerro Gordo N. V. Brower.
44 Floyd, Chickasaw Robert G. Reiniger.
45 Tama, Benton J. J. Mosnat.
46 Cherokee, Ida, Plymouth A. F. Meservey.
47 Dickinson, Emmet, Clay, Palo Alto, Kossuth A. B. Funk.
48 Greene, Carroll, Sac Thomas Rich.
49 Lyon, Osceola, Sioux, O’Brien O. M. Barrett.
50 Buena Vista, Humboldt, Pocahontas E. Edgar Mack.

Republicans, 28; Democrats, 20; Independents, 2.

House of Representatives.

J. T. Hamilton, Speaker, Democrat.
H. S. Wilcox, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee J. P. Hornish.
2 Van Buren W. A. Tade.
3 Davis L. D. Hotchkiss.
4 Appanoose M. M. Walden.
5 Wayne L. W. Lewis.
6 Decatur G. P. Arnold.

7 Ringgold William Brown.
8 Taylor C. M. Paschal.
9 Page S. E. Field.
10 Fremont F. M. Estes.
11 Mills A. J. Chantry.
12 Montgomery John W. Yergey.
13 Adams Ed. C. Russell.
14 Union W. W. Morrow.
15 Clarke F. M. Kyte.
16 Lucas Harvey L. Byers.
17 Monroe Josiah T. Young.
18 Wapello James J. Smith.
19 Jefferson George W. Ball
20 Henry Samuel L. Steele.
21 Des Moines Ellison Smith.
22 Louisa J. F. Holiday.
23 Washington Samuel C. Gardner.
24 Keokuk J. C. Beem.
25 Mahaska Andrew J. Jewell.
26 Marion I. B. Hendershot.
27 Warren S. J. VanGilder.
28 Madison J. H. Mack.
29 Adair Peter McDermid.
30 Cass Silas Wilson.
31 Pottawattamie Riley W. Briggs, William H. Ware.
32 Harrison J. K. McGavren.
33 Shelby W. Roundy.
34 Audubon William Walker.
35 Guthrie Ira R. Shipley.
36 Dallas T. A. Thornburg.
37 Polk B. B. Lane, William J. Stewart.
38 Jasper Samuel B. Powers.
39 Poweshiek Mat. Ewart.
40 Iowa N. B. Holbrook.
41 Johnson J. M. Barta Letovsky.
42 Muscatine Irving B. Richman.
43 Scott Charles G. Hipwell, Christopher Marti.
44 Cedar William J. Felkner.
45 Clinton George S. Gardiner, Ed Hart.
46 Jackson N. B. Nemmers.
47 Jones Gerhard Eilers.
48 Linn Charles G. Gitchell, John T. Hamilton.
49 Benton Lewis A. Mitchell.
50 Tama James Morison.
51 Marshall Charles Eckels.
52 Story C. G. McCarthy.
53 Boone Allen Smith.
54 Greene Albert Head.
55 Carroll Oliver Horton.
56 Crawford William A. Davie.
57 Monona F. F. Roe.
58 Woodbury Willis G. Clarke.
59 Ida Bernard Graeser.
60 Sac Asa B. Smith.
61 Calhoun Edgar L. Hobbs.
62 Webster Isaac L. Woods.
63 Hamilton Daniel C. Chase.
64 Hardin John Dolph.
65 Grundy P. B. Ellis.
66 Black Hawk Edward Townsend.
67 Buchanan W. H. Chamberlin.
68 Delaware William C. Oakman.
69 Dubuque Thomas W. Johnston, F. M. Knoll.
70 Clayton George L. Gilbert.
71 Fayette Andrew Addie.
72 Bremer J. M. Johnston.
73 Butler S. W. Soesbe.
74 Franklin John W. Luke.
75 Wright J. F. Austin.
76 Humboldt D. F. Coyle.
77 Pocahontas and Clay James Mercer.

78 Buena Vista G. L. Dobson.
79 Cherokee John F. Potter.
80 Plymouth William H. Dent.
81 Sioux Henry Hospers.
82 O’Brien Herbert B. Wyman.
83 Palo Alto, Emmet, Dickinson William M. McFarland.
84 Kossuth C. L. Lund.
85 Hancock and Winnebago John Law.
86 Cerro Gordo James E. Blythe.
87 Floyd John Gates.
88 Chickasaw William Glattly.
89 Allamakee John F. Dayton.
90 Winneshiek Jacob Jewell.
91 Howard Charles D. Cutting.
92 Mitchell James A. Smith.
93 Worth Charles F. Jewett.
94 Osceola and Lyon J. W. Monk.

Republicans, 50; Democrats, 45; Independents, 5.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 15, 1890.


Convened at Des Moines, January 11, 1892.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Samuel Bestow, President, Democrat.

Samuel L. Parsons, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee William G. Kent.
2 Van Buren and Jefferson B. R. Vale.
3 Appanoose and Davis E. M. Reynolds.
4 Wayne and Lucas L. W. Lewis.
5 Union, Decatur and Ringgold J. B. Harsh.
6 Taylor and Adams George L. Finn.
7 Fremont and Page George W. Perkins.
8 Mills and Montgomery A . J. Chantry.
9 Des Moines W. W. Dodge.
10 Washington and Henry D. J. Palmer.
11 Clarke and Warren J. H. Jamison.
12 Poweshiek and Keokuk Joel Stewart.
13 Wapello J. J. Smith.
14 Mahaska A. B. Conaway.
15 Monroe and Marion T. B. Perry.
16 Adair and Madison A. L. Hager.
17 Audubon, Dallas and Guthrie H. F. Andrews.
18 Cass and Shelby W. F. Cleveland.
19 Pottawattamie William Groneweg.
20 Muscatine and Louisa J. M. Gobble.
21 Scott William O. Schmidt.
22 Clinton S. W. Gardiner.
23 Jackson Alfred Hurst.
24 Jones and Cedar J. A. Green.
25 Iowa and Johnson M. J. Kelly.
26 Linn John M. Terry.
27 Webster and Calhoun O. M. Oleson.
28 Marshall George A. Turner.
29 Jasper Perry Engle.
30 Polk C. H. Gatch.
31 Story and Boone T. C. McCall.
32 Woodbury J. D. Yoemans.
33 Buchanan and Delaware M. W. Harmon.
34 Harrison, Monona, Crawford L. R. Bolter.
35 Dubuque James H. Shields.
36 Clayton John Everall.

37 Wright, Hardin and Hamilton W. C. Smith.
38 Black Hawk and Grundy Matt Parrott.
39 Butler and Bremer R. S. Smith.
40 Fayette and Allamakee L. B. Mattoon.
41 Worth, Mitchell, Winnebago C. F. Jewett.
42 Winneshiek and Howard A. K. Bailey.
43 Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Franklin N. V. Brewer.
44 Floyd and Chickasaw R. G. Reiniger.
45 Benton and Tama J. J. Mosnat.
46 Plymouth, Cherokee and Ida W. H. Dent.
47 Dickinson, Clay, Kossuth, Emmet and Palo Alto A. B. Funk.
48 Carroll, Sac and Greene Thomas Rich.
49 Lyon, Sioux, Osceola, O’Brien L. H. Bishop.
50 Buena Vista, Humboldt and Pocahontas Edgar E. Mack.

Republicans, 24; Democrats, 25; Populist, 1.

House of Representatives.

W. O. Mitchell, Speaker, Republican.
Charles Beverly, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee John P. Hornish, F. H. Wilken.
2 Van Buren E. O. Holland.
3 Davis John M. Yost.
4 Appanoose George W. Wyckoff.
5 Wayne S. H. Moore.
6 Decatur Bryson Bruce.
7 Ringgold William S. Shrivers.
8 Taylor A. J. Sowers.
9 Page Charles Linderman.
10 Fremont Frank Gillman.
11 Mills T. M. Britt.
12 Montgomery Joseph S. Boise, Sr.
13 Adams William O. Mitchell.
14 Union W. W. Morrow.
15 Clarke A. H. Sells.
16 Lucas George McNeeley.
17 Monroe Austin Jay.
18 Wapello W. W. Cunningham.
19 Jefferson S. H. Watkins.
20 Henry C. F. Spearman.
21 Des Moines P. H. Smyth, J. P. Welch.
22 Louisa J. F. Holiday.
23 Washington S. C. Gardner.
24 Keokuk J. C. Beem.
25 Mahaska T. C. Beach.
26 Marion Charles H. Robinson.
27 Warren S. J. Van Gilder.
28 Madison I. K. Wilson.
29 Adair George F. Clark.
30 Cass J. S. Crawford.
31 Pottawattamie R. W. Briggs, W. H. Ware.
32 Harrison W. M. Sharpnack.
33 Shelby J. H. Louis.
34 Audubon A. L. Brooks.
35 Guthrie F. D. Steen.
36 Dallas J. H. Carter.
37 Polk N. E Coffin, B. B. Lane.
38 Jasper C. N. Doane.
39 Poweshiek Alvan Jones.
40 Iowa James Patterson.
41 Johnson John Springer.

