Page:A Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties of Scotland.djvu/90

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early from Inverness, and are not dilatory on the way. The hill is very steep down to Fort Augustus, but safe, with steady horses. The inn at Fort Augustus is tolerably good, and your horses will there get good accommodation.

From Fort Augustus you must see Glen Morrison, and a fall of water in it. There is also a pretty fall of a burn that runs into the Tarff, a short way from the Fort, and half a mile out of the road towards Corryarraick.

From Fort Augustus to Fort William, 29 miles.

The inns at Maryborough, the little town close by Fort William, are very bad, and dreadful for horses, as neither corn nor litter can be there procured for them; therefore carry corn from Fort Augustus; and even then, if your horses will not lie down without litter, they will be badly off. The inn kept by a Scotch woman has, if there be any, the preference in cleanliness, over that kept by an Englishman; but in either inn you will stand in need of your own blankets, &c. and eatables too, if you should have any with you. Should any thing tempt you to stay more than one night at Marybo-