Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/309

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unncE's roT,oxiATi (irxtrt. C87 W.A., 7t!i July. 1S15, uiul was lost at sen in Afarch, IHOT (</. imni.). II. KiniAiiii Adoi.I'IU's, the subject i>f this memoir. III. Robert Fi-edoi-ioli, M.L.A. aud .T.l". of Perth, W..., has rc])resentecl the GiiseoTiie District since ISSO. He wa? b. 27t"h August, 181S, m. 17th July, 187S, Elizabeth, eldest claiif;htcr of the late Thomas CosonovE, of North Syd- ney, N..S.V., and Klizabeth Berkel- -MAX, his wife, and has issue, 1. Frederick Robert, i. Tilli Jidv, 18S2. 2. GuyTrevarton, Ij. 7lh June, 18SG. 1. Bessie. A. olh July, 1870. 2. Fanny Whitley, 4. 20th October, 1884." IV. Horace 'Williani, M.L.A. for Roc- llrxidence — Laneewood, Perth, C7h6— Weld, Perth. bourne J.)istrict, W. A,, //. al IVrlli, 9lli .April, 1853, ;«. Jessie, daufjbter of the lalo — Cave of Roebunrne, W..A., and has issue, five daughters. V. Kdward, A. at Pcrlh, Olh May. IHoi, III. Frances Mary, second daujjhter of the late Thomas CosonovE, of North Sydney, N S.W., and has had issue, two dauglitcrs, of wlioiu one d. iiiiiii. VI. Arthur, //. at Perth, 10th August, 1 8,')8. VII. Charles Fdwin, 4. at Perth, Ifith December, ISdl, il. unm. at Roebourue, in August, 1880. I. I'enplojie Fanny, A. at Perth, 6th July, 18.")(i, m. Dr. Edward Scott, of Perth, W.A., and has issue, two sous and two daughters. Western Australia. iHcPjtr^ion. J.V.MKS SINCLAIR McPHERSON, of Naugeela, Casteiton, Viutoiin, .1.1". and shire councillor, /;. STtli Mai'cli, 1848 ; educated at Portland, Victoriti. aftoi'wards at Horton College, Ross, Tasmania, and finally at the Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne, under the late Rev. Dr. IJromby ; ui. 22nd May, 1871, Susanna (b. at Brora, Sutherlandshire, 7th ]March, 1851), daughter of Williani Sui, of Abernetliy, by Marion McPherson, his wife, of Brora, Sutherlandshire, North Britain, and has issue, I. James Russell, h. 24th June, 1870. II. Norman H. C, h. 24th December, 1880. III. Albert Loraine, b. 4th May, 1883. I. Wilhelmina Marie, b. 28th February, 1872. II. Nangeela H. J., h. 4th May, 1874. III. Violet Annie, b. 24th September, 1878. IV. Irene Victoria, b. 10th June, 1886. James McPheesoit, of Clync Milton, Brora, Sutherlandshire, N.B., m. Christina, daughter of William Muhray, of Sutherland- shire, aud sister of William Murray, of Dun- robin, near Casterton, Victoria (see ikal famih/) and d. 1870, aged 80 years, having by her, who d. 1880, had a son, William McPherson, of Nangeela, Cas- terton, Victoria, who went, with his uncle, William Murray, to Hobart, Tasmania, in 1834, and removed to Victoria, in 18.30, where he managed his uncle's property. He jnir- cliased Xaugeela in 1841, and in 1851, prior to a visit to Scotland, sold that estate to William Swan, late of IConongwootong, Col- eraine, Victoria, from whom he re-purchascd it on his return to Victoria, in 1854. Mr. MePherson was A. at Clyne Milton, near Brora, co. Sutherland, N!b., 21th March, 1823, and in. at Hobart, lOiJi .May, 1845, Marie Bennett, daughter of Ca|itain Josepli Lott Clarke, of Houitou, Devonshire, Eng- land, and I)y her (who was 4. 1st Mareli, 1S17) had issue, I. Alfred Williani, 4. luth Sejilcmber, 1846 ; III. firstly, 10th September, 1872, Hannah, daughter of T. Booth, and by her (who d. 1874) has i.ssue. one daughter, Florence Clarke Kussell. A. 14th January, 1874. He )«. secondly, Jessie, daughter of William C, Alstox, of Ghiscow, aud by her has issue, Alfred William Glcnclg, and Isabella M. H. II. Jame-s Sinclair, of Nangeela, the subject of this nienioir. III. William Sutherland, A. 11th Octo- ber, 1849; m. Catherine, third daugh- ter of George Cue, clerk petty sessions, Casterton, Victoria, and has issue, five sons, and two dauglilers. IV. Murray Jiennelt. 4. 27th July, 1851 ; m. Maria, daughter of H. Axtuill, of