Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/253

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inUKE'S COLONIAL riKNTKY, C.81 Ltbue, of ITanhvicko Hull, oo. (Ixoii, :iul by lier had issue, 1. Pmi.iP TjTDBK, of wliom iircseiillv. )i. 'i'liomas, ill holy orders, dean of Can- terlnirv, d. tiiim. III. Riehard, i/.s. p. The eldest son, Pnn.ii' Ltbbe Powys, of Hardwielie Hall, VI. ITC'i, Caroline, only ehild and heiress of Jol u CtIELB, of Bcenham, Berks, by whom he left issue, I. Philip Lybbe, I. at llardwieke Hull, m. 1790, Louisa, secoud davifjhler and co-heir of Uiehaid Mitchell, of Culliam Court, eo. Berks, and lell. issire, 1. Henry Philip, of Hnrdwicke House, CO. Oxford, and lilooin- fleld, Jliddlesi'X, b. 2-ilh Novem- ber, 1791; m. 1st June, 1817, .Tulia, fourth daughter of Sir Fitzwilliam Baehinoton, Bart., jiiid bv her(«horf. 8th September, ISL'lj'had a son, (1) Pliilip Lybbe Powys Lybbe tl.YbIiE),uow of Hardwick.eo. Oxford, and BlooiiiiIeld,Mid- dli sex, M. A., barrister-at-law, M.P. for Newport, Isle of AVight, 1859-1865, J. 1818; OT. 11th June, 1814, Anne Phillis, daughter of Thomas Gkeenwood, of Turner's Court, and niiee of Wdliam STErHENS, of Prospect Hill, Tilehurst, and has had issue, with three daugbters.two sons, 1. Bariington, d. vnin. 2. AVilliam Eegmald Lybbe Powys. h. 1846 ; m. first, 1875, Christian Cecilia, youngest daugh- ter of th« late James C. Hatwooo, of Dosthill House, eo. Stafford. She d. 1879. He in. secondly, 1880, Sarah, daughter of William Baetholomew, of Ash- ley, CO. Cambridge, and d'. 4th April, 1888, leav- ing issue. In 1863, Mr. P. L. P. L. Powys retook the name of Ltbbe by royal licence. {See Bueee's Landed Gen- Irii, Powt.s-Ltebe.) Mr. H. P. Powys m. secontlly, 1823, Phillipa Kmnia, daughter of W . Cunliffe S^A^VE, of Preston, and had issiu (2) ICdward Shawc, deceased. (3) Charles Kiihard. (4) Francis Arthur (Eev.), B.H. (5) George, Captain K.N. (6) AVilliam Cunliffe, Captain 22nd Kegiment, m. 4th Oe- ' tober, 18(i6, Constance F.llen, eldest daughter of Brantby William Powys, ot The Vandrevf , eo. Chester, and </. 18th O'clober, 1890, leaving issue, !. Percy. 1. Mabch 2. JClhel. (1) Louisi Phillipa. (2) Frances Marianne. (3) Isabelhi Lybbe. (4) Sophia Jane. (5) Milliceiil Caroline. (6) Emma Charlotte. 2. Ei'Iianl Tlionuis, in holy orders, vicar of llullavington. Wills, m. 1829, Caroliiu-, eldest daughter of Kdward Swtt Wahino, and rf. 27th January, 1877, having had issue, 1. Philip Fdward, Lieutenant 57th Ecgiment, d. I'Jth October, 1867. 1. Ciiix)lin<' Sophia, d. vmn. 2. ]unil tieorgiaua, d. lunii. 3. Ellen Anna Pliili|ijia. 4. Sclina. d. lOtli June, 1877. 1, Caroline Ijouisa, ni. Eev. EdwaKl Philip Cooi'EB, and ha»l issue. 2, Sophia Ch!irlott<', «/. Edward SiMFON, second son <if Sir John Sjmeon, Bart., and </. -t. p. 1833. 3, Amelia Frances, on. Eev. I liili]i Arden Cootee. II. Thomas, of whom pretcnlly. I. Caroline Isabella, m. Hi v. lulwanl CoorEE, rector of Hanislall, Eidware, CO. Stafford. The seiond son, Eev. TnoJiAS Powys, rector of Fnwley, CO. Bucks, m. Elizabeth, daughter of William Palgeave, of ColHshalL, co. Norfolk, by whom he had issue, I. Thomas Arthur (Eev.), rector of Sawtiy, St. Andrew, Hants, m. Anne, only ehild of AVilliam YoVNO, and d. 1871, leaving issue. II. Beassey WiiLiAW, of whom pres- ently. III. James Morcll Coventry, w. Fanny Mira Belden, and has issue. IV. 1 1 il p Annesley Siiundus, Major 4th M; dras Infantry, m. first, Mary Moei'eett, and secondly, Carolii;e, daughter of Colonel I.EOCK- JIATJ, and d. 16th February, 1884, leaving issue. V. George Henry I. Louisa Mary. m. J. »'HEilirTON. II. Catherine Jane, iii. S. Lane. III. Augusta Elizabeth,™. Kcv. Dr. A. E. SKETcniEY, vicar of rejitfoid. Kent. IV. Frencis Charlotte, iii. E. Sunn, of Eozel. V. Lctitia Georgiana Tiiilia, m. W. G. Ja.mes. VI. Caiolinc, m. ICdvard Jcnner MrE- EAY'. Kiv. Ihimas Powys d. 18th August, 1817. ITis fccond son, BUAKSBY WllI.IAM PoWYS, of 88, Russell