National Lyrics, and Songs for Music/O'er the far blue mountains

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For other versions of this work, see O'er the far blue mountains.
2954659National Lyrics, and Songs for Music — O'er the far blue mountainsFelicia Hemans


O'er the far blue mountains,
    O'er the white sea foam,
Come, thou long parted one!
    Back to thine home!

When the bright fire shineth,
    Sad looks thy place,
While the true heart pineth
    Missing thy face.

Music is sorrowful
    Since thou art gone,
Sisters are mourning thee,
    Come to thine own!

Hark! the home voices call
    Back to thy rest;
Come to thy father's hall,
    Thy mother's breast!

O'er the far blue mountains,
    O'er the white sea foam,
Come, thou long parted one!
    Back to thine home!

  1. *Set to music by the Author's sister.