Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/679

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about fifty years of age. One of her sons followed painting as a profession.

Abec. Pitt.

PARISATIS, Wife of Darius Ochus, and Mother of Artaxerxes Mnemon, Kings of Persia.

She had also another son, Cyrus the Younger, who was her favourite, and whom she incited to revolt from his brother, fighting against whom he fell, 401 B. C. Parisatis, who is famous for the refinement of her cruelty, punished in the most severe manner all who had served as the instruments of Artaxerxes in destroying his brother. She also poisoned Statira, the wife of Artaxerxes, of whose influence on the mind of her husband she was jealous; but, by the defection of her confidant, was discovered, and confined by her son at Babylon, where she requested to reside: he told her also, that wherever she went, he would never come.

F. C.


Was the eldest of the two daughters of Sir Thomas Parr, of Kendal, who gave her a liberal education, as the most valuable addition he could make to her other accomplishments; and her attainments in literature fully answered his expectations; so that she became justly celebrated for her learning and good sense, which she employed to the best purposes through every stage of her life.

Her first husband was John Nevil, lord Latimer. After his decease her beauty and accomplishments so powerfully attracted the affections of king Henry, that she was married to him 1643.
