Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/120

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502 BURKE-S COLOXIAL GENTRT. Ann, '«• E. Biciox. ] B«th, m. Hauilev Stet^nsok Margaret, m. 1702, William Leiohton, iiierc-liant. The only surviving son, George Airey, of Gaieshcacl, merdiant, „ igtl, July, 1088, Anne, daughter of AmWe BARNES.'aldenuan ..f Newcastle -on -Tyne gre'it- grand -dMUshter materna ly of Jolm Clavebing, of Aswell e<x "^^J^^^™- ^^ '"^. ^ife Anne, daughler of Robert f1'=>.f"«-' "^ Newcastle-on-Tyne, and d. 174-, having had '^^""l (Heorgc, rf. in infancy June, 1693. „ Joseph, ». 9th May, 1728, Im eousm, Ruth, daughter of Jonathan HrTCni^ soN, M.P, for Berwick-upon-Tweed, and'f/ s. V- 6th Fehruary, 1748 ^ 1,1 Geor<n.: r«. Mary, daughter of Major GooDvInE, who was killed at t;he siege of Pondieherry. IT. Thomas, of whom presently. I. Aune, cl. ur,m. 1774. The youngest son, , Thomas Airet, of K.lhngworth and Neweastle-on-Tync. m. ]21h November, 1/24 Afarv, daughter of — Mulcastek, and rf. Ist ylbruarv, 1771, having had issue besides Ambrose and George, who d. young, 1. Joseph, m. 2Sth May, 17o/, trance^, daughter of Caplain Milford HeshRT, Governor of the Balearic Islands and d. loth November, 1770, having by her, ^■ho rf. 21st December, 1819, had issue, 1 Joseph, S. 12th December, 17; 9, m, ■ 3rd March, 1792, Julia, daughter of Christopher Fawcett bar- rister-at-law and recorder of New- castle-upon-Tyne. She rf^29th Septem.ber. 1792, aged 30; he d s p. 30th January, l-^4,aged 34. 2. George (Sir), 6. l7eaLicutenant- General, K.C.H., Colone 39th Kegiment, m. Hon. Catherine, daughter of Baroness Talbot OF M alahide, and,by her.who rf. 13th Mav 1852, had a numerous tamUy, of whom the eldest son, General Sib BicHARn Aikey, G.^B was created B.ROS Aieey, 29th No- vember, 1876, but d. without sin- viving male issue, 14th Sep em- ber 1881 (see BuBKE s ±.j-tinet Peerage). Sir George Airey d. m Pa--is,'l8th February, 1833. 3. Henry, d. 15th September, 1 / 6b. 4. Jonathan, rf. «n™- ,^„„ ^, 1 Fraaces. ,,,. 16th June, 1788, the 'liev. William Haigh, vicar ot AVooler, Northumberland. 1, Thomas, 1st Lieutenant of Captain Maddisou;s Company of Mariners, d. uiim. 1756. in. Henry, of whom presently. IV. Jonathan, m. 7th January, 1762 Anne, daughter of-WATSOJf, and d. 1798, s.p. ^,. . ^u 1 ^ v. WiUia u, b. 1740, m. Elizabeth, and d. 14th JannaiT, 1807. Ti. Gabriel, <i. 9th August, 17ol. I Kuth m. 17th May, 1758, Nicholas Walton, of Fairnachs, near Eavens- worth, CO. Durham. II Jane, ™. 14th November, 1,65 Richard Prime, of London, merchant in Margaret, m. Francis HcKBY, of Howdcn, CO. Northumberland. IV. Anna, d. unm. 13th October, 1820. V. Mary, d. unm. 30th January, 18-il. The third son, ,, Henry Airey. of Benwell and ^ewca^t'e- unon-Tvnc, h. 1733, m. 30th May, 1771 Marm Henrietta, daughter ot the Rev. -- CowrER vicar of Penrith, and by her, who d. 10th June, 1779, had issue, I. Thomas, of whom presently. II. John, scrjeant-at-law, d. unm. 1»-/. Ill Hcnrv, </. at sea unm. 1801. I Maria' Henrietta, m. 7th January, ' 1805, the Rev. Jeliuger Symons, rector of Radnage and vicar ot Monkland, i 11 '"Anna, m"^ 29th September, 1808, her cousin, Henry Watson. ' Mr Aircv d. 6th July, 1807. His eldest son ThomIs Airey. Captain 9th East Norfolk Regiment, h. lUlh March, 1775 served with the 39th and 9th Kcgimentsm the Campaign, was preset at the bat le of Corunna as A General Orde ; m. 22ud J 180.; Julia, fourth daughter of Matthew Atkinson of Temple Sowerby co, Westmor- land, Rceeiver-Gcneral of the counties of We^morland and Cumberland; and by her, who d. 15th January, 1809, had issue, I Uenrv, who d. m infancy. ,1. Henry Cookson, of whom presently. HI. Matthew, _i. 1812, d. uum. 29th January, 1876. IV George Svmons, of Kingston, Jamaica, J. 1814, d. unm. 14th October, T. Thomas, h. 1819, d. unm. 22nd January, 1859. „, . t ibT9 TI John, h. 1821, ,n. 9th August 18/2, Agnes Bedpath, and <Z. 28th March, 1880, having had issue, 1. George Matthew, h. 18,3^^ ■2. Thomas Alexander, h. 187o. 1. Mary, d. 21st October, 1831. II Julia Maria, m. 1 1th August, 1875 'the Rev. Edward Taylor, vicar ot Temple Sowerhv, Westmorland. Captain Airev d. March, 1826. His second son, Henry Cookson Airey, of Kmgslhorpe House, orkshirc, and latterly of Grosvenor Pla e Bath, Captain 59th Bengal Native f, fantry h l/th Mav, 1811, »«• 20th Deeem- bcrS EmUy, daughter of William Par «  of Awfield Lodge, Lancashire and Mollance Kivcudbrightshire, and by her, who d. 9th June 1! 61, had issue, t- i * I Thomas William Parke, Lieutenant • 21st K.N.B. Fusiliers, h. 26th January, 1841, d. unm. 27th February, 18b3 n. Henry Parke, the subject ot this memoir. i iqio II,. Charles Parke, l>. 12th August, 1818, d. in infancy. . , „ , IV. George Parke, late Captam 3id Lat-