National Lyrics, and Songs for Music/Far away

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For other versions of this work, see Far Away (Hemans).


Far away!—my home is far away,
    Where the blue sea laves a mountain shore;
In the woods I hear my brothers play,
    Midst the flowers my sister sings once more.
Far away!

Far away! my dreams are far away,
    When at midnight, stars and shadows reign;
"Gentle child," my mother seems to say
    "Follow me where home shall smile again!"
Far away!

Far away! my hope is far away,
    Where love's voice young gladness may restore;
—O thou dove! now soaring thro' the day,
    Lend me wings to reach that better shore,
Far away!

  1. * This, and the five following songs, have been set to music of great merit, by J. Zeugheer Herrmann, and H. F. C., and are published in a set by Mr. Power, who has given permission for the appearance of the words in this Volume.