Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/371

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BURKE'S COLONIA.L GKXTRY. 71:7 3. ariiiit AVilliiim, of Forrcstville, 1 P.Q., i. -ith Jnnmvry, 1830; ni. 28th August, 1867, liis coiisin, Clnra, second daiig)iter of Wil- liimi Wilson FoiiuK.>T, M.D., of St. CUiii-e, P.Q., niKl lv Ikt (who rf. 19th May, ISUa) has issue, (1) Cliiivles Essex. (1) Clara Onviit Vansiitnrt. (2) Edilli Maud. 4. Charles Kredei-ick, h. 30tU June, ]8;it; d. 1. Julia Ann, h. 10th Deeeniber, 1832; )H. Alexander HiiNDKRSON, of Bois Gilbert, Ste. Malaehie, I'.Q. Tklr. Grant Forrest, m. secondly, Ellen i'on^^onby Savage Vihldino, of By- town, now Ottawa (a sister of whom 111. John V.^NSITTAUT, a son of Admiral VansittAU r, of Eastwood, aiul brother of A'iee- Admiral Vajcsittaut), and^rf. at Chiooulinii, 12th November, 1678, having had issue by her, 5. James Koyse Vansit tart, of Mon- treal, in. Amelia, daughter of Dr. S. Waller, of Montreal (brother of Sir Edmund Waller, of New- port), and Henrietta, his wife, daughter of Major Gny Carleton CoLCLoren, of Tintem; and by her has issue, (1) Grant Waller, 0. (th I'ebrunrv, 1867. (2) Hamilton, b. 12th October, 1879. (1) Henrietta Yieklmg, b. 4th Julv, 1869, m. 2.'?rd June, 1892, Clarence L. Williams, of Montreal. (2) Catherine Eoyse, b. IGth November, 1871. (3) Marianne, b. 31st August, 1874. 6. Henry Essex Bridges, m. 18th August, 1875, Mary Ellen Websti;b, and by her (who </. 23rd August, 1885) has issue, (1) Frederick. (2) Henry Charles Wood. (1) Ethei. 7. Horatio, deceased. 8. David, deceased. 9. Anthonv Miles Huntington, I. 17th March, 1856. 2. Harriet, li. 3rd April, 18-16; d. Ctli April, 1847. 3. Elizabeth, )«. Alexander Blaik, of Grand Bay, Snguenay, I'.Q. 4. Mary EUen.'w. Ainsworth Stuk- TON, of Chicoulinii, Sagueiuiy, P.Q. 5. Euphemia. 6. Isaliella Harriet Royse, b. 17th March, 1856. II. Horatio Henry, l>. at Montreal, 1802; of the legal profession ; moved to St. George's Bay, Newfoimdliind, where he d. unm. 27th January, 18G9. III. William Wilson-, of wliom pres- ently. I. Martha Catherine, b. 8th, d. 12tli September, 1787. II. Ann, //. in New York, 1797, d. at Forrcstville, I'.Q., 3rd November, 18S3. The third sou. William Wilson- Fokrest, M.U. of Ste. Claire, eo. Dorchester, in the province of (Juehec, h. at Montreal, 17th J vine, 1804, wa.s admitted to practice on attaimng his majority, and was altaeheilas surgeon to the delaehment.s of the lOOtb Kegimeiit and the 5th Kovals stationed at Three Riverf ; and for several years svirgeon of the 3rd Battalion DorchesterResen-e Militia ; and one of the Governors of the College of I'hysieians and Surgeons of Lower Canada. He m. 18:;C, Clarissa, voungest daughter of Captain Jolin Getiiinos, lOOth Koyal Newfoundland Regiment, and d. 2nd November, 1877, having bv her (who d. at Ste. Claire, 10th May, 1859; buried in Frampton East. co. Dorchester, P.Q.) had issue, I. Charles Essex, b. 1827; (/. 183(. II. William Henry, of (Jucbee, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Canadian Service (per- manent staff), paymaster Military District No. 7 ; Inspector of Stores. A graduate of the Military School, Quebec ; War Claim's Commissioner for the Dominion Government 1885-6. He was b. at Louisville, P.Q., 24th JIarch, 1833; m. 1855, Marianne, daughter of Thomas Tweddell, of Quebec, and by her has had issue, 1. Syduev Leojiold, manager of the Union 'Bank of Lower Canada, Winchester, Ontario, 4. 17th September, 1857; m. 7th July, 1886, Amelie A. GiKorAUD, and has issue, (1) Harconrt Sydney. (2) George Webster. 2. John Godwin, b. 28th August, 1861 ; d. 1st August, 181)2. 3. Henrv William, b. 30lh January, 1865. " 4. Charles Gethings, b. 12tli Sep- tember, 1871. 1. Caroline Alice, b. 8th April, 1856; jn. 4th January, 1888, Wesley C. Cook, of Ehvood, Iowa, U.S.A., and has issue, one daughter, Ruby. 2. Gertrude, b. I7th December, 1858 ; m. 7th January, 1882, Gustave G. A. F. C. de Lekv, of Quebec, and has issue, (1) Gustave. (2) Alexander. (1) Yvonne. 3. Katherine, b. 22nd May, 1860; m. 12th July, 1885, Eugene P. Ben'OER, of St. Tliomas, Monl- manv, I'.Q., and has issue, (l') William. (2) Hector. (I) Winifred.