42 Muscatine I. B. Richman.
43 Scott C. G. Hipwell, Chris Marti.
44 Cedar W. J. Felkner.
45 Clinton Edward Hart, Henry Horstman.
46 Jackson N. B. Nemmers.
47 Jones Nathan Potter.
48 Linn A. J. Fuhrmeister, C. G. Gitchell.
49 Benton William J. Guinn.
50 Tama James Morison.
51 Marshall Henry Stone.
52 Story A. L. Stuntz.
53 Boone M. Brooks.
54 Greene Joshua Jester.
55 Carroll H. B. Haselton.
56 Crawford August Schultz.
57 Monona and Ida Dan Campbell.
58 Woodbury G. N. Castle, James S. Horton.
59 Cherokee W. Miller.
60 Sac Wiiiiam P. Drewry.
61 Calhoun Henry Young.
62 Webster J. D. Flanagan.
63 Hamilton D. C. Chase.
64 Hardin John Dolph.
65 Grundy P. B. Ellis.
66 Black Hawk D. F. Hoover.
67 Buchanan W. H. Chamberlin.
68 Delaware William H. Morris.
69 Dubuque James McCann, P. Stillmunkes.
70 Clayton George L. Gilbert.
71 Fayette Andrew Addie.
72 Bremer J. M. Johnson.
73 Butler C. T. Coonley.
74 Franklin W. F. Harriman.
75 Wright J. F. Austin.
76 Humboldt and Pocahontas F. E. Carpenter.
77 Buena Vista H. T. Saberson.
78 Plymouth Henry Schrooten.
79 Sioux A. J. Warren.
80 O’Brien and Lyon John F. Hinman.
81 Clay and Osceola James Goodwin.
82 Emmet, Palo Alto, Dickinson J. O. Kasa.
83 Kossuth and Hancock John G. Smith.
84 Cerro Gordo M. E. Bitterman.
85 Floyd E. C. Spaulding.
86 Chickasaw William Glattly.
87 Allamakee J. F. Dayton.
88 Winneshiek Jacob Jewell.
89 Howard W. W. Williams.
90 Mitchell Alfred Penny.
91 Worth and Winnebago James Ellickson.

Republicans, 54; Democrats, 45; Independent, 1.

The General Assembly Adjourned March 30, 1892.


Convened at Des Moines, January 8, 1894.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Warren S. Dungan, President, Republican.

E. R. Hutchins, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee John Downey.
2 Jefferson and Van Buren B. R. Vale.
3 Appanoose and Davis E. M. Reynolds.
4 Lucas and Wayne L. W. Lewis.
5 Decatur, Ringgold, Union J. B. Harsh.
6 Adams and Taylor George L. Finn.
7 Fremont and Page William Eaton.

8 Mills and Montgomery A. J. Chantry.
9 Des Moines T. G. Harper.
10 Henry and Washington D. J. Palmer.
11 Clarke and Warren J. H. Jamison.
12 Keokuk and Poweshiek J. A. Riggen.
13 Wapello H. L. Waterman.
14 Mahaska A. B. Conaway.
15 Marion and Monroe T. B. Perry.
16 Adair and Madison L. M. Kilburn.
17 Audubon, Dallas and Guthrie H. F. Andrews.
18 Cass and Shelby Julian Phelps.
19 Pottawattamie William Groneweg.
20 Louisa and Muscatine C. A. Carpenter.
21 Scott C. G. Hipwell.
22 Clinton L. A. Ellis.
23 Jackson Alfred Hurst.
24 Cedar and Jones J. A. Green.
25 Iowa and Johnson M. J. Kelly.
26 Linn J. M. Terry.
27 Calhoun and Webster O. M. Oleson.
28 Marshall G. A. Turner.
29 Jasper J. R. Gorrell.
30 Polk T. A. Cheshire.
31 Boone and Story H. C. Boardman.
32 Woodbury J. D. Yeomans.
33 Buchanan and Delaware M. W. Harmon.
34 Crawford, Harrison, Monona Rudolph Lehfeldt.
35 Dubuque I. W. Baldwin.
36 Clayton John Everall.
37 Hamilton, Hardin, Wright John E. Rowen.
38 Black Hawk and Grundy J. M. Rea.
39 Butler and Bremer George M. Craig.
40 Allamakee and Fayette L. B. Mattoon.
41 Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth C. F. Jewett.
42 Howard and Winneshiek C. C. Upton.
43 Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Franklin N. V. Brower.
44 Chickasaw and Floyd William B. Perrin.
45 Benton and Tama E. G. Penrose
46 Cherokee, Ida and Plymouth W. H. Dent.
47 Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Kossuth and Palo Alto A. B. Funk.
48 Carroll, Greene and Sac Warren Garst.
49 Lyon, Sioux, O’Brien, Osceola L. H. Bishop.
50 Buena Vista, Humboldt and Pocahontas G. W. Henderson.

Republicans, 34; Democrats, 16.

House of Representatives.

Henry Stone, Speaker, Republican.
I. K. Wilson, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee D. F. Miller, Sr., F. H. Wilken.
2 Van Buren W. S. Allen.
3 Davis W. H. Taylor
4 Appanoose G. W. Wyckoff.
5 Wayne S. H. Moore.
6 Decatur Z. H. Gurley.
7 Ringgold W. S. Shriver.
8 Taylor A. J. Sowers.
9 Page C. Linderman.
10 Fremont S. Williams.
11 Mills T. M. Britt.
12 Montgomery Filson Cooper.

13 Adams W. O. Mitchell.
14 Union J. W. Lauder.
15 Clarke Joseph Morris.
16 Lucas George McNeeley.
17 Monroe Austin Jay.
18 Wapello William G. Crow.
19 Jefferson S. H. Watkins.
20 Henry C. F. Spearman.
21 Des Moines C. I. Baker, Hector Ross.
22 Louisa H. O. Weaver.
23 Washington William B. Bell.
24 Keokuk Tyrus Horton.
25 Mahaska L. C. Blanchard.
26 Marion C. H. Robinson.
27 Warren S. J. Van Gilder.
28 Madison A. L. Wood.
29 Adair W. B. Martin.
30 Cass M. J. Davis.
31 Pottawattamie G. Diederich, J. K. Cooper.
32 Harrison J. C. Milliman.
33 Shelby H. W. Byers.
34 Audubon M. D. Reed.
35 Guthrie F. D. Steen.
36 Dallas J. H. Carter.
37 Polk O. E. Doubleday, C. C. Dowell.
38 Jasper C. N. Doane.
39 Poweshiek Alvin Jones.
40 Iowa James Patterson.
41 Johnson C. S. Ranck.
42 Muscatine H. B. Watters.
43 Scott W. B. Murray, Lorenz Rogge.
44 Cedar D. H. Snoke.
45 Clinton C. L Root, J. L. Wilson.
46 Jackson William Stephens.
47 Jones F. O. Ellison.
48 Linn H. J. Neitert, A. St. Clair Smith.
49 Benton B. M. McQuinn.
50 Tama S. M. Endicott.
51 Marshall Henry Stone.
52 Story A. L. Stuntz.
53 Boone Marion Brooks.
54 Greene Joshua Jester.
55 Carroll H. B. Haselton.
56 Crawford August Schultz.
57 Ida, Monona David Nicoll.
58 Woodbury Wm. B. Chapman, P. A. Sawyer.
59 Cherokee Wireman Miller.
60 Sac Charles L. Early.
61 Calhoun Henry Young.
62 Webster S. Burnquist.
63 Hamilton M. H. Brinton.
64 Hardin J. H. Funk.
65 Grundy J. D. Morrison.
66 Black Hawk D. F. Hoover.
67 Buchanan H. J. Griswold.
68 Delaware D. H. Young.
69 Dubuque P. Stillmunkes, James McCann.
70 Clayton C. L. McGonigle.
71 Fayette I. Pattison.
72 Bremer J. Homrighaus.
73 Butler C. T. Coonley.
74 Franklin W. F. Harriman.
75 Hancock, Wright S. N. Hinman.
76 Humboldt, Pocahontas Parley Finch.
77 Beuna Vista H. T. Saberson.
78 Plymouth E. D. Chassell.
79 Sioux John Morris.
80 Lyon, O’Brien A. H. Davison.
81 Emmet, Dickinson, Osceola J. G. Myerly.
82 Clay, Palo Alto W. W. Cornwall.
83 Kossuth S. S. Sessions.

