National Lyrics, and Songs for Music/Near thee, still near thee

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3018728National Lyrics, and Songs for Music — Songs of a Guardian Spirit: 1. Near thee, still near theeFelicia Hemans




Near thee, still near thee!—o'er thy path-way gliding,
Unseen I pass thee with the wind's low sigh;
Life's veil enfolds thee still, our eyes dividing,
Yet viewless love floats round thee silently!

Not midst the festal throng,
In halls of mirth and song;

But when thy thoughts are deepest,
When holy tears thou weepest,
Know then that love is nigh!

When the night's whisper o'er thy harp-strings creeping,
Or the sea-music on the sounding shore,
Or breezy anthems thro' the forest sweeping,
    Shall move thy trembling spirit to adore;

When every thought and prayer
We lov'd to breathe and share,
On thy full heart returning,
Shall wake its voiceless yearning;
Then feel me near once more!

Near thee, still near thee!—trust thy soul's deep dreaming!
—Oh! love is not an earthly Rose to die!
Ev'n when I soar where fiery stars are beaming,
Thine image wanders with me thro' the sky.

The fields of air are free,
Yet lonely, wanting thee;
But when thy chains are falling,
When heaven its own is calling,
Know then, thy guide is nigh!

  1. * This piece has been set to music of most impressive beauty by John Lodge, Esq., for whose compositions several of the author's songs were written.