Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 1.djvu/752

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sisters Podleska, erected in 1832 a small monument to his memory on the Promenade at Leipsic, before the windows of his official residence at the Thomas School, and close to Mendelssohn's Bach memorial.

[ A. M. ]

HILTON, John, Mus. Bac., first appears as a composer in 'The Triumphes of Oriana,' 1601, to which he contributed the 5-part madrigal, 'Faire Oriana, beautie's queene.' He graduated at Cambridge in 1626. In 1627 he published 'Ayres, or Fa las for three voyces,' dedicated 'To the worshipful William Heather, Doctor of Musicke,' reprinted in score by the Musical Antiquarian Society. In 1628 Hilton was elected organist and parish clerk of St. Margaret's Westminster. It is presumed that he was deprived of the first-named appointment when the organ was taken down pursuant to the Parliamentary ordinances of 1644, but that he continued to hold the latter. In 1652 he published the collection called 'Catch that Catch can, or, A Choice Collection of Catches, Bounds and Canons for 3 or 4 voyces.' He was buried at S. Margaret's, Westminster, March 21, 1657. Hawkins's statement that he lies in the Abbey Cloisters, and that an anthem was sung in the Abbey before his body was brought out of his house for interment can therefore at best be only partially true. Besides the above-named compositions Hilton produced a Service in G minor, printed in Rimbault's Cathedral Music, a second Service in the same key, and some anthems which remain in MS. 'Lord, for Thy tender mercies,' usually given to Farrant, has been attributed to Hilton. The copies in which it is so attributed have a few additional bars on the word 'Amen,' which may possibly be of Hilton's composition. (See Harl. MS. 7340.) Several songs, dialogues, catches, canons and rounds by him are contained in a volume in the British Museum (Add. MS. 11,608). An Elegy on William Lawes composed by Hilton for 3 voices is printed in Henry and William Lawes' 'Choice Psalmes,' 1648. His portrait is in the Music School, Oxford, and is engraved by Hawkins (chap. 121).

[ W. H. H. ]

HIMMEL, Friedrich Heinrich, a man of some mark in his day, born Nov. 20, 1765, at Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg. He was intended for the Church, and studied theology at Halle; but the excellence of his pianoforte playing induced the king, Frederic William II, to have him educated as a musician. After three years harmony and counterpoint under Naumann at Dresden, he took to Berlin 'Isacco,' an oratorio, performed (1792) by the court-chapel with brilliant success, and a cantata 'La Danza.' The king gave him 100 Friedrichs for his oratorio, made him his chamber-composer, and sent him to Italy for two years. While there he produced 'Il primo Navigatore' at the Fenice in Venice (1794), and 'Semiramide' at San Carlo in Naples (Jan. 1795). Reichardt having been dismissed from the Court-Capellmeistership at Berlin, the king gave the appointment to Himmel. who thereupon returned at once. When in office he composed several piéces de circonstance, such as a Trauer-cantata for the funeral of king Frederic William in 1797, and a Te Deum for the coronation of his successor. In 1798 he visited Stockholm and St. Petersburg, where the Emperor commissioned him to write 'Alessandro,' an opera for which he received 6000 roubles. In 1801 he produced 'Vasco di Gama' at Copenhagen, proceeded thence to France, England—where he made only a short stay of which we have no particulars—and Vienna, returning to Berlin in December 1802. After the battle of Jena he retired first to Pyrmont, and then to Cassel, and died of dropsy at Berlin, June 8, 1814. Besides the works already mentioned he composed—'Der Kobold' (1804); 'Fanchon, das Leiermadchen' (1805), libretto by Kotzebue, his best opera; 'Les Sylphes' (1807), all produced in Berlin; a 'Vater Unser'; Psalms; a mass, etc.: P.F. sonatas; dance music and concerted music for P.F.; and a number of songs. The sonatas and songs abound in melody, and are the work of a sound musician, but though popular in their day, they are now quite forgotten. Himmel had much intercourse with Beethoven during the visit of the latter to Berlin in 1796. If Beethoven hurt his feelings by a rude joke on his extemporising, Himmel had certainly the better of the encounter in the end. [See p. 172a]. For a song by him, 'Ada to Alexis,' see 'Musical Library,' vol. i. A couple more pieces are published by Novello.

[ M. C. C. ]

HINDLE, John, Mus. Bac., born in Westminster in 1761, was a lay vicar of Westminster Abbey. He matriculated at Oxford in 1791. He published 'A Collection of Songs for One and Two Voices,' and 'A Set of Glees for 3, 4, and 5 voices.' His favourite glee 'Queen of the silver bow,' first appeared (with another) in the 'Professional Collection.' He also composed a well-known chant. He died in 1796.

[ W. H. H. ]

HINE, William, born at Brightwell, Oxfordshire, in 1687, became a chorister of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1694, and continued so until 1705, when he was appointed a clerk. He was removed from his place in the same year, when he came to London and studied under Jeremiah Clark. In 1712 he succeeded Stephen Jefferies as organist of Gloucester Cathedral, and shortly afterwards married Alicia, daughter of Abraham Rudhall of Gloucester, the famous bell founder. Hine died Aug. 28, 1730. His wife survived him until June 28, 1735. Both were interred in the eastern ambulatory of the cloisters, where a mural tablet to their memory informs us that the Dean and Chapter had voluntarily increased Hine's stipend in consideration of his deserts. Dr. Philip Hayes presented a portrait of Hine (his father's instructor) to the Music School, Oxford. After Hine's death his widow published, by subscription, 'Harmonia Sacra Glocestriensis; or, Select Anthems for 1, 2 and 3 voices, and a Te Deum and Jubilate, together with a Voluntary for the Organ.' The Te Deum is by Henry Hall, and the other compositions by Hine. The voluntary furnishes a curious example of the style of organ playing then in vogue.

[ W. H. H. ]