Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/205

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Pecan Desserts

The use of vegetable gelatine is suggested in place of animal gelatine.

4 slices of pineapple 2 T. grated pecans Baked 1 ©. whipped cream Pineapple

Bake pineapple in its own juice until a golden color. Pour off excess juice and in center of each slice place a spoonful of grated pecans mixed with whipped cream.

Mrs. W. C. Fisher.

8 bananas 2 C. grated pecans Baked 3 T. butter Juice of 1 lemon Banana % t salt % C. sugar Dessert

Peel bananas. Melt butter, pour in a baking dish, and add the salt. Lay bananas in the dish, and sprinkle with pecans, lemon juice, and sugar. Bake until bananas are tender, basting frequently with the syrup in the pan.

Mrs. Willis P. Rackley.

% envelope gelatine 1 C. boiling water Banana ¥% C. cold water 4 T. lemon juice Whip % CO. sugar 1 C. banana pulp

% C. chopped pecans

Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. Add sugar to boiling water, boil 1 minute, and add to softened gelatine. Cool. Add lemon juice to banana pulp and mash until blended. Beat the gelatine mixture until it is frothy and of about the thickness of whipped cream. Add banana pulp. Whip until blended, add peeans, and pour into molds. Chill and serve with whipped cream or on lettuce leaves with salad dressing.

Mrs. A. J. Walter.