Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/145

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JUUJKK'S CDLO.NMAL GEXTRY. ,->r, Dexis 0'ni)XOVA>f, ivsiili'.l for some time in Miiiiiter Vani, uo. Cork, Init lived prin- ei|)!ill_v in Kninee. He »i. Limise de MoN- TKsiJiiKi', and t/. in 1801. His eldest son, John' (Jkan) O'Do.vovan, wasa lientenant in the Krencli navy, wliioli ho left to join the invasion of Thui-ot. Ho settled in Ireland, and m Anne O'He.v, dying in 1S20. His eldest son. Dkni.s O'Donovan. lived in Mniuler Vara till lie removed to Kinsale, where he pur- chased a property ealled "The Turrets"; m. Ellen O'UiuscoLL, of that town. His eldest, sou (/. A*, p., but his seeond son, William O'Donovan, m. .Vune Ckowlky, of iiandon, and had issue, I. Denis, the present head of tliis branch, now of i5rishaue and Como, Qneenslaud. It. William, M.D., </. 1881. III. John, d. 1889. I. Anne. Annx — Aiy/., ismiiui) from the side of the shield a cutjit dexter arm vested ffii., cii/fnt of the first, the hand graxping a skeaii {or old Irish sword) in pale, the blade entwined with a serpent, all ppr. Crest — On a chapeau ,qu., turned vp emu, an eagle rising arg., lips of wings and tail sa. Mottoes — Adjuraiite Deo in host^s ; Vir super hostem (a translation of the aneient slogan, or call to war, of the sep', viz., Giolla ar a-nanihuid a-lju). Residence!! — Brisbane, and Como, Oruiistou, Queensland. Chih — fhe Queen^lauil, Urisbane. iHacfailaitr. J AMES MACPARLANE, of Newlands, Hobarf, Tasmania, J. P., F.R.G.S., and F.R.S., Tasmania, h. 2nd September, 1844 ; m. 21st April, 1871, Anna Willielniina Wilson, only daughter of the late John rouxu, general inspector of the English, Scottish and Attstraliau Bank, and has issue, 1. Lilias Anne, /). 20th April, 1875. n. Heatherbel, h. 15th May, 1876. Iliiwaae. John Macfarlane, of the New parish, and afterwards of the Middle ])arish, Green- ock, ^«. at the New parish ehureh, Cxreenoek, 28th November, IStll, Mary Daulino, of the New parish, and bad, with other issue, Dun- can, b. 3rd June, ISUG, baptised at the Middle parish ehureh, (freenock, and Andrew Macfaklane, of Lyndoeli Si reel, Glasgow, b. 2-lth February, 1809, baptised at the iliddle parish church, Greenock ; m. 25th April, 1SJ3, Lilias, daughter of James Alexander, of Glasgow, and by her (who d. 7th January, 1857, aged 4.4 years, and was buried in the new burial ground, High Church, Glasgow) had issue, I. James, now of Hobart. II. John, b. 5th November, 1845. He d. 13th and was buried 18ih January, 1850, in the New burial-ground, Hiyli Church, Glasgow. Sesidence — Newlands, Hobart, Tasmania. C/Hi«— Tasmaniau, in Hobart j Oriental, in London. I.aj>man. Gi EORGE LAYMAN, of Wonuerup House, Su.ssex, Western Australin, r J. p. and formerly member of the Legislative Council ; h. at Wonnerup House, 9th May, 1838; m. at St. Mary's Cluuvb, Hus.selti.n, 28th Jnly, 1859, Amelia Harriet, daughter of Anthony Cfirns, of Frumuntlo, WcKteru Australia, and has issue, I. Geiikce Wallace, of Willgarrnp, Blackwood; t. 25th August, 18(511: ■m. 5th May, 1887, ^Matilda Louisa, second daugbler of Thomas