84 Cerro Gordo M. E. Bitterman.
85 Floyd E. C. Spaulding.
86 Chickasaw John Frazee.
87 Allamakee J. H. Trewin.
88 Winneshiek W. H. Klemme.
89 Howard W. W. Williams.
90 Mitchell R. T. St. John.
91 Worth, Winnebago G. N. Haugen.

Republicans, 78; Democrats, 22.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 6, 1894.


Convened at Des Moines, January 13, 1896.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor Matt Parrott, President, Republican.

W. E. Bullard, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee John Downey.
2 Jefferson, Van Buren Thomas Bell.
3 Davis, Appanoose B. F. Carroll.
4 Lucas, Wayne H. L Byers.
5 Decatur, Union, Ringgold G. S. Allyn.
6 Adams, Taylor W. O. Mitchell.
7 Page, Fremont William Eaton.
8 Mills, Montgomery J. M. Junkin.
9 Des Moines T. G. Harper.
10 Henry, Washington D. J. Palmer.
11 Clarke, Warren W. H. Berry.
12 Keokuk, Poweshiek J. A. Riggen.
13 Wapello H. L. Waterman.
14 Mahaska L. C. Blanchard.
15 Marion, Monroe Samuel Druet.
16 Adair, Madison L. M. Kilburn.
17 Audubon, Dallas, Guthrie A. C. Hotchkiss.
18 Cass, Shelby Julian Phelps.
19 Pottawattamie N. M. Pusey.
20 Louisa, Muscatine C. A. Carpenter.
21 Scott C. G. Hipwell.
22 Clinton L. A. Ellis.
23 Jackson A. Hurst.
24 Cedar, Jones F. O. Ellison.
25 Iowa, Johnson C. S. Ranck.
26 Linn J. S. Alexander.
27 Calhoun, Webster Thos. D. Healy.
28 Marshall J. L. Carney.
29 Jasper J. R. Gorrell.
30 Polk Thos. A. Cheshire.
31 Boone, Story C. J. A. Ericson.
32 Woodbury J. S. Lothrop.
33 Buchanan, Delaware D. H. Young.
34 Crawford, Harrison, Monona R. Lehfeldt.
35 Dubuque Robert Benson.
36 Clayton John Everall.
37 Hamilton, Hardin, Wright John E. Rowen.
38 Black Hawk, Grundy E. M. Sargent.
39 Butler, Bremer George M. Craig.
40 Allamakee, Fayette J. H. Trewin.
41 Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth G. S. Gilbertson.
42 Howard, Winneshiek C. C. Upton.
43 Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Franklin W. F. Harriman.
44 Chickasaw, Floyd W. B. Perrin.
45 Benton, Tama E. G. Penrose.
46 Cherokee, Ida, Plymouth A. C. Hobart.

47 Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Kossuth, Palo Alto A. B. Funk.
48 Carroll, Greene, Sac Warran Garst.
49 Lyon, Osceola, Sioux, O’Brien Henry Hospers.
50 Beuna Vista, Humboldt, Pocahontas G. W. Henderson.

Republicans, 43; Democrats, 7.

House of Representatives.

H. W. Byers, Speaker, Republican.
J. D. Rowen, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee J. T. P. Power.
1 Lee J. B. Hazen.
2 Van Buren W. S. Allen
3 Davis W. H. McAchran.
4 Appanoose C. R. Porter.
5 Wayne H. K. Evans.
6 Decatur Z. H. Gurley.
7 Ringgold P. L. Prentis.
8 Taylor G. H. Van Houten.
9 Page O. H. Frink.
10 Fremont S. Williams.
11 Mills John Parker.
12 Montgomery R. E. Cook.
13 Adams J. M. Clark.
14 Union J. W. Lauder.
15 Clarke M. L. Temple.
16 Lucas L. S. Huntley.
17 Monroe D. H. Scott.
18 Wapello W. G. Crow.
19 Jefferson H. H. Brighton.
20 Henry W. Mullin.
21 Des Moines W. C. McArthur.
21 Des Moines William B. Hunt.
22 Louisa H. O. Weaver.
23 Washington W. B. Bell.
24 Keokuk John Morrison.
25 Mahaska J. A. Garner.
26 Marion I. B. Hendershot.
27 Warren J. H. Miller.
28 Madison A. L. Wood.
29 Adair W. B. Martin.
30 Cass M. J Davis.
31 Pottawattamie L. F. Potter.
31 Pottawattamie G. M. Putman.
32 Harrison J. R Wheeler.
33 Shelby H. W. Byers.
34 Audubon A. H. Edwards.
35 Guthrie M. McDonald.
36 Dallas E. G. Perrott.
37 Polk O. E. Doubleday.
37 Polk C. C. Dowell.
38 Jasper N. A. Wells
39 Poweshiek W. G. Ray.
40 Iowa J. P. McDowell.
41 Johnson O. A. Byington.
42 Muscatine H. B. Watters.
43 Scott Geo. T. Baker.
43 Scott Chris. Marti.
44 Cedar R. W. Hinkhouse.
45 Clinton J. L. Wilson.
45 Clinton N. A. Merrell.
46 Jackson Thomas Lambert.
47 Jones A. M. Loomis.
48 Linn F. McClelland.
48 Linn H. J. Neitort.

49 Benton B. M. McQuin.
50 Tama A. E. Jackson.
51 Marshall J. B. Classen.
52 Story J. F. Reed.
53 Boone J. L. Good.
54 Greene P. A. Smith.
55 Carroll John T. Jay.
56 Crawford J. F. Grote.
57 Monona, Ida Lyman Whittier.
58 Woodbury Francis McNulty.
58 Woodbury W. B. Chapman.
59 Cherokee Wireman Miller.
60 Sac C. L. Early.
61 Calhoun J. F. Lavender.
62 Webster Jonas P. Johnson.
63 Hamilton M. H. Brinton.
64 Hardin J. H. Funk.
65 Grundy J. D. Morrison.
66 Black Hawk W. E. Hauger.
67 Buchanan H. J. Griswold.
68 Delaware Frank F. Merriam.
69 Dubuque Thomas F. Nolan.
69 Dubuque C. A. Voelker.
70 Clayton T. J. Sullivan.
71 Fayette J. A. Thompson.
72 Bremer O. O. Tibbetts.
73 Butler W. G. Ladd.
74 Franklin C. F. Johnston.
75 Hancock, Wright S. N. Hinman.
76 Humboldt, Pocahontas Parley Finch.
77 Buena Vista D. C. Miller.
78 Plymouth F. B. Manahan.
79 Sioux C. F. Bailey.
80 Lyon, O’Brien E. M. Brady.
81 Dickinson, Emmet, Osceola M. K. Whelan.
82 Clay, Palo Alto W. W. Cornwall.
83 Kossuth S. Mayne
84 Cerro Gordo J. W. Bird.
85 Floyd E. C. Spaulding.
86 Chickasaw John Frazee.
87 Allamakee D. H. Bowen.
88 Winneshiek W. H. Klemme.
89 Howard J. J. Lowry.
90 Mitchell R. T. St. John.
91 Worth, Winnebago G. N. Haugen.

Republicans, 79; Democrats, 21.

The General Assembly adourned April 11, 1896.

An extra session convened January 19, 1897, to revise the laws; took a recess May 11, to July 1, when it finally adjourned having completed the Code of 1897.


Convened at Des Moines, January 10, 1898.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor J. C. Milliman President, Republican.

George A. Newman, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee D. A. Young.
2 Jefferson, Van Buren Thomas Bell.
3 Appanoose, Davis B. P. Carroll.
4 Lucas, Wayne H. L. Byers.
5 Decatur, Ringgold, Union G. S. Allyn.
6 Adams, Taylor W. O. Mitchell.
7 Fremont, Page William Eaton.
8 Mills, Montgomery J. M. Junkin.
9 Des Moines Wm. C. McArthur.
10 Henry, Washington D. J. Palmer.

