
Mem 1: Implementation of De-Baathification Order No. 1

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Mem 1: Implementation of De-Baathification Order No. 1 (2003)
L. Paul Bremer, Coalition Provisional Authority

Deficient OCR, possibly incomplete. Original PDF available at Commons:Category:Coalition Provisional Authority documents.

229142Mem 1: Implementation of De-Baathification Order No. 12003L. Paul Bremer, Coalition Provisional Authority


(CPA/ORD/16 May 2003/01)

Pursuant to my authority as Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA),
relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 1483 (2003), and the
laws and usages of war,

Recognizing that the Iraqi people have suffered large scale human rights abuses and
depravations over many years at the hands of the Ba`ath Party,

Noting the grave concern of Iraqi society regarding the threat posed by the continuation
of Ba`ath Party networks and personnel in the administration of Iraq, and the intimidation
of the people of Iraq by Ba`ath Party officials,

Implementing CPA Order No. 1, De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society (CPA/ORD/16 May
2003/01), and CPA Order No. 5, Establishment of the Iraqi De-Ba`athification Council
(CPA/ORD/25 May 2003/05),

I hereby promulgate the following:

Section 1

1) This Memorandum prescribes a two-staged process fro carrying out the de-
Ba`athification of Iraqi society. To expedite the identification of Ba`ath Party
members at the outset of the CPA’s restoration of Iraq, the Commander of
Coalition Forces, through Accreditation Review Committees (ARCs), will initially
perform the investigative function, relying upon military investigative resources
with training and experience in performing analogous fact-finding duties.

2) Later, as higher levels of the former Iraqi government undergo a reliable and
rigorous de-ba`athificaiton process and the Iraqi De-Ba`athification Council
demonstrates sufficient capability, the Administrator will task the IDC to assume
increasing and ultimately full responsibility for the process, subject to the
authority, direction and control of the Administrator. The ARCs shall remain in
operation until the people of Iraq adopt a representative from of self-government.

CPA/MEM/3 June 2003/01

Section 2
Interim Process for Identifying Ba`ath Party Members

1) The commander of Coalition Forces shall provide military investigative resources
sufficient to receive and compile information concerning possible Ba`ath Party
affiliations of employees at all ministries. These resources may be augmented or
replaced by U.S. civilian investigators as necessary, and should include
professional Iraqis whenever possible.

2) These investigators will:

Conduct Investigations. Investigators will be posted to the ministries to
receive and compile information concerning the possible Ba`ath Party
affiliations of their employees. These investigators will draw from
available and relevant information, such as:

Interviews with the individual (conducted by the investigators
using the standardized form already developed);
Public records and announcements documenting the ascension or
promotion of party members;
Judgments of CPA senior ministry advisors;
Testimony of Iraqis who have worked with the person in question;
Findings of the Iraqi De-ba`athificaiton Council described below
(passed to the investigators through the Administrator);
Assessments of leading Iraqi political figures; and
Government records revealing bonuses or other privileges
associated with being a party member.
Make Determinations of Ba`ath Party Membership. The investigator will
make a factual finding about the person’s affiliation with the Ba`ath Party.
The investigator will advise the employee that he or she has the right to
appeal this factual finding (whether he or she was a Ba`ath Party member).
Based upon the investigator’s finding, the Senior Ministry Advisor will
take action in accordance with the criteria for removal set forth in CPA
Order No. 1 (CPA/ORD/16 May 2003/01), unless an exception is granted.

Prepare the Case for Exceptions Where Appropriate. When the ministry
team requests an exception for an individual, the investigator will
determine whether the person in question is eligible. The investigator will
subsequently prepare the case for an exception.

CPA/MEM/3 June 2003/01

Section 3
Phased Process for Identifying Ba`ath Party Members

1) As the Administrator determines that the responsibility for identifying Ba`ath
Party members effectively can be transferred to Iraqi citizens, the Administrator
shall direct the Iraqi De-ba`athificaiton Council to assume an increasingly
significant role in carrying out the de-ba`athificaiton process.

2) Initially, the Council will advise the Coalition on de-ba`athificaiton policies and
procedures (including the appropriateness of granting exceptions to CPA Order
No. 1 (CPA/ORD/16 May 2003/01)) and meaningfully involve the Iraqis in the
de-ba`athificaiton effort.

3) The Council will provide information to the investigators (through the
Administrator) and nominate Iraqi legal professionals to participate in the ARCs
described in Section 4 herein, and in the investigatory process. When appropriate,
it is anticipated that the Council will assume the investigative responsibility

Section 4
Accreditation Review Committee

1) The Commander of Coalition Forces is authorized to establish and administer one
or more ARCs. These bodies will be comprised of one military and two civilian
members (one of whom will be an Iraqi). The ARCs shall remain in operation
until the people of Iraq adopt a representative form of self-government. The
ARCs will:

Hear Appeals of Fact. The ARCs will hear the appeals of Iraqis who
believe they were wrongly found to be ba`atheists. These appeals will be
conducted in a manner that comports as nearly as practicable to tribunals
convened by Coalition Forces under Article 5 of the 1949 Geneva

Grant or Deny Requests for Exception. The ARC will review applications
for exceptions prepared by the investigators, and grant or deny them. All
ARC decisions will be immediately reported to the Administrator, who
retains the authority to overturn any decision to grant or deny an exception.
The ARC will take into account all available and relevant information,
including whether the individual:

Is willing to denounce the Ba`ath Party and his past association
with it;
CPA/MEM/3 June 2003/01

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).

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