Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts.djvu/417

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Astronomy and Astrology.

I. — Suhrahmanya Karawal. Paper. An extensive work in four Books^ upon the hea- venly bodies^ their regents^ friends and enemies, their favourable and unfavourable aspects^ and their influence upon human life^ of presaging events from them^ of lucky and unlucky seasons^ casting nativities and calculating the proper periods for the perform mance of various essential rites and ceremonieSj^ ^c. By Asala Muni Guru desikan.

II. — Sarvdrtha Chintdmani. Paper. A vrork on the same subjects as the preceding : ascribed to Sankara Achdrya.

III. — Vila Mariyan Jyotish^ a. Palm leaves. — b. Ditto. A work on lucky and unlucky hours, casting nativitiesand the influence of the Stars by Ulla Mari* jfUn, an astrologer of great authority with particular castes in the South of India.