Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/739

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Genoa. Museum contains the famous Guarnerius that belonged to Paganini.

Glasgow. Anderson's College.

The Hague. Mr. Scheurleer.

Helsingfors. Musée ethnographique.

Hobstead, Norfolk. C. R. Day, Esq., 43rd Light Infantry (Indian instruments).

Leyden. Musée ethnographique.

London. H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh (violins); John Broadwood & Sons (keyboard instruments); Mlle. Marie Decca; George Donaldson, Esq.; Messrs. Arthur and Alfred Hill; A. J. Hipkins, Esq., F.S.A.; India Museum; G. T. Lock, Esq.; London Missionary Society; Otto Peiniger, Esq. (Harrow); Royal College of Music (chiefly Indian instruments, the division of a collection between the Royal College and the Brussels Conservatoire, presented by the Rajah Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore); Rudall Carte & Co. (wind instruments).

Madrid. Archaeological Museum.

Middleburg (Zealand). Museum.

Milan. Museo Musicale (Extra-European); Museum of the Conservatorio.

Modena. Count L. F. Valdrighi.

Moscow. Musée Dachkoff.

Munich. National Museum.

Naples. Museo Nazionale.

Nuremberg. Germanisches Museum.

Oxford. Mr. T. W. Taphouse; Pitt-Rivers Museum (ethnological).

Paris. Mr. E. Gand (violins); Messrs. Pleyel Wolff & Cie. (keyboard instruments); Hôtel Cluny.

Renaix, Belgium. Mr. Abel Régibo; Mr. César Snoeck.

Rome. The Vatican.

Ross, Hereford. H. C. Moffatt, Esq., Goodrich Court (Keyboard Instruments).

Salzburg. The Mozarteum; Städtisches Museum Carolino-Augusteum; Dr. Peter, Director, Communal Museum.

Savigliano. Cavaliere Maurizio Villa (Violins).

Southampton. Mr. W. Dale (Keyboard Instruments.

St. Petebsburg. Museums of the Conservatory, the Academy of Science, the Geographical Society.

Stuttgart. Herr C. Klinckerfuss.

Verona. Municipality.

Vienna. Ambroser Sammlung; Museum der Musikfreunde; Dr. Hans Richter (Chinese instruments); Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild.

Vilna. Musée ethnographique.

[ A. J. H. ]

MUSICAL LIBRARIES. P. 420b, l. 17, for Canonicus de Silvestris a Barbarano read Has alteras Sacras Cantiones. Line 32, for for read after.

The following additions and corrections are to be made to the article. The information with regard to the German libraries is mainly derived from various numbers of the 'Monatshefte fur Musik-Geschichte,' where further information as to the contents of these libraries is to be obtained. For the account of the recent discoveries at Durham, the writer is indebted to Dr. Armes.[1]

Great Britain and Ireland.

Cambridge. a. The catalogue of the music in the Fitzwilliam Museum is now (1888) in the press.

d. Trinity College Library contains a vellum roll of Early English carols, dating from the 15th century. Amongst these is a copy of the Agincourt song.

e. The Catalogue of the Peterhouse MSS. by Dr. Jebb has been printed.

Durham. The old MSS. in Durham Cathedral have been recently carefully collated and indexed by the present organist. They consist of four sets of books, all unfortunately imperfect. The old set contains about 40 full and 50 verse anthems by Tallis, White, Parsons, Hooper, Morley, Weelkes, Byrd, Batten, Giles, Tomkins, East, Gibbons, etc. The second set is rich in anthems and services for men's voices only. The third consists of eight out of ten magnificent folio volumes containing Preces and Psalms for special days by Byrd, Gibbons, William and Edward Smith; and services by Shepherd, Parsons, Batten, and others. The fourth set consists of organ parts of practically all the anthems and services used in the Cathedral from Tallis to Purcell.

London. a. British Museum. The statement at vol. ii. p.419 that the collection is not strong in early printed music is no longer the case. The collection of madrigals is extremely fine, and there are no fewer than 12 works printed by Petrucci, of which only two are incomplete. The collection was increased in 1886 by the acquisition, from M. Kockx of Antwerp, of a large number of works printed at the press of Phalèse at Louvain and Antwerp. Many of these volumes were exhibited at the Brussels Exhibition of 1880, and described in Section D of the catalogue. The suggestion on p.420 for the publication of a catalogue of the music printed before 1800 will be shortly adopted, and a new catalogue of the MS. music, which is much needed, is also in contemplation.

c. Sacred Harmonic Society. This library has passed into the possession of the Royal College of Music.

Ripon. In the Minster Library is preserved an interesting volume of theological tracts by Gerson and others, on blank leaves of which are written two 16th century ballads for three voices. The first is entitled 'A ballet of ye deth of ye Cardinall' (i.e. Wolsey), and the second, 'A lytyll ballet mayde of ye yong dukes gace,' (i.e. Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset, a natural son of Henry VIII, who died in 1536.) The words of these ballads are printed in the Yorkshire Archaeological and

  1. Armes, Philip, born at Norwich in 1836, was educated in the Cathedral choir of his native town from 1846–8, and in that of Rochester from 1848 to 1851. He was appointed organist of St. Andrew's, Wells Street, in 1857, of Chichester Cathedral in 1861, and of Durham Cathedral in 1862. He graduated Mus.B. at Oxford in 1858, and Mus.D. in 1864. His chief compositions are 'Hezekiah,' written for the Worcester Festival in 1878; 'St. John the Evangelist,' written for York in 1881; and several services, anthems, and other Church music.