History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century/4/Charles R. Keyes

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CHARLES R. KEYES was born in Des Moines, Iowa, December 24, 1864. His education was begun in the public schools of his native city and continued in Callanan College. Later he entered the State University from which he was graduated in 1887. The following two years were devoted to study with Professor Wachsmuth of Burlington. During 1889 and 1890, Mr. Keyes was an assistant on the United States Geological Survey and in the latter year received the degree of A. M. from the State University. Continuing his geological studies at John Hopkins University at Baltimore, he received from that institution the degree of Ph. D. in 1892. Dr. Keyes then returned to Des Moines and became Assistant State Geologist of Iowa. In 1894 he was appointed Director of the Bureau of Geology and Mines of Missouri, which position he held until 1897 when he returned to Des Moines. In 1902 he was elected president of the New Mexico School of Mines at Socorro. Dr. Keyes is a prolific writer; among his best known works may be cited “Origin and Relation of Central Maryland Granites,” “Coal Deposits of Iowa” (Iowa Geological Survey Vol. II) and “Paleontology of Missouri” (Missouri Geological Survey Vol. IV, Pts. 1-2).