Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/266

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644 BURKE-S COLONIAL GBNTRT. Arwf: — Az. on a chief or fJiree martfefs gir. Crexf — An osfrich or. JUof/o — Ei juste ef vrat, Jieaideuces — Patoa, Taranaki ; luid Timari, Soutli CanlerTjury, New Zcalaiuif. jHadtcnnr, C CHARLES JOHN MACKENZIE, of Fairhill, Somerset, Tasmania, J.P., ^ h. 13th August, 1837; arrivetl in Tasmania with his parents in 1842; ■was appointed justice o£ the peace for Tasmania in 1864, and elect'id member of the House of Assembly for Wellington co., in 1886, again in 1891, and again in December, 1893. He m. 8th March, 1865, Jaue, eldest danghter of George Shekle'I'OK, of Tollymore, Table Cape, Tasmania, J.P., and has had issue, I. CuARLEs Ross, Ii. 17th Aug-ust, 1867. 1. Jeannette Le Ban, h. 19th Jane, 1866 ; d. 14th September, 1884. n. Ellen Maud, h. 16th August, 1868. ILt'ntaae. John Falkner Mackenzie, captain in the army, {. in Scotland, and d. in England SOtli October, 1844, leaving a son, Ch.irles Ross Mackenzie, of the 46th Madras Native Infantry, who waa b. at Soafortli, Eoss-sliive, Scotland; left Scotland Tvhen very young a:nd entered the Hon. E.T. Co.'s service in 1827, retired in 1848 n-ith the rant of captain, and was aftenvards appointed major. He, f his family, arrived in Tasmania in 1812, but returned to India to complete liis term j m. 2fith December, 1833, Eachel fihoda, danghter of the Eev. Thomas Betghton, a n^issioTiary in South India, who d. in Inrlia, in 1844. He d. at Woodbtu'n, Table Cape, Tasmania, 7th August, 1857, having had by his wife (who is fiow living at "W^oodbiirn, Table Cape), besides one daugliter who was h. in Tasmania, and d. in infancy, four sons and two olhcr daughters, yiz., Sesidence — Fairhill, I. Charles .Tohn, now of Fairhill, the subject of this memoii'. II. Henry Beighton, m. 29th Mai-ch, 1871, and has issue, five sons. III. Walter Joseph, If. in Tasmania; m. 14th July, 1873, and has issue, two sons. IT. Roderick William, of Ross Grange, Table Cape, I'asmania, J. P., h. in Tasmania; m. 11th July, 1871, and has issue, two sons and four daugh- ters. I. Ellen Eliza, m. 18th January, 18o0, Philip Pitt, of Hobart, Tasmania, and has issue, three sons and four d.mghters. II. Rachel Caroline, m. 6th March, 1863, Dr. Thomas Wilson, and has issue, thi*ee sons and one daughter. Somerset, Tasmania. 33a)[mrtr» WILLIAM BAYARD, of St. John, New Brunswick, M.D. (Edinburgh), I. in Kentville, Nova Scotia, 21st Augast, 1814 ; m. 14th July, 1844, Susan Maria, danghter of John Wilson, of Chamcook, Charlotte county. New Brtiuswick (and Susan, his wife). She d. 9th December, 1S76, aged 56. Dr. Bayard is President of the Canadian Medical Association, which includes the whole of Ciiiiada. He is President of the Provincial Board of Health, and President <.f the Board of Hospital Commissioners; was President of the Maiitime Medical Society, which includes Nova Scotin, New Brunswick, and Prince Kdwai-d's Island; was several times President of the New Bruus- > ick Medical Soci' ty.