Latin for beginners (1911)/Index

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The numbers in all cases refer to sections.

ā-declension of nouns, 57, 461
ā-verbs, conjugation of, 488
ablative case, 48, 50
absolute, 381
after a comparative, 309
of accompaniment, 104
of agent, 181
of cause, 102
of description, 444, 445
of manner, 105
of means or instrument, 103
of measure of difference, 317
of place from which, 179, 264
of place where, 265
of separation, 180
of specification, 398
of time, 275
accent, 14-16
accompaniment, abl. of, 104
accusative case, 33
as subject of the infinitive, 214
object, 37
of duration and extent, 336
of place to which, 263, 266
predicate, 392
with prepositions, 340
adjectives, 54, 55
agreement, 65
comparison, regular, 301; by adverbs, 302; irregular, 307, 311, 312, 315
declension of comparatives, 303
of first and second declensions, 83, 93, 469
of third declension, 250-257, 471
with the dative, 143
adverbs, 319
comparison, 320, 323
formation, regular, 320, 321; irregular, 322, 323
agent, expressed by the abl. with ā or ab, 181
of adjectives, 65, 215.a
of appositives, 81
of predicate nouns, 76
of relative pronouns, 224
of verbs, 28
aliquis, 487
alius, 108, 110, 470
alphabet, 1-3
alter, 108, 110
antepenult, 9.3; accent of, 15
apposition, 80, 81
article, not used in Latin, 22.a
base, 58
cardinal numerals, 327-329, 478
case, 32.2
causal clauses with cum, 395, 396
cause, expressed by the abl., 102
characteristic, subjv. of, 389, 390
comparative, declension of, 303
abl. of, 309
degrees of, 300
of adjectives, 300-315; irregular, 311-315, 473, 475
of adverbs, regular, 320, 476; irregular, 323, 477
positive wanting, 315
six adjectives in -lis, 307
complementary infinitive, 215
compound verbs, with the dative, 425, 426
concessive clauses with cum, 395, 396
conjugation stems, 184
conjugations, the four regular, 126. 488-491; irregular, 494-500
consonants, 2
copula, 21
cum, conjunction, 395
cum, preposition, 209
dative case, 43
of indirect object, 44, 45
of purpose, or end for which, 437
with adjectives, 143
with compound verbs, 426
with special verbs, 153
dea, declension of, 67
declension, 23, 32
degree of difference, expressed by the abl., 317
demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, 112-115, 290-292, 481
deponent verbs, 338, 339, 493
descriptive ablative and genitive, 441-445
descriptive relative clause, with the subjv., 389, 390
deus, declension of, 468
difference, measure of, 316, 317
diphthongs, 6
direct statements, 414
distributive numerals, 327.3, 334
domī, locative, 267
domus, declension of, 468
duo, declension of, 479
duration of time, expressed by the acc, 336
ē-declension of nouns, 272, 273, 467
ē-verbs, conjugation of, 489
ē-verbs, conjugation of, 490
ego, declension of, 280, 480
enclitics, 16
, conjugation of, 499
extent of space, expressed by the acc., 336
fearing, subjv. after verbs of, 370-372
ferō, conjugation of, 498
fifth or ē-declension, 272, 273, 467
filia, declension of, 67
filius, declension of, 87-89
finite verb, defined, 173
fiō, conjugation of, 500
first conjugation, 488
first or ā-declension, 57, 461
fourth conjugation, 491
fourth or u-declension, 259, 260, 466
from, how expressed, 178-181
future participle, formation of, 374.c
future perfect, formation of, active, 187.3; passive, 202
future tense, formation of, 137, 156
in English and in Latin, 60
in the first declension, 61
in the second declension, 72
in the third declension, 247
in the fourth declension, 260
in the fifth declension, 272
general observations on declension, 74
genitive case
English equivalents of, 33.
of description, 443, 445
of nouns in -ius and -ium, 87
partitive, 331
possessive, 38, 409
gerund, a verbal noun, 402, 403
gerundive, a verbal adjective, 404; with ad to express purpose, 407
hic, declension and use of, 290, 291
how to read Latin, 17
i, consonant, j
i-stems of nouns, 231, 241-244
ī-verbs, conjugation of, 491
īdem, declension of, 287, 481
iēns, declension of, 472
ille, declension and use of, 290-293, 481
imperative, formation of, 161, 175; irregular, 161.2; in commands, 161
imperfect indicative, formation and use of, 133, 134, 165.1
imperfect subjunctive, 354
indefinite pronouns and adjectives, 296, 297, 484-487
independent clauses, 219
indirect object, 44, 45
indirect questions, 430-432
indirect statements, 414-419
as object, 213
as subject, 216
complementary, 215
definition of, 173
does not express purpose, 352
formation of, 126, 174, 205, 206
in indirect statements, 415-419
used as in English, 213-216
inflection, defined, 23
instrument, abl. of, 100.b, 103
intensive pronoun, ipse, declension and use of, 285, 286, 481
interrogative pronouns and adjectives, 225-227, 483
intransitive verbs, defined, 20.a; with the dative, 153
-verbs of the third conj., 492
ipse, declension and use of, 285,481
irregular adjectives, 108
irregular comparison, of adjectives, 307, 311, 312; of adverbs, 323
irregular nouns, 67, 246, 468
irregular verbs, 494-500
is, declension and use of, 113-116
iste, declension and use of, 290, 292, 481
