Page:A Forbidden Land - Voyages to the Corea (1880).djvu/23

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foreigners tnken by the Council of State in Corea after the capture of Pekia by the Western Powers — Why these resolutions were not carried out- -Repeated offers made to Mr. Berneui by the Government upon the ^ appearance of Russian vessels on the coast, and proEuieea made to him — His refusal — Death of the last king of the Ni dynoaty — The queen adopts a child to succeed him — The father of thia boy uaurpa the Regency — The Regent — ^Hia had character — Sudden arrest of Mr. Berneui and of eight of his colleagues — Their execution-Escape of the three other foreign missionaries — RelentlcB3 persecution of native converts and of all persons BUHpeoted of opposition to the Regent — Unacr up uloua measures adopted by the latter to oppress the people-He coius false copper money and compels its circulation — Public hatred against him — Eichange of dispatches between the French Charge d'affaires at Pekin and Prince Kung on the occaaion of the murder of the French missionaries — The French enpedition to Corea-Its departure — Signal defeat and return within eight days — Demolition of the town of Kangwha— Admiral Roze — Voyage of the American frigate "Shenandoah" —Impudent message delivered by the Corean authorities to her captain — Late reports of differences between Corea and Japan — Concluaion . . . . .4


Castes and their degrees in Corea — Slavery and bondage-Religion— Remarks of Pere Regis on Corea — Dress-General character of the people — Manners, customs, and state of civilization — Marriages^ Position of women in Corea — Funerals— Medical men and principal diseases '^ — 'Dwellings, public buildings, and their interior — Habits of life — Food, dnnk, wine— Music and dancing— Means of conveyance and transport — Crimea and their punishment — Coius, weights and meaaiires — Calendar, &c.-Army and navy, their armanifnt — Precautionary measures for coast protection, signals, Ac. .... 105