Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/203

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BURKE'S COLON [A I. C ENTRY. 583 foi- the (jdvenior and regret at his recall. Tiio iiK-ident ended in a spirited letter of remonstrance by Sir George CTrey to the Home Authorities, in vindication of his administration. In 1872, he was retired on a pension. Sir George returned to New Zealand and settled in Kawau, and in 1875 was elected a member of the House of Representatives for Auckland City West, and was appointed superintendent of the province of Auckland. On 13th October, 1877, he became premier of the colony, of which he had been governor ten years before. Sir George resigned office in October, 1870, but remains a member of the Legislature. He had been created K.C.B. in 1848, and was made Hon. D.C.L. by the University of Oxford in ]8.'i4. He was one of the delegates of New Zealand to the Federation Convention in Sydney in 1891. This distinguished statesman is antlun- of Jounials of Two E.i-prditions of Discovery in North West and Western Australia during 1837-8-9, already mentioned, and Folyncsian ifi/tholony, and other works. Hfufngr. Jfnmiln of T^'ignolcs. Tin's sincirDf family is disiomlcd I'rc m Stephkn ]K Vignoljs, better linown a<> Ue la Hire, a I'riuch laptain, mIio (/. in 1447, in the Tiarsof Cliailes All. They were Lords de Prades, in the Froriiice ot Lanqiiedoc. A descendant, SSTiPnKN DE TiGKOiEs, Lord of Prades, proTed liis title of nobility loth I'ecfiuber, 15-J9. He had issue, a sen, John ee Vigkolks, m. IStli .'^fftfinber, 1659, Gauside ee 1 katez, and had issue, four sons, Fetee, of whcm presfnlly; Jchn; Paul ; and James. Ihe sen, PiTJK DE ViGNOiES, L< rd cf Trades, m. 3(th October, 16(0, Gabriclle de Vii.iage, and had issue, I. Louis, fi. young. II. Jasies, of whom pnsci t]. III. Charles. The son, Jajies de Yigxoies, Lord of Prade.=, in. 24th Lehruary, 1057, Louisa de 13aschi d'Aubais, and had issue, ]. Louis, m. 19th August, 1G74, his cciisin, Louise IE Easchi. pud I'ad vith several tiauglilers, two sons, who fl. Toimg, and d. at Lausanne, 1st Mirch, 1693. II. Chaeies, of whrm presently. III. Edward, d. KJbO. IV. Louis, d. 1689. v. Alphonso, h. 1649, was a learned Protestjint lUTine, an able ehronol- ogist, who, at the Kcvocation of the Ldict ot Nantfs, in 1685, tock sanctuary in Brandenburg, near Berlin, and was nuide in 1701, a monberof the .Academy of Sciences, at Berlin, to wlii(?li place he was invited f'y the Isiug of I'russia in 1703, and was elected a director in 1727. Lie d, there 24th July, 1744, iu the 95ih year of his iige. I. J"ranee.», 4. 1643; m. Jacques de EoiLEAr, Lord of Costleneau. and (/. at Geneva, 14lh January, 1700. II. Margaret, *. 1652; m. 1683, Peter Eichard, Lord of A cndargues, and r/. in Ireland I'SO, leaving a daughter Louisa, m. — FoiiEEsiEE, and had a son, Alexander. The second son. Captain Chaeies de Tignoies, Lord of Prades. J. IC45, cnrgrated to Ireland on the Eevo(aticn cf Ihe idict of Nantes, «;. first, 2nd Jlareh, 10S4, Maltha de Bonnfa.ix I'rECVEE, and bad issue, three daughters, of whcm Marpaiet, b. 1C92 ; m. ScipioLrRorEE. He ill. scciiidly, Gabriclle de Speuo.miieix, and d. iu Dublin, 1725, ageil SO, having bv her (who rf. there 172], aged 5b) had, witii other isstie, I. Charles, h. 1701, settled at Southamp- ton, mtered Ihe army and was gazetted 9th May, 1758, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 70th Eetiment. He iii. Mario GiNorx, and bad issue, 1. Isaac, i. 1751, d. in infancy. 1. Marie, i. 1747, d. num. Lsio. 2. Charlotte, 4. 1754, rf. in inlancy. 3. Anne, h. 1756, d. mim. 1823. II. James Louis, of wboni we treat. The younger son, James Louls de Tignoies, J. 1702 ; m. first, Anne Ligonieh, and had issue one son, John, of whom pres( nlly. He in. secondly, Marianne t'oNyiii etie. who d.x.j,. The only son, John de Vignci es, si rvcd at the siege of Gibialtar, 1782, with the rank of Major, subsccjuertly Veeanic Lieutcnant-Colonel of the 39lh Eegiincnt. He retired to Porlar- lingtc n, tjuem's eo., Ireland, and was ordained a minister, and ( flieiated for ihe Lreneli Protestants sellhd Ibeie. He m. 13th January, 1784, .Anna Iloneria, only cliild of the Eev. I)r. Low, of >ew loiest, and Cornahir, co. W'cstuientb, and had issue,