Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/243

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lUKKE'S COI.OXl l. CKNTRV. G21 Easly. of U.S.A., and has issxie, a son, John George. (4) Philip, Lieutenant R.N., 6. 18(i6. (5) William, in B.C.S., h. 1870. (1) KuUi. (2) Mavv, HI. 189:!, Captain Gei-arcl Mooiv Heath. He m. seconcUv, 20th October, 1886, Miirv Luuisa. wiilow of I he fourth Lord Krskine, anil clau{;h- ter of Colonel .Ucxaniler Camp- i)ELi., CI?., K.U.; she d. I2th April, 1889; and thirdly, 3vd September, 189ti, Maud Mary, dauglitor of S. Clarke JuKVOISli, and;/. 17th January, 1893. 3. Koberc Eles (.Sir), K.C.S.T., C.I.E., J.l'." for i-o. l),-iil>i^'?i, late goyernor of the Punjaub, }>. 1827 ; in. first, 18th April, 1853, Mary Warren, daughter of the late Caplain WilHani HiCKEV, H.E.I.C, and by her (whorf. 11th January, 1882) lias issue, (1) William Henry, Indian Eiuaneial De]iartnient, h. 18.J-1, d.unm. 25th Api d, 1889. (2) Robert Walter, execntiye engineer, P.O. Department, India, b. 1855 ; »«. 1887, Flora Augusta, daughter of General Richard Shubkice, and has issue, a son, Robert Randle, h. 1888. (3) Raleigh Gdbert, Captain Indian Staff Corps, h. 25th September, 1 860. (4) Charles Philip, Captain Indian Staff Corps, h. 7th March, 1863; m. 16th No- vember, 1889, Lillian Isabel, fourth dauglitcr of Lieu- tenant-General Hugh Rose, B.S.t.'., and luis issue, Rowland Philip, h. 25th November, 1891. Grace Ijilian, h. 5th Janu- ary, 1893. (1) Frances Mary, m. 1881, Wilham Mac-kwortb Yotjng, C.S.I. , B.C.S. (2) Katharine Flora. (3) Margaret Rebecca. Sir Robert Eyles Egerton »«. secondly, 4th August, 1883, Emily Caroline, daughter of Rey. J. W. CuNNiNOHAM, vicar of Harrow. 1. Sibella, m. 12tli Noycmber, 1833, Randle Wilbeaiiam, of Rode, anel d. 1847. He d. lUth March, 1887. 2. Mary Eyles, m. 1839, J. P. GuB- BINS, E.i.C.C.S., who d. 1879. 3. Anne, m. 1855, Rey. Philip Mules, chai>lftin to Duke of Rut- land. He d. 1892. 4. Elizabclh Frances, )». 2-ltli Xo- vcTniicr. 1H1(>. (u'Ucral.Sir Kichiirci AV1LI1KAIIA.M, K.C.B., andrf. 1849. IV. Charles Bulkeloy (Sir), G.C.M.G., K.C.H., general in the army, h. 51 h June, 1774; m. 29tb Noyember, 1809, Cliarlotte, daughter of Admiral Sir Thomas THOUuiiiiwiE, Bart., and by her (wlio d. 1st January, 1849) left at liis decease, 8th July, 1857, 1. Cljarles Troubridge, d, 15th February, 1839. 2. Thomas Graham, Colonel, killed before Sebastopol. April, 1855. 3. Francis Philip, Captain (retired) R.N.; m. 5th August, 1863, Georgiana Augusta, eldest daugh- ter of the Rev. G. Pitt, vicar of Audlem, Cheshire, anfl d. 2nd March, 1893.

. Francis, Lieutenant R.N., (/. in the 

West Indies, in 1799. VI. Thomas, major in the army, d. unin. in 1812. VII. Rowi.ANn (Rey.), of whom presently, viir. Dayid, d. iinm. in 1809. IX. Ricluird, lieutenant-general, C.B., Colouel 46th Foot, h. 1783; m. 1814, Arabella, dauglilcr of Henry Tojikin- sox, of Dorlbld, and d. 1854 ; his widow d. 1860. I. Elizabeth, »(. 5th June, 1702, Sir John Delves Brouohtox, Bart., and d.s.j>. 27th January, 1857. II. Mary, »i. to Charles Leicester, and d. in 1797. III. Frances, »i. T. Tarletox, of Boles- worth. IV. Sibella, m. 1808, Randle Wii.bra- HAM, of Rode Hal), Ches!;ire, and d. 30th May, 1868. Icaying ifssue by him, who d. 12t]i January, 1861. The seventh son. The Rev. Rowland Egertox, b. 1778; /». 13th October, 1803, Kmma, daughter and co-heir of John Cro.X'TON, of Norley Bunk, Cheshire, and niece of Sir Peter WARlifn- TON, Bart, (.see Warbuktox fumilii abore), assumed the additional surname of Warbtr- TON, 1813, and d. 20th May, 1846, having by licr, who d. 16th September, 1881, had issue, I. Rowland Eyles. of Warburton and Arlcy, J. P. 'and D.L., high sheriff. 1833; «. by will of Sir Pet«r Warbur- ton, fifth Bart, {ns abore), to the~e estates and assumed the surname and arms of WARUiiiTox. He was b. 14th September, 1804; m. 7th May, 1831, Mary, eldest dauglitcr of Sir Richard Brooke, sixth Barf, of Norton Priory, CO. Chester, and d. 6th Deccmbei-, 1891, having ov her (who d. April. 1881) had issue," 1. Piers, of Wurburlon and Ark^y, CO. Chester, J. P., Cionel Earl of Chester's yeomanry Cavalr , M.P. for Mid-Cheshire 1876 to 1885, b. 22nd May, 1839; ,«. September, 1880," Antoinetia Elizabeth, daughter of lliird Lonn HE Saumakez, and hasissue. (1) John, h. 13th Decciuber, 1883.