Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/152

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532 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. and 11011)111011011 or. Motto — Denique caliim.) III. Alexander, I. 22ntl Fc-brnniT, 1750 ; m. 30th November, 1786, Sarali, daugh- ter of John McCall, of Glasgon-, and rf. 22ncl April, 1820. He had issue, two soi'S and seven danphters. IV. William, h. and d. 1751. T. AitciuBALB (Ker.), of ivhom here- after. Ti. Thomson, of the Gfrore, Fonntaiu- bridge, Edinburgh, h. 8th April, 175C; m. first, 29th November, 1702, Eliza- beth, daughter of Andrew Bell, proprietor of the original Hiiciidopiedia JBritaiinica, and bj her had issue two danghters, and three sons, John, Andivw and Thomson. He nt. .'econdlv, 3rd September, 1808, Mary, daughter of Arcliibald I.AUEIE, tenant in Splaw. by whom he had issue, three daughters. He d. 26th July, 1814. Til. Jani^p, second solicitor of the excise, Edinburgh, 5. 29lh September, 1757; w. M 'reh, 1797, Marfory Maitlanb, and d. 25th March, 1821. He had issue four daughters, and seven sous, three of whom became minister?, iria., 1. John James (Rev.),D.D., S. 25th March, 180.3 ; ordained minister of St. Andrew's Church, Greenock, 2nth August, 1835 ; joined the Free Church in 1843. He receired the degree of D.D. from Edin- burgh Unirersity, 20th April, 188.3 ; m. Angnst", 1838, Isabella, daughlcr of James Watt, of I!aufurly, and had issue, five ^ons. 2. Horatins (Hev.), D.D., Jt. 19th December, 1808 ; ordained minister of Nortli Parish Church, Kelso, 30th November, 1837 : joined the Free Church in 1843 ; received the degree of D.D. from Aberdeen TJniversity, Pth April, 1853 ; admitted minister of Chalmers' Church. Edinburgh, 7th .June, 18(16; aud chosen moderator of the general assembly of the Free C'hurch, May, 1883. He m. lOl.h August, 1843, Catherine Jane, daughter of the Eev. Mr. Li'ndie, of Kelso, aud d. 31st July, 1889, having had issue, three sons and six daughters. 3. Andrew Alexander (Eev.), D.D., A. 2i:t,h May, 1810; ordained minister of Collace, 20th Sep- tember, 1838 ; joined the Free Church, 1843; admitted minister of Finiiieston, Glasgow, 4th December, 1856 ; received the degree of D.D. from Edinburgh University, 22nd .Ajiril, 1874, and choten moderator of the general assembly of the Free Church, May, 1878. He m. 4th April, 1848, Isabella, daughter of James Dickson, of Edinburgh, and d. December, 1832, leaving issue, two sons and four daughters, yiu. Ebcnezer, b. aud d. 1761. Rot. John Bouar's fifth son, EEy. Akchibald Bonab, mim'ster of Cramond, was b. 2.3rd February, 1753 ; ord.oiued minister at Ncwhurn, in Fife, 31st March, 1779 ; admitted niiuister of North West Church, Glasgow, 17th July, 1783, and niinistey of Cramond, 21st April,' 1785. He m. first, 15th August, 1782, Bridget, daugh- ter of the Eev. D. Black, minister at Perth, by whom lie had no issue; and secondly, 16th August, 1792, his cousin Ann, daughter of Andrew Bonae, of Craigleith, and by her had issue, I. John, b. 61 h November, 1793, d. 4th October, 1800. II. ABCHiBAi.ti, of whom hereafter. in. John (Rev.), D.D., i. 26th July, 1801 ; ordained minister at Larbert and Dunipaee, 11th July, 1826; joined tlic Free Church of Scotland, 1843; admitted minister of Free South Chui'ch, Aberdeen, 10th December, 1816 ; in llie same year appointed couvcDcr of Colonial and Conttntntal Missions Committee ; admitted minister of Eeufield, Glasgow, 16th March, 1848, which charge he resigned, 22nd June, 1854, and there- after devoted himself solely to the duties of the said convenership. He received the degree of D.D. from Eutger's College, U.S.A., 2ud July, 1857 ; m. Margaret, daughter of J. Pfrves, and d. 20th December, 1863, leaving two daughters, Margaret, m. Dr. Gordon and Anne. I. Elizabeth, A. 1st May, 1795 ; m. 13th M,ay, 1827, Rev. John Pukves, minister at Jedburgh. II. Anne, &. 17th June, 1799; m. 1844, Eev. James Morrison, minister of the Free Church at Poit Glasgow, and d. February, 1875. III. Bridget, b. 8th July, 1803, d. 8th June, 1838. IV. Sarah, b. 1st June, 1806. Rev. Archibald Bonar, d. 8th April, 1816. His second son, Akchibat.d Bonae, formerly of Edin- burgh, Scotland, banker, afterwards of Mel- bourne, Victoria, and subsequently of Hokitika, New Zealand, was 4. in 1798 ; »«. at Edin- burgh, 12th February, 1835, Sophia Robert- son, of Elgin, Scotland (who d. at Saudhurst; Victoria, ISlh March, 18.'8), and d. at Hokitika, 29th February, 1869, having had issue, I. Arcliibald, w. at Hokitika, Augusia PiUPPs, of Melbourne, and d. s. p. II. James yi.EXANDFii, of Kilgraston, Hokilika, the subject of this memoir. I. Maria Theresa, m. at Edinburgh Scotland, iSlcsauder Groves Dii-F, M.D., Edinburgh, son of the Kcv,