11 Clarke, Warren W. H. Berry.
12 Poweshiek, Keokuk W. R. Lewis.
13 Wapello W. A. McIntire.
14 Mahaska L. C. Blanchard.
15 Marion, Monroe Samuel Druet.
16 Adair, Madison L. M. Kilburn.
17 Audubon, Dallas, Guthrie A. C. Hotchkiss.
18 Cass, Shelby J. M. Emmert.
19 Pottawattamie N. M. Pusey.
20 Louisa, Muscatine G. M. Titus.
21 Scott W. C. Hayward.
22 Clinton J. L. Wilson.
23 Jackson A. Hurst.
24 Cedar, Jones F. O. Ellison.
25 Iowa, Johnson C. S. Ranck.
26 Linn J. S. Alexander.
27 Calhoun, Webster Thos. D. Healy.
28 Marshall J. L. Carney.
29 Jasper J. R. Gorrell.
30 Polk Thos. A. Cheshire.
31 Boone, Story C. J. A. Ericson.
32 Woodbury J. S. Lothrop.
33 Buchanan, Delaware D. H. Young.
34 Crawford, Harrison, Mononona L. R. Bolter.
35 Dubuque Francis E. Malley.
36 Clayton John Everall.
37 Hamilton, Hardin, Wright J. Wallace.
38 Black Hawk, Grundy Chas. W. Mullan.
39 Bremer, Butler George M. Craig.
40 Allamakee, Fayette J. H. Trewin.
41 Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth G. S. Gilbertson.
42 Howard, Winneshiek D. A. Lyons.
43 Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hancock W. F. Harriman.
44 Chickasaw, Floyd W. B. Perrin.
45 Benton, Tama E. G. Penrose.
46 Cherokee, Ida, Plymouth A. C. Hobart.
47 Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Kossuth, Palo Alto A. B. Funk.
48 Carroll, Greene, Sac Warren Garst.
49 Lyon, Osceola, Sioux, O’Brien Henry Hospers.
50 Buena Vista, Humboldt, Pocahontas Parley Finch.

Republicans, 39; Democrats, 11.

House of Representatives.

J. H. Funk, Speaker, Republican.
J. D. Rowen, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee J. T. P. Powers.
1 Lee J. B. Hazen.
2 Van Buren C. E. Bull.
3 Davis S. B. Downing.
4 Appanoose Claude R. Porter.
5 Wayne George W. Hinkle.
6 Decatur M. Wemple.
7 Ringgold P. L. Prentis.
8 Taylor G H. Van Houten.
9 Page O. H. Frink.
10 Fremont W. T. Davis.
11 Mills John Parker.
12 Montgomery R. E. Cook.
13 Adams James M. Clark.
14 Union John Gibson.
15 Clarke A. A. Nowers.

16 Lucas J. A. Penick.
17 Monroe Robert B. Arnold.
18 Wapello Geo. W. Dickins.
19 Jefferson Henry H. Brighton.
20 Henry W. F. Jones.
21 Des Moines Louis M. Jaeger.
21 Des Moines W. B. Hunt.
22 Louisa Hilton M. Letts.
23 Washington A. N. Alberson.
24 Keokuk James Wilson.
25 Mahaska J. W. Reynolds.
26 Marion Herman Rietveld.
27 Warren John H. Miller.
28 Madison John Shambaugh.
29 Adair K. R. Madden.
30 Cass M. N. Baker.
31 Pottawattamie G. M. Putnam.
31 Pottawattamie L. F. Potter
32 Harrison G. H. Smith.
33 Shelby J. R. Boyd.
34 Audobon T. L. Kelly.
35 Guthrie F. O. Hinkson.
36 Dallas E. G. Perrott.
37 Polk Chas. W. Stewart.
37 Polk George H. Carr.
38 Jasper S. B. Powers.
39 Poweshiek W. G. Ray.
40 Iowa John Hughes, Jr.
41 Johnson J. A. Edwards.
42 Muscatine J. L. Giesler.
43 Scott John E. Dempster.
43 Scott Jacob Nabstedt.
44 Cedar Thos. B. Miller.
45 Clinton Anton Hansmann.
45 Clinton F. P. McGinn.
46 Jackson Thomas Lambert.
47 Jones William D. Sheean.
48 Linn Henry J. Nietert.
48 Linn W. G. Dows.
49 Benton D. K. Harbert.
50 Tama Albert E. Jackson.
51 Marshall J. B. Classen.
52 Story W. J. Veneman.
53 Boone John L. Good.
54 Greene P. A. Smith.
55 Carrol John T. Jay.
56 Crawford Theodore Blume.
57 Ida, Monona J. M. Hathaway.
58 Woodbury J. B. Santee.
58 Woodbury James Barrett.
59 Cherokee L. W. Beal.
60 Sac C. E. Stallcop.
61 Calhoun J. P. Lavender.
62 Webster F. J. Blake.
63 Hamilton R. G. Clark.
64 Hardin J. H. Funk.
65 Grundy Thomas Emmett.
66 Black Hawk W. E. Hauger.
67 Buchanan T. E. McCurdy.
68 Delaware Bion A. Baker.
69 Dubuque Thos. F. Nolan.
69 Dubuque Edmund J. Sauer.
70 Clayton P. W. Conley.
71 Fayette Christian Miller.
72 Bremer A. M. Potter.
73 Butler W. G. Ladd.
74 Franklin C. F. Johnston.
75 Hancock and Wright John Christie.
76 Pocahontas M. E. De Wolfe.
77 Buena Vista D. C. Miller.
78 Plymouth P. S. Gibson.

79 Sioux C. F. Bailey.
80 Lyon and O’Brien G. M. Anderson.
81 Dickinson, Emmet and Osceola W. H. H. Myers.
82 Clay and Palo Alto Edwin Anderson.
83 Kossuth J. M. Farley.
85 Cerro Gordo John W. Bird.
85 Floyd Wm. B. Towner.
86 Chickasaw J. W. Krieger.
87 Allamakee D. H. Bowen.
88 Winneshiek Wm. H. Klemme.
89 Howard E. E. Overfield.
90 Mitchell Willard L. Baton.
91 Winnebago, Worth W. O. Hanson.

Republicans, 62; Democrats, 31; Silver Republicans, 4; Populists, 3.

The General Assembly Adjourned April 1, 1898.


Convened at Des Moines, January 8, 1900.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor J. C. Milliman, President, Republican.

Geo. A. Newman, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee David A. Young.
2 Jefferson, Van Buren Henry H. Brighton.
3 Appanoose, Davis Claude R. Porter.
4 Lucas, Wayne Alexander Mardis.
5 Decatur, Ringgold, Union Geo. S. Allyn.
6 Adams, Taylor F. L. Arthaud.
7 Fremont, Page William Eaton.
8 Mills, Montgomery Joseph M. Junkin.
9 Des Moines Wm. C. McArthur.
10 Henry, Washington A. N. Alberson.
11 Clarke, Warren W. B. Tallman.
12 Keokuk, Poweshiek W. R. Lewis.
13 Wapello W. A. McIntire.
14 Mahaska L. C. Blanchard.
15 Marion, Monroe Fred Townsend.
16 Adair, Madison Jas. J. Crossley.
17 Audubon, Dallas, Guthrie F. M. Hopkins.
18 Cass, Shelby Joseph M. Emmert.
19 Pottawattamie Arthur S. Hazelton.
20 Louisa, Muscatine G. M. Titus.
21 Scott W. C. Hayward.
22 Clinton J. L. Wilson.
23 Jackson Thomas Lambert.
24 Cedar, Jones John T. Moffit.
25 Iowa, Johnson Geo. W. Ball.
26 Linn J. S. Alexander.
27 Calhoun, Webster Thomas D. Healy.
28 Marshall J. B. Classen.
29 Jasper J. R. Gorrell.
30 Polk Thos. A. Cheshire.
31 Boone, Story J. A. Fitzpatrick.
32 Woodbury E. H. Hubbard.
33 Buchanan, Delaware H. J. Griswold.
34 Crawford, Harrison, Monona L. R. Bolter.
35 Dubuque Thos. F. Nolan.
36 Clayton H. C. Bishop.
37 Hamilton, Hardin, Wright Joseph Wallace.
38 Black Hawk, Grundy Chas. W. Mullan.
39 Bremer, Butler George M. Craig.
40 Allamakee, Fayette Jas. H. Trewin.
41 Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth Jas. A. Smith.

