Page:A Colonial Wooing.djvu/177

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A Colonial Wooing

some days off; but, John, we must not let grass grow under our feet. Ruth, here is a little commonplace book with a dozen leaves left in it. Whatever you learn worth reporting write on one of these leaves and find some way to get it into John's hands or mine, but without folks knowing it. Don't let it be all covered over with love messages." And Robert made the woods ring with his merry laughter.

"But how can I do this? I cannot carry the leaves to John, thee knows."

"Much as you'd like to." And Robert laughed again.

"I believe thee will laugh at thy own funeral, cousin; but do tell me how, and please don't tease me so," pleaded Ruth, and she took a step nearer to John.

"That's right; put yourself under John's protection. You can't commence too soon." And again Robert laughed more heartily than ever.

"It is too bad of thee to go on so when I am all worked up with worry and dread. John, why does thee let him tease me so?"