Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/415

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BURKE'S COLONIAL OENTRY. 701 William RoruxsoN, of Caldooott Honsp, Cla]iliani Park, and youngest claufi;li(er of the late Ricliard Wim.aims, of Pliilipvillc, Belgium. Sir James's father, the Rkv. John Your., arrived in New South Wales in 1800, and was cliaplain at Port Dalrym))le, Tasmania, aud the first incumbent of St. John's, Launceston, Tasmania. The Rev. John Youl »). in 1810, and il. about 1828, having by ■lane, liis wife, who d. at Perth, Tasmania, llUh .Inly, 1877, bad, with other i.ssue, a son, Jamks, the subject of this memoir. Sir James is well known for having introduced salmon and trout into the rivers of Tasmania, and made the first shipment of salmon over to Otago, New Zealanil. lie was political agent for Tasmania, from 1801 to 1863, and was for seven years Hon. Secretary and treasui'cr to the Australian Association, and was acfeing agent-general for Tasmania from February to October, 1888. In 1871-, he had been created a C.Jr.C!., and was promoted K.C.M.G. January, 1801. ItcsUlc-iice — Waratiili IIouso, Claphain I'avk, S.W. Cluhs — Conservative, and City Carlton. Cotiti. SIR CHARLES TODD, K.C.M.G., M.A. (Cambridge and Adelaide), F.R.S., of Adelaide, South Australia, J. P., po.stmaster-general, director of telegraphs, and government astronomer, //. in London 7th July, 182(! ; «?. otb April, 1855, Alice Gillam, daughter of the late Edward Bei,i., of Cambridge, and sister of the late Edward Bi;ll, Jan., mayorof Cambridge, and has issue. 1. Charles Edward, M.D., h. 1858 ; m. May, 1889, Elsie Beatrice, daughter of Benjamin Backhouse, of Sydney, aud sister of His Honour Alfred Paxton Backhouse, of Melitn, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, judge of the district court of New South Wales {see Backuousk of Sydney). ir. Hedley liawrence, b. 18G0. I. Charlotte Elizabeth, m. C. H. StjriBiis, B.A., of Cambridge, fhigland, solicitor. II. Alice Maude Mary. III. Gwendoline, m. W. Brai:i;, M.A. (Camb.), professor of mathematics and phj'sics in the University of Adelaide. IV. Lorna. Sir Charles Todd commenced his career as an assistant in the Greenwich Observatory, was assistant astronomer at the Cambridge Observatory, 1848-54, and at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1854-5. In 1855, Lord John Russell, the then Secretary of State for the colonies, appointed Sir Charles government astronomer and director of telegraphs for South Australia, and in 1870, he also became postmaster-general. Sir Charles is also a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Fellow of the Royal ^[eteorological Societ}', ami a Fellow of the Society of Electrical Kngincers. He is a member of the council of the Adelaide University, member of the board of governors of the Pufilic Liliuary, Museum, and National Gallery, mcnibci' of the couiicil of the