42 Howard, Winneshiek D. A. Lyons.
43 Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hancock W. F. Harriman.
44 Chickasaw, Floyd Wm. B. Perrin.
45 Benton, Tama E. G. Penrose.
46 Cherokee, Ida, Plymouth Alva C. Hobart.
47 Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Kossuth, Palo Alto E. W. Bachman.
48 Carroll, Greene, Sac Warren Garst.
49 Lyons, O’Brien, Osceola, Sioux George W. Lister.
50 Buena Vista, Humboldt, Pocahontas Parley Finch.

Republicans, 35; Democrats, 15.

House of Representatives.

D. H. Bowen, Speaker, Republican.
S. M. Cart, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee S. T. Marshall.
1 Lee J. P. Cruikshank.
2 Van Buren Joseph A. Keck.
3 Davis S. B. Downing.
4 Appanoose F. S. Payne.
5 Wayne Geo. W. Hinkle.
6 Decatur D. L. Eiker.
7 Ringgold P. L. Prentis.
8 Taylor W. D. Blakemore.
9 Page Val Graff.
10 Fremont W. T. Davis.
11 Mills Charles W. Black.
12 Montgomery Cyrus L. Stratton.
13 Adams Clinton S. Crouse.
14 Union John Gibson.
15 Clarke M. L. Temple.
16 Lucas R. A. Hasselquist.
17 Monroe N. E. Kendall.
18 Wapello A. W. Buchanan.
19 Jefferson C. J. Bengston.
20 Henry Thos. F. Campbell.
21 Des Moines Wm. D. Dodds.
21 Des Moines Louis M. Jaeger.
22 Louisa Hilton M. Letts.
23 Washington Charles J. Wilson.
24 Keokuk James Wilson.
25 Mahaska W. G. Jones.
26 Marion J. L. Warren.
27 Warren J. M. Anderson.
28 Madison John Shambaugh.
29 Adair J. M. Wilson.
30 Cass M. N. Baker.
31 Pottawattamie G. M. Putnam.
31 Pottawattamie John H. Jenks.
32 Harrison J. E. Kirkwood.
33 Shelby H. W. Byers.
34 Audubon Asmus Boysen.
35 Guthrie Nate Wright.
36 Dallas George W. Clarke.
37 Polk Charles W. Stewart.
37 Polk George H. Carr.
38 Jasper Wm. W. Hawk.
39 Poweshiek J. P. Lyman.
40 Iowa John Hughes, Jr.
41 Johnson Geo. W. Koontz.
42 Muscatine Henry B. Nicolaus.
43 Scott Wm. Theophilus.
43 Scott Henry Thuenen, Jr.
44 Cedar Thomas B. Miller.

45 Clinton F. P. McGinn.
45 Clinton Anton Hansmann.
46 Jackson Geo. E. Hilsinger.
47 Jones F. J. Sokol.
48 Linn W. C. Stuckslager.
48 Linn William G. Dows.
49 Benton D. K. Harbert.
50 Tama J. F. G. Cold.
51 Marshall Thomas Kimball.
52 Story Wm. J. Veneman.
53 Boone A. J. Barkley.
54 Greene Mahlon Head.
55 Carroll A. T. Bennett.
56 Crawford Theodor C. Blume.
57 Ida, Monona W. J. Scott
58 Woodbury I. B. Santee.
58 Woodbury James Barrett.
59 Cherokee George F. Coburn.
60 Sac Charles E. Stallcop.
61 Calhoun D. J. Townsend.
62 Webster F. J. Blake.
63 Hamilton R. G. Clark.
64 Hardin Mark J. Furry.
65 Grundy William G. Kerr.
66 Black Hawk Charles A. Wise.
67 Buchanan T. E. McCurdy.
68 Delaware George W. Dunham.
69 Dubuque James A. McAleer.
69 Dubuque Edmund J. Sauer.
70 Clayton P. W. Conley.
71 Fayette Christian Miller.
72 Bremer Burton E. Sweet.
73 Butler M. F. Edwards.
74 Franklin D. J. Patton.
75 Hancock, Wright Thomas A. Way.
76 Humboldt, Pocahontas John B. Kent.
77 Buena Vista A. J. Wilson.
78 Plymouth J. C. Cottrell.
79 Sioux Charles W. Carter.
80 Lyon and O’Brien G. M. Anderson.
81 Dickinson, Emmet, Osceola W. H. H. Myers.
82 Clay and Palo Alto E. P. Barringer.
83 Kossuth Gardner Cowles.
84 Cerro Gordo D. W. Hurn.
85 Floyd W. B. Towner.
86 Chickasaw F. E. Ayers.
87 Allamakee D. H. Bowen.
88 Winneshiek John S. Roome.
89 Howard Elmer E. Overfield.
90 Mitchell Willard L. Eaton.
91 Winnebago, Worth Paul O. Koto.

Republicans, 81; Democrats, 19.

The General Assembly Adjourned on the 6th of April, 1900.


Convened at Des Moines, January 13, 1902.

The Senate.

Lieutenant-Governor John Herriott, President, Republican.

George A. Newman, Secretary, Republican.

1 Lee David A. Young.
2 Jefferson, Van Buren H. H. Brighton.
3 Appanoose, Davis Claude R. Porter.
4 Lucas, Wayne Alex Mardis.
5 Decatur, Ringgold, Union Geo. S. Allyn.
6 Adams, Taylor F. L. Arthaud.
7 Fremont, Page Lester W. Lewis.

8 Mills, Montgomery Joseph M. Junkin.
9 Des Moines Fred N. Smith.
10 Henry, Washington John A. Young.
11 Clarke, Warren W. B. Tallman.
12 Keokuk, Poweshiek John T. Brooks.
13 Wapello S. H. Harper.
14 Mahaska L. C. Blanchard.
15 Marion, Monroe Fred Townsend.
16 Adair, Madison James J. Crossley.
17 Audubon, Dallas, Guthrie F. M. Hopkins.
18 Cass, Shelby Joseph M. Emmert.
19 Pottawattamie A. S. Hazelton.
20 Louisa, Muscatine . M. Molsberry.
21 Scott W. C. Hayward.
22 Clinton John L. Wilson.
23 Jackson Thomas Lambert.
24 Cedar, Jones John T. Moffit.
25 Iowa, Johnson Geo. W. Ball.
26 Linn J. S. Alexander.
27 Calhoun, Webster Thos. D. Healy.
28 Marshall J. B. Classen.
29 Jasper Fred L. Maytag.
30 Polk Cassius C. Dowell.
31 Boone, Story J. A. Fitzpatrick.
32 Woodbury E. H. Hubbard.
33 Buchanan, Delaware H. J. Griswold.
34 Crawford, Harrison, Monona E. L. Hogue.
35 Dubuque P. W. Crawford.
36 Clayton H. C. Bishop.
37 Hamilton, Hardin, Wright F. C. Hartshorn.
38 Black Hawk, Grundy O. B. Courtright.
39 Bremer, Butler Geo. M. Craig.
40 Allamakee, Fayette James H. Trewin.
41 Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth James A. Smith.
42 Howard, Winneshiek D. A. Lyons.
43 Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hancock W. F. Harriman.
44 Chickasaw, Floyd E. C. Spaulding.
45 Benton Tama Wm. P. Whipple.
46 Cherokee, Ida, Plymouth Alva C. Hobart.
47 Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Kossuth, Palo Alto E. W. Bachman.
48 Carroll, Greene, Sac Warren Garst.
49 Lyons, O’Brien, Osceola, Sioux George W. Lister.
50 Buena Vista, Humboldt, Pocahontas E. K. Winne.

Republicans, 39; Democrats, 11.

House of Representatives.

Willard L. Eaton, Speaker, Republican.
C. R. Benedict, Chief Clerk, Republican.

1 Lee J. P. Cruikshank.
1 Lee Sabret T. Marshall.
2 Van Buren Lee Nagle.
3 Davis Samuel A. Moore.
4 Appanoose Frank S. Payne.
5 Wayne T. P. Walden.
6 Decatur B. L. Eiker.
7 Ringgold M. Z. Bailey.
8 Taylor W. D. Blakemore.
9 Page Valentine Graff.
10 Fremont R. C. Campbell.
11 Mills Charles W. Black.
12 Montgomery Cyrus L. Stratton.

