Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/340

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delivering herself up to the study of astronomy, which she did with such success, that she published a work, in 1680, respecting the opinions of Copernicus, which was executed with precision and elegance, as well as force of reasoning.

F. C.

DUMONT, (MADAME) Daughter of M. Lutel, Comptroller-general to the Duke of Orleans; a French Lady, of the eighteenth Century;

Married early in life to M. Dumont, a gentleman of eminence in the law. She published a translation of the Odes of Horace, and a Collection of Pieces, in prose and verse; which were all well received. She was also an admirable musician.

F. C.

DUNOYER, (ANNE-MARGARET, MADAME) born at Nismes, 1663; died 1720.

Her maiden name was Petit. She was educated in the Protestant religion, and seems to have suffered much persecution; giving, in her memoirs, a long detail of the cruelties exercised on the Huguenots at Nismes; from which she fled for shelter to Geneva, and thence to Zurich, in Switzerland. It is not very easy to give a just idea of the character of this lady. From reading her own account, one would be apt to think she was the most virtuous and unfortunate woman that ever existed. On the other hand, her husband, who, appears himself to have been an indifferent character, represents her in odious colours, and endeavours to set
