Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/403

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 771) wlu-rc his name was well known. In Api-il, 1892, ho resigned his oflico, owing to ill-health, after a residence of forty j'eav.s in the colony, thirty-five of which had been devoted to an active and unremitting public life. Itinfacic It remains a niatU'i' of some uneerlaiiitv wluHhcr this family of Aki! is (leseeiided, as some contend, from the Counts Akkrman, of Bessarabia, or liavo derived their orifjin elsewliere. More than one family of the same name have lived in this country. Joux Akehmax, h. about 1690, was settled as a farmer at Jiromham, Wilts, and had a sou, EoiiERT Akeeman, of Bromham, "Wilts, M'hosc son, Joiijf Akerjian, of Bromham, Wilts, h. 1747, left issue, a sou, Eky. James Akekman, of Bromham, Wilts, m. 1813, Elizabeth Loxo, of Chippenham, and (J. at renzance, April, 1848, having by lior, who d. at Maraziou, in January, 1877, had issue. Residence — rietermarilzbnrg Jiiifflis/i address — Royal Colo I. John William (Sir), the subject of this memoir, ir. James, m. 1810, Mary BuAcitKR, ol' Salisbury, aud had issue, 1. William. 2. Henry. 1. Mary. I. Elizabeth, m. 1819, Rev. Dr. Stax- TIAL. II. Mary, m. ]849, J. T. PoLiciNanoME, and had issue, 1. John. 2. Trcvenen. 3. James. 4. Edwin. 1. Mary. Natal, Sonlli Africa, nial Institute, Lonelon, S.W. ^iSartoiu EUSSELL BARTON, of Rus.sell Lea, Five Dock, Sydney, New South Wales, b. at Peng-e, co. Surrey, 5th September, 1830; vi. 17th June, 18.")5, Jane McCiilloch, daughter of Andrew aud Agues McPhersou Daviu, of Edinburgh, and afterwards of South Australia, and has issue, I. Edmund John, h. 19th April, 1859. II. Ai-thur John Cribb, h. 2oth September, 1860; m. 17th September, 1887, Undine Una Rodd, aud has a daughter, Undine Una. III. Andi-ew Bogan, h. 29th August, 1866. IV. William Wickstead, b. 16th June, 1868. V. Russell, b. 22nd November, 1874. VI. Hugh Rivers, b. 5th August, 1876. I. Agnes Sophia, b. 5th April, 1856. II. Jane McCuUoch, b. 5th May, 1857 ; m. David Cooper Kikkwood, and has issue, four sons. III. Prances Lucy, m. Basil George Wooley, and has issue, two sons. IV. Rose Mary, 6. 15th September, 1870. V. Roxy Claude May, 6. 8th May, 1879. Mr. Barton was for seven years member for the Burke electorate in the Legislative Assembly from 1880 to 188G. He was for some time managing director of the great Cobar copper mine, subsequently purchased the Nymagee copper mine, and has been connected with many other mining and commercial enterprises ; he purchased Mooculta, which ho still owns, and afterwards in conjunction with one of his brothers, Brindeugabba aiul Willara, on the Cul- lauurra and Faroo rivers.