iter, declension of, 468
Latin word order, 68
locative case, 267
magis and maximē, comparison by, 302
mālō, conjugation of, 497
manner, abl. of, 105
means, abl. of, 103
measure of difference, abl. of, 316, 317
mīlle, declension of, 479 ; construction with, 331.a, b
moods, defined, 121
-ne, enclitic, in questions, 210
, conj., that not, lest, with negative clauses of purpose, 350.II; with verbs of fearing, 370
nine irregular adjectives, 108-110
nōlō, conjugation of, 497
nominative case, 35, 36
nōnne, in questions, 210
nōs, declension of, 280, 480
nouns, 19.2
first declension, 57, 461
second declension,71-74, 87-92, 462
third declension, 230-247, 463-465
fourth declension, 259, 260, 466
fifth declension, 272, 273, 467
num, in questions, 210
number, 24
numerals, 327-334, 478, 479
o-declension of nouns, 71-74, 87-92, 462
object, 20; direct, 37; indirect, 44, 45
order of words, 68
ordinal numerals, 327.2, 478
participial stem, 201.2
participles, defined, 203
agreement of, 204
formation, of present, 374.b; of perfect, 201; of future, 374.c, d
of deponent verbs, 375
tenses of, 376
translated by a clause, 377
partitive genitive, 330, 331
passive voice, defined, 163; formation of, 164, 202
penult, 9.3; accent of, 15
perfect indicative
formation, in the active, 185, 186; in the passive, 202
meaning of, 190
definite, 190
indefinite, 190
distinguished from the imperfect, 190
perfect infinitive, active, 195; passive, 205
perfect passive participle, 201
perfect stem, 185
perfect subjunctive, active, 361; passive, 362
person, 122
personal endings, active, 122; passive, 164
personal pronouns, 280, 480
place, where, whither, whence, 263-265; names of towns and domus and rūs, 266-268
pluperfect indicative, active, 187.2; passive, 202
pluperfect subjunctive, active, 361; passive, 363
plūs, declension of, 313
possessive pronouns, 97, 98
possum, conjugation of, 495
predicate, defined, 19
predicate adjective, defined, 55
predicate noun, 75, 76
prepositions, with the abl., 209; with the acc, 340
present indicative, 128, 130, 147
present stem, 126.a
present subjunctive, 344
primary tenses, 356
principal parts, 183
classification of, 278
defined, 19.2.a
demonstrative, 481
indefinite, 297, 484-487
intensive, 285, 286, 481
interrogative, 483
personal, 480
possessive, 97, 98
reflexive, 281
relative, 220, 221
pronunciation, 4-7
prōsum, conjugation of, 496
dative of, 436, 437
expressed by the gerund or gerundive with ad, 407
not expressed by the infinitive, 352
subjunctive of, 348-350, 365-367
quality, gen. or abl. of, 441-445
quam, with a comparative, 308
quantity, 11-13
questions, direct, 210; indirect, 430-432
quī, declension and use of, 220,221, 482
quīdam, declension of, 485
quis, declension and use of, 225-227, 483
quisquam, declension of, 486
quisque, declension of, 484
reflexive pronouns, 281
relative clauses of characteristic or description, 389, 390
relative clauses of purpose, 348, 349
relative pronouns, 220, 221
result clauses, 384-387
reviews, 502-528
rūs, constructions of, 266
, distinguished from ipse, 285.a
second conjugation, 489
second or o-declension, 71-93, 462
sentences, simple, complex,compound, 219
separation, abl. of, 180
separative ablative, 1 78-1 81
sequence of tenses, 356-358
space, extent of, expressed by the acc, 336
specification, abl. of, 398
stems, of nouns, 230; of verbs, 184
subject, defined, 19.2; of the infinitive, 213, 214
subjunctive, formation
of the present, 344
of the imperfect, 354
of the perfect, 361, 362
of the pluperfect, 361.c, 363
subjunctive constructions
characteristic or description, 389, 390
indirect questions, 430–432
purpose, 349, 366, 372
result, 385, 386
time, cause, or concession, with cum, 395, 396
subjunctive ideas, 346
subjunctive tenses, 342, 343
subordinate clauses, 219
suī, declension of, 281, 480
sum, conjugation of, 494
suus, use of, 98.c, 116
syllables, 8; division of, 9; quantity of, 13
syntax, rules of, 501
temporal clauses with cum, 395, 396
tense, defined, 120
tense signs
imperfect, 133
future, 137, 156
pluperfect active, 187.2
future perfect active, 187.3
tenses, primary and secondary, 356; sequence of, 357, 358
third conjugation, 490, 492
third declension of nouns
classes, 231, 463
consonant stems, 232-238, 464
gender, 247
i-stems, 241–244, 465
irregular nouns, 246
time, abl. of, 275
time, acc. of, 336
towns, rules for names of, 266, 267, 268
transitive verb, 20.a
trēs, declension of, 479
, declension of, 280, 480
tuus, compared with vester, 98.b
u-declension of nouns, 259, 260, 466
ultima, 9. 3
agreement of, 28
conjugation of, 126, 488—491
deponent, 338, 339, 493
irregular, 494-500
personal endings of, 122, 164
principal parts of, 183
vester, compared with tuus, 98.b
vīs, declension of, 468
English-Latin, pp. 332-343
Latin-English, pp. 299-331
special, pp. 283-298
vocative case, 56.a
of nouns in -us of the second declension, 73.b
of proper nouns in -ius and of fīlius, 88
voice, defined, 163
volō, conjugation of, 497
vōs, declension of, 280, 480
vowels, sounds of, 5, 6; quantity of, 12