13 Adams Clinton S. Grouse.
14 Union D. Davenport.
15 Clarke M. L. Temple.
16 Lucas R. A. Hasselquist.
17 Monroe N. E. Kendall.
18 Wapello A. W. Buchanan.
19 Jefferson Andrew F. Cassel.
20 Henry William Carden.
21 Des Moines Louis M. Jaeger.
21 Des Moines William D. Dodds.
22 Louisa E. L. McClurkin.
23 Washington Charles J. Wilson.
24 Keokuk A. M. Utterback.
25 Mahaska Wm. G. Jones.
26 Marion J. L. Warren.
27 Warren J. M. Anderson.
28 Woodbury John T. Willett.
28 Madison Robert A. Greene.
29 Adair W. H. McClure.
30 Cass John Pipher.
31 Pottawattamie John H. Jenks.
31 Pottawattamie W. H. Freeman.
32 Harrison H. B. Kling.
33 Shelby E. M. Hertert.
34 Audubon Asmus Boysen.
35 Guthrie Nate Wright.
36 Dallas Geo. W. Clarke.
37 Polk Emory H. English.
37 Polk H. E. Teachout.
38 Jasper Wm. W. Hawk.
39 Poweshiek J. P. Lyman.
40 Iowa John Hughes, Jr.
41 Johnson Geo. W. Koontz.
42 Muscatine J. I. Nichols.
43 Scott Albert W. Hamann.
43 Scott M. H. Calderwood.
44 Cedar Louis J. Leech.
45 Clinton Chas. Mordhorst.
45 Clinton Raymond C. Langan.
46 Jackson Geo. B. Hilsinger.
47 Jones F. J. Sokol.
48 Linn W. C. Stuckslager.
48 Linn E. J. C. Bealer.
49 Benton Malcolm McNie.
50 Tama Chas. E. Walters.
51 Marshall B. F. Cummings.
52 Story W. M. Greeley.
53 Boone Alonzo J. Barkley.
54 Greene Mahlon Head.
55 Carroll C. C. Colclo.
56 Crawford Hugh Langan.
57 Ida, Monona Will C. Whiting.
58 Woodbury Marlin J. Sweeley.
59 Cherokee Geo. F. Coburn.
60 Sac Joseph Mattes.
61 Calhoun D. J. Townsend.
62 Webster S. T. Meservey.
63 Hamilton Geo. P. Christiansen.
64 Hardin Mark J. Furry.
65 Grundy Wm. G. Kerr.
66 Black Hawk Charles A. Wise.
67 Buchanan L. F. Springer.
68 Delaware Geo. W. Dunham.
69 Dubuque A. P. Prudden.
69 Dubuque H. R. Keagy.
70 Clayton J. C. Flenniken.
71 Fayette Wm. Larrabee, Jr.
72 Bremer Burton E. Sweet.
73 Butler M. F. Edwards.
74 Franklin D. J. Patton.
75 Hancock, Wright J. S. Pritchard.

76 Humboldt, Pocahontas F. C. Gilchrist.
77 Buena Vista A. J. Wilson.
78 Plymouth E. A. Fields.
79 Sioux Charles W. Carter.
80 Lyon, O’Brien Timothy Donohue.
81 Osceola, Emmet, Dickinson B. F. Robinson.
82 Clay, Palo Alto A. H. Cheney.
83 Kossuth Gardner Cowles.
84 Cerro Gordo David W. Hurn.
85 Floyd P. H. Powers.
86 Chickasaw John H. Kolthoff.
87 Allamakee Robt. Hufschmidt.
88 Winneshiek John S. Roome.
89 Howard W. K. Barker.
90 Mitchell Willard Lee Eaton.
91 Worth, Winnebago Eugene Secor.

Republicans, 84; Democrats, 16.

The General Assembly Adjourned on the 11th of April, 1902.


Members of Cabinets.

Secretary of the Interior James Harlan, 1865.
Secretary of War William W. Belknap, 1870.
Secretary of War George W. McCrary, 1877.
Secretary of the Interior Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1881.
Postmaster-General Frank Hatton, 1885.
Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, 1897.
Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw, 1902.

Heads of Departments.

First Assistant Postmaster-General Fitz Henry Warren, 1851.
First Assistant Postmaster-General John A. Kasson, 1861.
First Assistant Postmaster-General Frank Hatton, 1883.
First Assistant Postmaster-General James S. Clarkson, 1889.
Commissioner of Claims James B. Howell, 1871.
Commissioner of U. S. Land Office Willis Drummond, 1871.
Commissioner of U. S. Land Office S. S. Burdette, 1875.
Commissioner of U. S. Land Office J. A. Williamson, 1877.
Commissioner of U. S. Land Office Wm. M. Stone, 1892.
Commissioner of Indian Affairs Hiram Price, 1881.
Commissioner of Patents B. J. Hall, 1886.
Fourth Auditor of the Treasury S. J. W. Tabor, 1865.
Fourth Auditor of the Treasury Chas. Beardsley, 1883.
Second Comptroller of the Treasury C. C. Carpenter, 1876.
Director of United States Mint Geo. E. Roberts, 1897.
Solicitor of State Department Henry O’Connor, 1872.
Solicitor of Treasury Department Maurice D. O’Connell, 1897.
Commissioner of Registration in Utah George L. Godfrey, 1882.
Surveyor-General of Wyoming E. C. David, 1875.


Alvin Saunders, Nebraska, 1865.
William Hale, Wvoming, 188S.
J. N. Irwin, Idaho, 1888.

United States Judges.


Samuel F. Miller, appointed in 1861.


John F. Dillon, 1873.
George W. McCrary, 1880.
Henry C. Caldwell, 1892.
Edward R. Mason, Clerk.


John J. Dyer, 1846.
James M. Love, 1857.
H. C. Caldwell, 1875.
O. P. Shiras (Northern District), 1883.
Alonzo J. Vanduzee, Clerk.
J. S. Woolson (Southern District), 1891.
Smith McPherson (Southern District), 1900.
W. C. McArthur, Clerk.


Caleb Baldwin, 1875.
James Harlan, 1883.


Joseph R. Reed, 1893.


Isaac M. Preston, 1847.
Stephen Whicher, 1851.
J. C. Knapp, 1853.
W. H. F. Gurley, 1861.
Caleb Baldwin, 1865.
M. D. Browning, 1867.
Wm. F. Sapp, 1869.
Jas. T. Lane, 1873.

Northern District.

M. D. O’Connell, 1883.
T. P. Murphy, 1886.
M. D. O’Connell, 1890.
Cato Sells, 1895.
H. G. McMillan, 1899.

Southern District.

John S. Runnells, 1883.
D. O. Finch, 1885.
Lewis Miles, 1889.
C. D. Fullen, 1895.
Lewis Miles, 1899.


Gideon S. Bailey, 1846 to 1849.
Stephen B. Shelledy, 1849 to 1852.
Laurel Summers, 1853 to 1861.
Herbert M. Hoxie, 1861.
Peter Melendy, 1865.
George W. Clark, 1867.
Peter Melendy, 1872.
J. W. Chapman, 1875.

Northern District.

George D. Perkins, 1883.
W. M. Desmond, 1887.
Edward Knott, 1891.
W. M. Desmond, 1895.
Edward Knott, 1899.

Southern District.

Richard Root, 1883.
Edward Campbell, 1885.
D. B. Miller, 1889.
Frank P. Bradley, 1894.
George M. Christian, 1898.

American Ministers to Foreign Countries.

Augustus C. Dodge Minister to Spain, 1855.
George W. Jones New Grenada, 1859.
Fitz Henry Warren Guatemala, 1865.
Silas A. Hudson Guatemala, 1869.
Christian Wullweber Ecuador, 1875.
John A. Kasson Austria-Hungary, 1877.
John A. Kasson Germany, 1884.
Alexander Clark Liberia, 1890.
W. I. Buchanan Argentine Republic, 1895.
John A. Kasson Minister Plenipotentiary for Reciprocity Treaties.
Edwin H. Conger Brazil, 1897.
John N. Irwin Portugal, 1898.
Edwin H. Conger China, 1898.


