Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/210

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{ \relative e'' { \key g \major \time 2/4 \partial 4 \mark \markup \small "20."
 << { s4*1/2 s4*2/3^\turn } \\ { e8.. g32 } >> | d8 } }

Haydn, Sonata in G minor.

{ \relative c'' { \key g \minor \time 3/4 \mark \markup \small "21."
 c4( bes8.) bes16\turn f'8. d16 | b4( c8) } }
{ \relative c'' { \key g \minor \time 3/4 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played."
 c4( bes8.) c64 bes a bes f'8. d16 | b4( c8) } }

When the order of the notes of a turn is reversed, so as to begin with the lower note instead of the upper, the turn is said to be inverted, and its sign is either placed on end thus, 𝆚, or drawn down in the contrary direction to the ordinary sign, thus, 𝆘 (Ex. 22). The earlier writers generally employed the latter form, but Hummel and others prefer the vertical sign. The inverted turn is however more frequently written in small notes than indicated by a sign (Ex. 23).

C. P. E. Bach, Sonata in B♭, Largo.

{ \relative b' { \key c \minor \time 3/4 \mark \markup \small "22."
 bes8.*1/3[ s8.*2/3\turn ees16] ees16*1/2[ s\reverseturn d16] d4. } }
{ \relative b' { \key c \minor \time 3/4 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played."
 bes16[ \tuplet 3/2 { c32 bes a } bes16 ees16] \tuplet 3/2 { d64[ ees f } ees32 d16] d4. } }

Mozart, Rondo in A minor.

{ \relative e'' { \key a \minor \time 6/8 \partial 8 \mark \markup \small "23."
 e8 | \grace { dis32 e f } e8. d16 e8 a r a } }

In certain cases, particularly at the commencement of a phrase, the effect of the ordinary turn beginning with the upper note is unsatisfactory and deficient in accent. The perception of this fact led to the invention of a particular form of turn (called by Emmanuel Bach the Geschnellte Doppelschlag), in which the four notes of the ordinary turn were preceded by a short principal note, written as a small grace-note (Ex. 24). This kind of turn, consisting of five equal notes, is better adapted to modern music and to modern taste than the simple turn of four notes, and it is therefore frequently introduced in older music, even when not specially indicated. The cases in which it is most suitable are precisely those in which Emmanuel Bach allowed the use of the 'geschnellte Doppelschlag,' namely, after a staccato note (Ex. 25), or a rest (Ex. 26), or when preceded by a note one degree lower (Ex. 27).

C. P. E. Bach, Sonata.

{ \relative a' { \key g \major \time 4/4 \mark \markup \small "24."
 \appoggiatura a8 g4 f r \grace d16 \once \override TextScript.script-priority = #-100 d8\turn^\markup \teeny \sharp c'!4 ~ | \hideNotes c } }
{ \relative a' { \key g \major \time 4/4 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played."
 \appoggiatura a8 g4 f4 r \tuplet 5/4 { d32 e d cis d } c'4 ~ | \hideNotes c } }

Haydn, Trio in E♭, Andante.

{ \relative d'' { \key ees \major \time 6/8 \mark \markup \small "25."
 d8-. bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. |
 bes(\turn ees d) d16( c b8 c) } }
{ \relative d'' { \key ees \major \time 6/8 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played."
 d8-. bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. |
 \tuplet 5/4 { bes32( c bes a bes } ees8 d) d16( c b8 c) } }

Haydn, Trio in A♭.

{ \relative b'' { \key aes \major \time 2/4 \mark \markup \small "26."
 r16 \once \override TextScript.script-priority = #-100 b\turn^\markup \teeny \natural d c bes aes! g f } }
{ \relative b'' { \key aes \major \time 2/4 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played."
 r16 \tuplet 5/4 { b64 c b a b } d16 c bes aes g f } }

Mozart, Sonata in F.

{ \relative d'' { \key f \major \time 4/4 \mark \markup \small "27."
 d8.( bes16) g2( a4) | bes8\turn c16( d) c( bes a g) f8( c') g( c) } }
{ \relative d'' { \key f \major \time 4/4 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played."
 d8.( bes16) g2( a4) | \tuplet 5/4 { bes32 c bes a bes } c16([ d)]
 c( bes a g) f8( c') g( c) } }

A similar turn of five notes (instead of four), also frequently met with, is indicated by the compound sign /, and called the Prallende Doppelschlag. The difference of name is unimportant, since it merely means the same ornament introduced under different circumstances; but the sign has remained longer in use than the older mode of writing shown in Ex. 24, and is still occasionally met with. (Ex. 28.)

Beethoven, Violin Sonata, Op. 12, No. 1.

{ \relative e'' { \key d \major \time 6/8 \mark \markup \small "28."
 e8 a,4 ~ a \once \override TextScript.script-priority = #-100 a8\prall\turn^\markup \teeny \sharp | a8-. b-. cis-. d-. e-. fis-. } }
{ \relative e'' { \key d \major \time 6/8 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played."
 e8 a,4 ~ a \tuplet 5/4 { a32 b a gis a } |
 a8-. b-. cis-. d-. e-. fis-. } }

When a note bearing a turn of either four or five notes is preceded by an appoggiatura (Ex. 29), or by a slurred note one degree higher than itself (Ex. 30), the entrance of the turn is slightly delayed, the preceding note being prolonged, precisely as the commencement of the 'bound trill' is delayed. [See Shake, vol. iii. p. 481, Ex. 11.]

W. F. Bach, Sonata in D.

{ \relative b' { \key d \major \time 2/2 \mark \markup \small "29." \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
 << { b8^( cis,) r d \grace a'4_( g2)\prall\turn | g4^( fis8) } \\
    { r4 a, b cis | cis4_( d8) \bar "||" } >> } }
{ \relative b' { \key d \major \time 2/2 \mark \markup \small \italic "Played." \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
<< { b8^( cis,) r d a'4 ^~ \tuplet 6/4 { a16 g a g fis g } |
     g4^( fis8) } \\
   { r4 a, b cis | cis4_( d8) \bar "||" } >> } }