Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/294

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(172 BURKE'8 COLONIAL GENTRY. IV. James Alexander Lawrason, J. P., Lieutenant-Colonel 5th Royal Scots, Canadian Militia, b. 22nd July, 1857, m. at ]fonti'eal, 9th January, 1885, Margaret Eliza, daughter of Andrew BoiiEKT.soN, of Elmbank, Montreal, Canada, and lias issue, 1. Alexander, deceased. 2. Rolph Lee Alexander. 1. Alison Lee. 2. Margarita Frances. 3. Isabella Dora. 4. Elvira. I. Louise Mathews. II. Frances Mary, vi. at Montreal, Canada, ord June, 1885, Charles James Robert Stiklini:, late Lieutenant 85th King's Shropshire Light Infantry Regiment, and has issue, 1. James Francis Gordon. i. Mary Elvira. 2. Ltiard Theodora. 3. Gwladys Jessie Isabel, deceased. 4. Erhcl Marie Louise. ■Eincaat. For many generations the family resided in Perthshire, Scotland, the earliest mention of the name heing in a charter which is entered in the Chartulary of the Abbey of InelinfTray, Perthshire, granted ad. 1284, in wliioli John DE Johnstone rati Bed a donal ion which his wife Maria de Sirathv had granted to the Abbey of Inchaffray ]3ayalile from her lands of Stratliy. In the neighbourhood of Abe- ruthven, near Auchterarder, Perthshire, are several farms known by the name of Strathy. John Stkatht, b' 1718, »». 1778, Janet (*. 1755), daughter of John Seton, of Had- dington, and cousin gernian of the last Lord Setim, and d. 1820, having by licr (vi'ho d.' 1827) had issue, a son, Alexander Hepburn Belshes Strathy, J. P. of Beechwood, Westminster, Ontario, Canada, who, with his wife and family, left Scotland in 1835, for Canada, and settled on a property called Beechwood, in the town- ship of Westminster, near the city of London, U))per Canada. He was h. 22nd September, 1781, m. 10th February, 1808, Alison (If. 7th March, 1791), daughter of James Braken- EIDGE, and by her, who d. 23rd November, 1S79, had issue, I. John, barrister-at-law, »?. 17th June, 18-13, Susan Ehzabeth, daughter of Henry Hatton Gowan, of Barrie, and (/. 13th March, 1878, leaving issue, 1. John Alexander, banker, m. 22nd September, 1881, A gne«, daughter of the Rev. Geasett, dean of St. James Cathedral, Toronto. 2. Henry Hatton, Q.C., barrister-at- lavp, m. Marion, daughter of Rev. Ardagh, of Barrie. 3. James Robert, barristei'-at-law. 4. Hatton, deceased. 5. Arthur. 1. Ehzabeth. II. James Brakeneidoe, of Kingston, the subject of this memoir. III. George William, Mus. Doc, m. 8th August, 1852, Mary Charlton, daughter of William Wedu, of Toronto, and d. there 4th December, 1890, leaving issue, 1. Charlton. 2. Stuart, a banker, ni. Elizabeth, daughter of 1'okd, M.IJ. 3. Winder, a banker. 4. Wilmot. 5. Frank, a banker. G. Gordon, deceased. 1. Mary, m. Robert McNair, a planter in South Carolina, U.S.A. 2. Amy. 3. Bertha. IV. David Br^kenridge, merchant, tti. 15th June, 1846, Sarah Anne, daughter of John Kent, J. P. of London, and d. 14th July, 1881. V. Alexander Edmund, w. March, 1852, Ehzn, daughter of McVicar, and has i.ssue, 1. Robert. 1. Helen. VI. Henry Seton, a banker, m. 28th Jan- nary, 1857, Frances Elizabeth, daugh- ter of the Hon. J. S. Wetenhall, and has issue, 1. Philip, J. (M.D.). 2. Henry (M.D.). 3. -Emilius, a banker. 4. John. 1. Frances, ,n. 18'8. Rev. McAlliLler Donald, of .fitlochrie.