D. S. Lee Basle, Switzerland, 1853.
Robert Dowling Cork, Ireland, 1859.
A. J. Stevens Leghorn, Italy, 1861.
A. L. Wolfe Basle, Switzerland, 1861.
J. E. Lovejoy Callao, Peru, 1861.
Geo. W. Van Horne Marseilles, France, 1861.
R. E. Morse Curacoa, West Indies, 1861.
D. H Wheeler Genoa, Italy, 1861.
A. J. de Zeyk Taranto, Hungary, 1863.
C. A. Page Zürich, Switzerland, 1865.
A. J. Stevens Smyrna, Turkey, 1865.
W. H. F. Gurley Quebec, Canada, 1865.
O. M. Spencer Genoa, Italy, 1867.
George Pomutz St. Petersburg, Russia, 1867.
A. J. Stevens Windsor, Canada, 1867.
John S. Runnells Tunstall, England, 1867.
A. D. Greene Naples, Italy, 1867.
S. L. Glasgow Havre, France, 1867.
S. H. M. Byers Zürich, Switzerland, 1869.
M. M. Price Marseilles, France, 1871.
A. G. Studer Singapore, India, 1871.
James Thorington Aspinwall, Colombia, 1872.
S. L. Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland, 1872.
Joseph Knotts Chihuahua, Mexico, 1875.
A. M. Post Cape Verde Islands, 1875.
J. G. Wilson Jerusalem, Palestine, 1877.
S. F. Cooper Glasgow, Scotland, 1877.
Robert Laird Collier Leipsic, Germany, 1881.
O. M. Spencer Melbourne, Australia, 1881.
John Davies Gloucester, England, 1881.
Paul Lange St. Stephens, New Brunswick, 1883.
F. W. Hosfield Trieste, Brazil, 1885.
S. R. Miller Leipsic, Germany, 1887.
James Fletcher Genoa, Italy, 1887.
S. G. Ruby Belfast, Ireland, 1889.
S. B. Zeigier Aix la Chapelle, Prussia, 1891.
O. H. Baker Copenhagen, Denmark, 1892.
Johnson Brigham Aix la Chapelle, 1892.
N. B. Ashby Dublin, Ireland, 1893.
L. W. Myers Victoria, British Columbia, 1893.
J. S. McCaughan Durango, Mexico, 1893.
P. C. Hanna La Guayra, Venezuela, 1893.
N. W. McIvor Kanagawa, Japan, 1895.
A. C. Brice Matanzas, Cuba, 1895.
L. S. Reque Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1893.
I. B. Richman St. Gall, Switzerland, 1893.
T. C. Dawson, Secretary of Legation Rio Janeiro, 1897.
F. M. Crocker Guaymas, Mexico, 1897.
A. W. Swalm Montevideo, Uraguay, 1897.
S. G. Hill Tien-Tsin, China, 1897.
J. Van Her Ghent, Belgium, 1897.
J. E. Rowen Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, 1898.
W. E. Bainbridge, Sec’y of Legation Peking, China, 1898.
H. J. Lenderink, Sec’y of Legation Santiago, 1898.
Frank M. Crocker, U. S. Consul Guaymas, Mexico, 1898.
Frank W. Mahin, U. S. Consul Reichenberg, Austria, 1900.
I. H. Tiederman Vice Consul Para, Brazil, 1900.
S. C. McFarland, Vice Consul Nottingham, England, 1900.
Benjamin Johnston, Vice Consul Utilla, Guatemala, 1900.


George B. Sargent, 1851.
Warner Lewis, 1853.
Thomas J. Townsend, 1861.
H. A. Wiltse, 1863.


District. Iowa.
Ottumwa Paul C. Jeffries, 1852.
Ottumwa A. H. Hamilton, 1861.
Fairfield David B. Wilson, 1871.
Dubuque George L. Mathews, 1865.
Dubuque Mordecai Mobley, 1867.
Dubuque J. B. Young, 1869.
Dubuque Jacob Rich, 1875.
Des Moines Peter Myers, 1862.
Des Moines J. D Thompson, 1867.
Des Moines Stewart Goodrell, 1869.
Des Moines B. F. Gue, 1872.

Iowa and Nebraska.

Dubuque, Fairfield, Omaha, Nebraska districts consolidated with the office at Des Moines in 1877.

B. F. Gue, 1877.
Jacob Rich, 1881.
C. S. Lake, 1886.
S. A. Marine, 1890.
C. H. Robinson, 1894.
S. F. Sperry, 1898.
Richard P. Clarkson, 1903.


Register. Receiver
Dubuque Office.
Thomas McKnight, 1851. Mordecai Mobley, 1851.
George McHenry, 1853. Patrick Quigley, 1853.
A. D. Anderson, 1857.
Decorah Office.
J. D. Jenkins, 1855. A. K. Eaton, 1855.
Osage Office.
S. B. Chase, 1857. A. K. Eaton, 1857.
Fairfield Office.
Francis Springer, 1851. W. H. Wallace, 1851.
James Thompson, 1853. J. W. Culbertson, 1853.
Chariton Office.
Robert Coles, 1853. Nathan G. Sales, 1853.
James Baker, 1857. Lorenzo H. Sales, 1857.
Iowa City Office.
Charles Neally, 1846. Enos Lowe, 1846.
Hugh D. Downey, 1851. Easton Morris, 1851.
John Clark, 1853. Gilman Folsom, 1853.
Des Moines Office.
Robert L. Tidrick, 1853. Thos. A. Walker, 1853.
Thos. A. Walker, 1855. P. M. Casady, 1855.
Robert Brown, 1857. Isaac Cooper, 1857.
I. W. Griffith, 1859. J. G. Weeks, 1861.
Stewart Goodrell, 1861. Stewart Goodrell, 1867.
Thos. Seeley, 1865. G. L. Godfrey, 1869.
Felix G. Clark, 1869. H. H. Griffith, 1877.
William Porter, 1886. M. D. McHenry, 1886.
D. M. Fox, 1889. Fred. Babcock, 1892.
N. R. Kuntz, 1892. W. H. Turbett, 1895.
E. B. Evans, 1895. S. J. Loughran, 1897.
F. S. Howard, 1897.
Council Bluffs Office.
L. W. Babbitt, 1855. Enos Lowe, 1855.
James Pollard, 1857. A. H. Palmer, 1857.
Lewis S. Hills, 1859.
Frank Street, 1861. D. C. Bloomer, 1861.
Sylvanus Dodge, 1869.
Sioux City Office.
S. P. Yeoman, 1855. A. S. Bryant, 1855.
Andrew Leach, 1857.
W. H. Bigelow, 1861. J. P. Edie, 1861.
S. T. Davis, 1865. W. R. Smith, 1865.
John Cleghorn, 1867.
Geo. H. Wright, 1871.

Fort Dodge Office.
W. H. Merritt, 1855. Varplank Van Antwerp, 1855.
John M. Stockdale, 1857. Thomas Sargent, 1857.
C. B. Richards, 1861. Charles Pomeroy, 1861.
A. M Dawley, 1869. Webb Vincent, 1869.
E. C. Byam, 1871.



J. W. Harrison.

Surveyor of Customs George Fengler, 1892.
Surveyor of Customs J. M. Lenihan, 1897.


S. M. Clark, 1871.

Des Moines.

Surveyor of Customs J. C. Hotchkiss, 1892.
Surveyor of Customs Bert. Kennedy, 1897.
Surveyor of Customs L. Redman, 1898.


Surveyor of Customs Charles Wilner, 1892.
Surveyor of Customs M. A. Frawley, 1897.
Surveyor of Customs C. H. Ross. 189S.

Sioux City.

Surveyor of Customs J. M. Cleland, 1892.
Surveyor of Customs W. B. Humphrey, 1897.
Surveyor of Customs J. H. Bolton, 1898.

Council Bluffs.

Surveyor of Customs R. N. Whittlesey, 1897.

L. M. Shubert, 1898.


Henry O’Connor, 1875.


T. M. Wilkins, 1869.


C. F. Saylor, Special Agent of Beet Sugar Investigation.

Animal Industry.

