
Littell's Living Age/Volume 169/Issue 2189/An Oriental Tribute on the Opening of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition by the Queen

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Littell's Living Age
translated by Edwin Arnold
Volume 169, Issue 2189 : An Oriental Tribute on the Opening of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition by the Queen by Habib Anthony Salmoné

Originally published in Academy.

139457Littell's Living AgeVolume 169, Issue 2189 : An Oriental Tribute on the Opening of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition by the QueenEdwin ArnoldHabib Anthony Salmoné

(Literally translated from the Arabic of Habib Anthony Salmoné.)

Is it Paradise I gaze on? do the Garden's gates unfold?
Brothers I tell me, am I dreaming? are these visions I behold?

All the lands of one dominion into one rejoicing brought
In this palace of their pleasure. Such a marvel what hash wrought?

Yea! I know! I see the truth now! Seeking light the sun arose,
My blind eves irradiating: midst her realm Victoria goes;

Of the West supreme Sultana she hath bid the South, and North,
She hash bid the East attend her, bringing all their treasures forth;

Verily, she wears the signet worn by Suleiman of old,
Gifted with those magic letters carved upon the stone in gold.

And this brings her all she asks for: as unto that King of Kings;
What, forsooth, should be denied her of the whole world's precious things?

For the blue sea is thy sapphire, and the golden stars do write
Allah's name upon its surface with their rays of magic might;

And its wide tides wash to Britain all the riches of the main,
Flowing in with ships of treasure, ebbing out with ships again.

Like winged birds they skim the ocean, messengers thy children send
Out of all the British nations unto thee, their Queen and Friend.

'Tis a world, a whole vast people, gathering joyfully to-day,
All their hearts in one heart blended thus their reverence to pay.

East and West with one love blended bless thee Queen in unity;
Allah, Lord of Lords I vouchsafe us long such brotherhood to see!

Then what enemy shall daunt us? who shall do Britannia wrong?
In such majesty united, in such mighty kinship strong.

Lo! thine Empire clusters round thee, all its richest, and its best!
Peace and happiness be with thee; this thine East prays, as thy West.