Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/117

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DT'HKK'S COLON'lAr. CKXTRV. 409 belotij;a wns lion.iured l>v a liamtiolfv on 22iul April, 17()'i. His imiiuiliatf aiiPi'>U)r, Geougk Blxkiston, of Hoicghiill, vo. Bi.rliaiM, aud SiapU'ton-on-Tees, co. Vock, m. 1654, Mary, (iaU';liU'r ol' .Sir Joliii HorttciliKB. Knt., of lioniiiiigboroiigh, and had issue (nilh (wo other sons, nlio d. s. p. and two daiiglilers, the younger of wliom m. James IIakia, of London) a third son, Sir MATinicw 15i.akistox, ICnt., and Bart., b. in 1702, an fininrnt. niort'hant ia London, who was eh'cti'd ahlornian, 1750, scrve<l the ollioe of sheriff 1753, and tilled the civic chair in 17(iO. Mr. Alderman Blakiston received the hononr of kniglit- hood, 8th .June, 1750, and was created a Baronet, 22ud April, 17'33. He m. first a daughter of Rev. Clitirles Hall, of Halsay, CO. Yoi k, and by her had issue, Charles George, d. nnm. 1858, in the lifetime of his father. He m. secondly, Mrs. Mary Blew, of Chelsea, who d. s. p. 8ih January, 1854. Sir Matthew m. thirdly, 1760, Anuabella, daugh- ter of Thomas Batlky, M.P. for Derby, by Bridget, his wife, daughter of Sir V. Dixie, Bart, (through which alliance, Mr. Blakis- ton derives from the Plantagenets) and by her (wlio m. secondly, Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Cane, and d. in 17S3), he left an only son, Matthew, his hi>ir. Sir Matthew d. in 1774, and was s. by his son, .Sir Matthew Blakiston, second Bart., h. at the Mansion House, Loiulon, during the mayoralty of his father, m. in 1782, Anne, daughter of John EocuFOHT, of Clogrenane (which lady d. 27th November, lS(i2, in the 102nd year of her age), and had issue, I. Matthew, the third Bart., of whom presently. II. John, Mapr 27th Regiment, b. 8th February, 1785, ?k. 26th September, 1814, Jane, daughter of Eev. Thomas Weight, rector of Market Bosworih, CO. Leicester, and d. 4th June, 1867, having had by her, who d. 21st June, 1874, had issue, 1. Matthew, b. 13th January, 1821, m. 26th September, 1849, Anne, daughter of R. B. Blakiston- HousTOX, of Orangefield. 2. Thomas Wright, late Captain B.A., 6. 27th December, 1832, »». 1885, Anne Mary, daughler of James Dun, and d. 15th October, 1891, leaving, Lawrence Wright, b. 1889, and Jessie Carmichael. 3. Lawrence, in the Army, slain at Sebastopol, 8th Sejttember, 1855. 4. John Kochfort, m. 14th Septem- ber, 1876, Georgiana Helen, daughter of Rev. Francis William CUBITT, rector of Fritton, and has, John Francis, b. 1882 ; Margaret; Catherine ; and Mary Georgina. 1. Eleanor Frances, d. uiim. Ist August, 1879. 2. Ifary. 3. Dor.ilhea. III. Charles. //. 12(li April, 1S76, m. in August 1820, Harriett, daughter of NiCMOi.L, of W'attord, and d. in June, 18.13. leaving .Vnne Plenderleath and Constance Katherine. IV. Thomas, Captain R.N., b. December. 1790, m. 91 h August, 1827, Harriet, fourth daughter of John Harvey, of Thorpe, co. Norfolk, and d. IH.'jo, leaving by her (who d. 17th September, 18SG) throe daughters, of whom the ' youngest. Bertha Harriot, m. iGth October, 1861, Major Frank Aslley CuniTT, late 5th Fusiliers, eldest son of Rev. Francis Cidjitt, M.A., of Frit- ton House, 8 ft'olk. v. Richard Bayley, of Orangefield and Roddens, co. Down, assumed by royal licence, in March, 1843, the surname of Houstox, in addition to his patronymic Blakiston, b. 13th May, 1793," »t. 11th July, 1827, Mary Isabella, only surviving daughter and heiress of Jolin Holmes UorsTOX, of Orangefield, and d. 21st July, 1857, having by her. who d. 4th November, 1873, had issue, 1. John, of Orangefield and Rod- dens, CO. Down, vice-lieutenant for that county (high sheriff 1860), b. nth September, 1829, m. 16th November, 1859, Marian, second daughter of the late Richard 8. Stke.atfiei D, of the Rocks, Sussex, and by her, who d. 1890, has issue, 1. Richard, late Captain 51 h Battalion Royal Iri«li Rifles, b. 7th July, 1.S64. 2. Thomas, h. 12th September, 1805. 3. Charles, b. 3Tst August, 1.S6S. 4. James Edward, b. 18th No- vember, 1877. 5. John, b. 18th April, 18S1. 1. Mary Charlotte, m. 6th August, 1884, Harry Scar- lett, youngest son of W. Scarlett, of Downlmid, Uck- field. 2. Annie Marian. 3. Dor.a. 4. Mabel. 5. Lsabel. 6. Kthel. 7. Hilda. 2. Richard .Matthew, d. 1847. 3. Thomas, Captain nil Foot, A. 12th November, 1833, </. 1«I!0. 4. Charles William, b. 11th May, 1836, d. 1861. 1. Anne, m. 181S, Matthew, eldest son of John Blakiston, of Mob- berlev Hall, co. Chester. 2. Eliza Hou.ston, d. 181-7. VI. Peyton (Rcr.), M.D., F.RS., b. in September, 1801, m. August, 1825, 2 K 2