T. A. Greddes, Chief of Miscellaneous Division.
F. W. Bicknell, Special Agent, South America.


First District.
J. M. Hedrick, 1871.
Assessor. Collector.
R. M. Pickle, 1863. J. C. Walker, 1863.
J. B. Weever, 1867. W. W. Belknap, 1867.
Francis Springer, 1871.
Second District.
Pliny Fay, 1863. Geo. W. Ellis, 1863.
Geo. Meason, 1867. James Armstrong, 1867.
S. S. Farwell, 1869. Norman Boardman, 1869.
S. S. Farwell, 1877.
J. W. Green, 1881.
Third District.
J. T. Jarrett, 1863. Levi Fuller, 1863.
L. L. Huntley, 1867. D. B. Henderson, 1867.
Joseph Hobson, 1871. M. M. Trumbull, 1869.
J. E. Simpson, 1879.
J. S. Lathrop. 1893.
John C. Kelley, 1895.
J. W. Patterson, 1898.
Fourth District.
G. H. Jerome, 1863. W. F. Cowles, 1863.
John Connell, 1867. A. J. Pope, 1867.
John Connell, 1877.
Louis Weinstein, 1893.
W. H. Stackhouse, 1895.
J. M. Kemble, 1898.
Fifth District.
Cole Noel, 1863. Horace Everett, 1863.
A. R. Anderson, 1869. Sanford Haines, 1865.
L. P. Sherman, 1867.
Sixth District.
Delos Arnold, 1863. S. B. Hewett, 1863.
Thos. H. Benton, 1867. Albert Head, 1867.
John Scott, 1869. T. E. McCracken, 1869.
W. W. Nixon, 1875.


William Vandever, 1875.


Blackfoot Agency L. L. Pease, 1861.
Special Agent H. W. Reed, 1865.
Commissioner of Indian Affairs D. N. Cooley, 1865.
Ottoe Indians J. L. Smith, 1867.
Yankton Sioux P. H. Conger, 1867.
Superintendent Washington Indians T. J. McKenny, 1867.
Superintendent Montana Indians J. A. Viall, 1871.
Superintendent Kansas Indians Enoch Hoag, 1871.
Neosho Indians I. T. Gibson, 1871.
Upper Arkansas Agency B. Darlington, 1871.
Kiowa Agency Laurie Tatum, 1871.
Sac and Fox in Iowa Leander Clark, 1873.
Sac and Fox J. H. Pickering, 1875.
Blackfeet Indians J. S. Wood, 1875.
New Mexico Indians S. A. Russell, 1875.
Red Cloud Agency J. J. Saville, 1875.
Fort Berthold Agency Jacob Kauffman, 1881.
Osage Indians L. J. Miles, 1881.
Sac and Fox Indians G. L. Davenport, 1881.
Union Agency J. Q. Tufts, 1881.
Sac and Fox Indians W. R. Lesser, 1893.
Sac and Fox H. M. Rebok.
Narvaja Indians G. W. Hayzlett, 1898.
Sac and Fox W. G. Malin.

Members of Congress from Iowa.


Augustus C. Dodge, 1848 to 1855.
George W. Jones, 1848 to 1859.
James Harlan, 1855, resigned May, 1865.
James W. Grimes, 1859, resigned in 1870.
Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1866 to 1867.
James Harlan, 1867 to 1873.

James B. Howell, 1870 to 1871.
George G. Wright, 1871 to 1877.
William B. Allison, 1873 to 1909.
Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1877 to 1881.
James M. McDill, 1881 to 1883.
James F. Wilson, 1883 to 1895.
John H. Gear, 1895 to 1901.

John H. Gear was reëlected for six years from March 4, 1901, and died on the 14th of July, 1900.

Jonathan P. Dolliver, appointed by the Governer to fill the vacancy, 1900 to 1907.


District.   Years.
  S. Clinton Hastings 1846 to 1847.
2 Shepherd Leffler 1846 to 1851.
1 William Thompson 1847 to 1850.
1 Daniel F. Miller 1850 to 1851.
1 Bernhart Henn 1851 to 1855.
2 Lincoln Clark 1851 to 1853.
2 John P. Cook 1853 to 1855.
1 Augustus Hall 1855 to 1857.
2 James Thorington 1855 to 1857.
1 Samuel R. Curtis 1857, resigned May, 1861.
2 Timothy Davis 1857 to 1859.
2 William Vandever 1859, resigned September, 1861.
1 James F. Wilson 1863 to 1869.
2 Hiram Price 1863 to 1869.
3 William B. Allison 1863 to 1871.
4 Josiah B. Grinnell 1863 to 1S67.
5 John A. Kasson 1863 to 1867.
6 Asahel W. Hubbard 1863 to 1869.

4 William Loughridge 1867 to 1871.
5 Grenville M. Dodge 1867 to 1869.

1 George W. McCrary 1869 to 1877.
2 William Smyth 1869 to 1871.
5 Frank W. Palmer 1869 to 1873.
6 Charles Pomeroy 1869 to 1871.

2 Aylett R. Cotton 1871 to 1875.
3 W. G. Donnan 1871 to 1875.
4 M. M. Walden 1871 to 1873.
6 Jackson Orr 1871 to 1875.

4 Henry O. Pratt 1873 to 1877.
5 James Wilson 1873 to 1877.
6 William Loughridge 1873 to 1875.
7 John A. Kasson 1873 to 1877.
8 James W. McDill 1873 to 1877.

2 J. Q. Tufts 1875 to 1877.
3 L. L. Ainsworth 1875 to 1877.
6 E. S. Sampson 1875 to 1879.
9 Addison Oliver 1875 to 1879.

1 J. C. Stone 1877 to 1879.
2 Hiram Price 1877 to 1881.
3 T. W. Burdick 1877 to 1879.
4 N. C. Deering 1877 to 1883.
5 Rush Clark 1877 to 1881.
7 H. J. B. Cummings 1877 to 1879.
8 W. F. Sapp 1877 to 1881.

1 M. A. McCoid 1879 to 1885.
3 Thomas Updegraff 1879 to 1883.
6 James B. Weaver 1879 to 1881.
7 E. H. Gillette 1879 to 1881.
9 C. C. Carpenter 1879 to 1883.
2 S. S. Farwell 1881 to 1883.
5 W. G. Thompson 1881 to 1883.
6 J. C. Cook 1881 to 1883.
7 John A. Kasson 1881 to 1885.
8 Wm. P. Hepburn 1881 to 1887.

2 J. H. Murphy 1883 to 1887.
3 D. B. Henderson 1883 to 1901.
4 L. H. Weller 1883 to 1885.
5 B. F. Frederick 1883 to 1887.
6 M. E. Cutts 1883 to 1885.
9 W. H. M. Pusey 1883 to 1885.
10 A. J. Holmes 1883 to 1889.
11 I. S. Struble 1883 to 1891.

1 Benton J. Hall 1885 to 1887.
4 Wm. E. Fuller 1885 to 1889.
6 J. B. Weaver 1885 to 1889.
7 H. Y. Smith to fill vacancy.
9 J. H. Lyman 1885 to 1889.

1 John H. Gear 1887 to 1891.
2 Walter I. Hayes 1887 to 1895.
5 Daniel Kerr 1887 to 1891.
7 Edwin H. Conger 1887 to 1890.
7 E. R. Hays 1890, to fill vacancy.
8 A. R. Anderson 1887 to 1889.

4 J. H. Sweeney 1889 to 1891.
6 John F. Lacey 1889 to 1891.
8 Jas. P. Flick 1889 to 1893.
9 Joseph R. Reed 1889 to 1891.
10 J. P. Dolliver 1889 to 1900.

1 J. J. Seerley 1891 to 1893.
4 Walter H. Butler 1891 to 1893.
5 J. T. Hamilton 1891 to 1893.
6 F. E. White 1891 to 1893.
7 J. A. T. Hull 1891 to 1905.
9 Thomas Bowman 1891 to 1893.
11 Geo. D. Perkins 1891 to 1899.

1 John H. Gear 1893 to 1895.
4 Thomas Updegraff 1893 to 1899.
5 Robt. G. Cousins 1893 to 1905.
6 John F. Lacey 1893 to 1905.
8 Wm. P. Hepburn 1893 to 1905.
9 A. L. Hager 1893 to 1899.

1 Samuel M. Clark 1895 to 1899.
2 Geo. M. Curtis 1895 to 1899.

1 Thomas Hedge 1899 to 1905.
2 J. R. Lane 1899 to 1901.
2 J. N. W. Rumple 1901 to 1903.
4 Gilbert N. Haugen 1899 to 1905.
9 Smith McPherson 1899 to 1901.
11 Lot Thomas 1899 to 1905.

2 Martin J. Wade 1903 to 1905.
3 Benjamin T. Birdsall 1903 to 1905.
9 Walter I. Smith 1901 to 1905.
10 J. P. Connor 1901 to 1905.