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Index:Westminster Confession of Faith.pdf

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Title The Confession of Faith of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster
Author Westminster Assembly
Editor S. W. Carruthers
Year 1946
Publisher Presbyterian Church of England
Location London
Source pdf
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in April 2014
Volumes The first page of the original is an editorial note. It is omitted because it is not public domain. The remainder of the work is not sufficiently transformative to be copyrightable.
Pages (key to Page Status)





I. —Of the Holy Scripture.
II. —Of God, and of the Holy Trinity.
III. —Of God's Eternal Decree.
IV. —Of Creation.
V. —Of Providence.
VI. —Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof.
VII. —Of God's Covenant with Man.
VIII. —Of Christ the Mediator.
IX. —Of Free-Will.
X. —Of Effectual Calling.
XI. —Of Justification.
XII. —Of Adoption.
XIII. —Of Sanctification.
XIV. —Of Saving Faith.
XV. —Of Repentance unto Life.
XVI. —Of Good Works.
XVII. —Of the Perseverance of the Saints.
XVIII. —Of the Assurance of Grace and Salvation.
XIX. —Of the Law of God.
XX. —Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience.
XXI. —Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day.
XXII. —Of Lawful Oaths and Vows.
XXIII. —Of the Civil Magistrate.
XXIV. —Of Marriage, and Divorce.
XXV. —Of the Church.
XXVI. —Of the Communion of Saints.
XXVII. —Of the Sacraments.
XXVIII. —Of Baptism.
XXIX. —Of the Lord's Supper.
XXX. —Of Church Censures.
XXXI. —Of Synods and Councils.
XXXII. —Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead.
XXXIII. —Of the Last Judgment.