Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Morison, John (1791-1859)

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1338118Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 39 — Morison, John (1791-1859)1894Thompson Cooper

MORISON, JOHN, D.D. (1791–1859), congregationalist minister, born at Millseat of Craigston, in the parish of King Edward, Aberdeenshire, on 8 July 1791, was apprenticed to a watchmaker at Banff, but, resolving to devote himself to the ministry, he became a student at Hoxton Academy in 1811. He was ordained 17 Feb. 1815, and became pastor of a congregation at Union Chapel, Sloane Street, Chelsea. In 1816 a larger place of worship was provided for him in the same parish. At the close of that year Trevor Chapel was opened, where he continued to labour for more than forty years. From about 1827 till 1857 he was editor of the 'Evangelical Magazine.' The university of Glasgow conferred upon him the degree of D.D. in 1830, and at a later period he received from an American university the honorary degree of LL.D. He died in London on 13 June 1859, and was buried in Abney Park cemetery.

He married in 1815 Elizabeth, second daughter of James Murray of Banff, and had several children. His portrait has been engraved by Cochran.

In addition to numerous minor works and discourses, he wrote: 1. 'Lectures on the principal Obligations of Life, or a Practical Exposition of Domestic, Ecclesiastical, Patriotic, and Mercantile Duties,' London, 1822, 8vo. 2. 'Counsels to a Newly-wedded Pair, or Friendly Suggestions to Husbands and Wives,' London, 1830, 16mo. 3. 'An Exposition of the Book of Psalms, Explanatory, Critical, and Devotional,' 3 vols. London, 1832, 8vo. 4. 'A Tribute of Filial Sympathy ... or Memories of John Morison of Millseat, Aberdeenshire,' London, 1833, 12mo. 6. 'Morning Meditations for every Day in the Year,' London [1835], 16mo. 6. 'Family Prayers for every Morning and Evening throughout the Year,' 2nd edit., London [1837], 4to. 7. 'A Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, in the Catechetical Form,' London, 1839, 12mo. 8. 'The Founders and Fathers of the London Missionary Society, with a brief Sketch of Methodism and Historical Notices of several Protestant Missions from 1556 to 1839,' 2 vols. London [1840], 8vo; new edition, with twenty-one portraits, London [1844],8vo. 9. 'The Protestant Reformation in all Countries, including Sketches of the State and Prospects of the Reformed Churches,' London, 1843, 8vo.

[Memoirs by the Eev. John Kennedy, 1860; Evangelical Mag. September 1859 (by the Rev. A. Tidman); Smith's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, 1883; Funeral Sermon by the Rev. William Mann Statham, 1859; Congregational Year-Book, 1860, p. 200; Darlings Cycl. Bibl. ii. 2109.]