New way of woo'd & marry'd & a'/New way of woo'd & marry'd & a'

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New way of woo'd & marry'd & a' (1802)
New way of woo'd & marry'd & a'
3180267New way of woo'd & marry'd & a' — New way of woo'd & marry'd & a'1802

The New Way of Woo'd & Marry'd & A'.

WOO'D and married and a'
marry'd and woo'd and a',
The dandilly toast of the parish
is woo'd and married a'.
The wooers will now ride thinner.
and by, when they wonted to ca',
'Tis needless to speer for the lassie,
that's woo'd and marry’d and a'.

Woo'd and marry'd and a', &c.

The grass had nae freedom of growing,
sae lang as she wasna awa',
Nor in the town cou'd there be flowing,
for wooers that wanted to ca';
For drinking, and dancing, and broolzies,
and boxing, and shaking of fa's,
The town was for ever in toolzies,
but now the lassies awa'.woo'd, &c.

Had they kend her as well as I did.
their errand 'twad hae been but sma',
She neither kent spinning nor carding,
nor baking, nor brewing at a'.
But the wooers ran a' mad upon her,
because she was bonny and bra',
And sae I dread will be seen on her,
when she's by hand and awa’ wood, & c.

He'll rouse her but sma' that has marry'd her,
now when he's gotten her a',
And wish, I fear, he had miscarried her,
tocher and ribbons and a'.
For her care lay a' in her dressing:
but gin her braws ance were awa',
I'm redd she'll gang out of the fashion,
and knit up her moggans wi' straw. &c.

The first time I gaed for to see her,
'tis wow she was wondrous braw,
She cry'd to her guidman to gie her,
an ell o' red ribban or twa.
He up, and he set down be beside her
a wheel and a reelie to ca';
Is this the way I'm to be guided?
She out at the door and awa'.&c.

Her neist road was hame to her mither,
who spier'd at her how now gaes a',
Quo' she, Was it for nae ither,
that I was married awa',
But gae and sit down to a wheelie,
and at it baith night and day ca',
And syne hae it reel'd by a chielie,
who cries ilka minute to draw.&c.

Her mither says till her, Hegh lassie,
he's the wisest I fear o' the twa,
Ye'll hae little to pit in the bausey,
gin ye be sae backward to draw.
'Tis now you shou'd work like a tyger,
and at it baith wallop and ca',
Sae lang's ye hae youoith and vigour
and little anes and debt keep awa'. &c

Sae swithe awa' hame to your handing,
mair fool than when ye came awa';
Ye maunna be ilka day wedding,
nor gang sae clean finger'd and braw.
But mind wi a neibour yon' e yoked,
and' that ye your end o't maun draw,
Or else ye deserve to be docked;
sae that is an answer for a'&c.

Young lucky she fan hersell nither'd,
and wistna well what gate to dra',
But now wi' hersell she consider'd,
that hame was the best gate awa';
And e'en tak her chance o' the landing,
however tue matter shou'd fa',
Fouk needna on freets to be standing
that's woo'd and married and a',&c.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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