Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/422

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798 BUKKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. America, who lias issue. This hidy ■was wvy Laudsome aucl a toast to the County. Captaiu Graeme </. in 1700, and was .v. l>.v his eldest sou, Geoege Gkaeme, of luehbrakie, Caiilaiu iu 72ud Hifjlilauders aud Colonel of the Perthshire Cavalry, served at the siege of Gihraltar, where he was wounded. He in. 17112, Margaret, eldest daughter of Lawrence OiiPHAXT, of Coiidie, aud by her, who cf. 1839, had issue, I. Patrieli, an officer in the 44th aud 89th Eeginieuts, killed in action when stonuiug a breastwork on the banks, of the Delaware, iu Korth America, iu 1814. II. Geoege Detimmoni), of whom pre- sently. III. Laurence, J. 1797, Major iu the Army, served iu the 89th. 79tli, 33rd, and 91st Eegiments. Major Graeme was Lieutenant-Governor of Tobago, and d. in that island iu December, 1850. He III. 1827, Elizabeth Frances, daugh- ter of Joseph EiDGETVAY, of Eoches- town, CO. Dublin, deputy master of the EoUsin Ireland and great granddaugh- ter of J. CrsAC'K Smith, of Pickfords- towu ; and by her, who d. 29th Novem- ber, 1893, had issue, Patrick, Captain E.A., d.s.p. 1S(J(). . Laui'eiice Anthony Murray, of FDuthill, Shaldon, Devon ; Lieu- lenanl-Colouel Madras Fusiliers, ]U2nd Eegimeut, has served in Burmah, in the Oude campaign of the Indian Mutiny and in Abyssinia, was mentioned in des- jiatchcs aud obtained a brevet majority, and two medals and clasps i he m. in 1871, Catherine, daughter of David Sandeman, and has issue, 1. Lawrence Oliphant, lieut- enant Cameron Highlanders, li. 29th October, 1872. 2. David Henry, Lieutenant 4th Battalion Sherwood For- esters, i. 1874. 1. Mary Violet. James Drummoud, 37th Eegi- meut, (/. uiiiii. 1862. Frances pSarah, m. first, John P. 1. 3. 1. TuOENTON and had issue Martin, d. ,v. 7J..and John ; she in. seeondlv, W. Kelso Maetin, of High Point and Sandersons, Antigua, and has issue, George and Grace. 3. Margaret Oliphant. 4. Louisa Grace. 5. Emily Susan. IV. Alexander John, Commander E.N. ; III. Eleanora, daughter of John John- stone, of Kirby Hall, Lancashire, and d. s. 2>- 1885. . Anthony James, served in the Eoyal NavT, d. s. p. at Penaug, 1822. I. Grace Anne Sophia, h. 1794, d. 1854. She combined brilliant talents with her beauty, which made her one of the belles when George IV held Court at Holyrood. II. Margaret, d. 1802. Colonel Graeme d. iu 1840, aud was s. by his eldest surviving son, Majob Geoege Dkummond Gbaeme, of Inchbrakie, K.H., m. 18th January, 1842, Hon. Marianne Jane, last siu-viving daughter of James, Viscount Stuathallan and granddaughter of John, fourth DtJIvE OF Atholl, and had issue, I. Pateick Jaiies Feedeeick, the sub- ject of this memoir. I. Amelia Anne Margaret, m. 21st April, 1874, Lieutenant Arwed Gieksbekg, of the Prussian Army, and has issue, three sons and two daughters. II. Beatrice Marianne Jane. Major Graeme served in the British Army during the Peninsular War, where he was wounded at Badajos at the age of 10, aud was present at Waterloo in the defence of the Farm of La Haye Sainte, where he was again severely wounded. In 1816 he was created a Knight of the Gueljihic Order ; he had the gold cross of William IV, and the Hanoverian Peninsidar medal conferi-ed on him as well as the British war medal and three clasps. He was subsequently in the Hanoverian Guards, iu which he attained the rank of major. Major Graeme d. at Tours, 20th December, 1854. The Hon. Mrs. Graeme d. 19th May, 1876. Major Graeme, was ,v. by his son, Pateick James Feedeeick, who sold the Lands of luchbraikie and Aberuthven during the years 1884-7, and is now of Lake Dauphin and Beulah, Carradale, Manitoba. Arms — Or a dyke fessways broken down in some places and ia base a rose gu., on a chief sa. three escallops of the first. Crest — A mailed hand holding a garlaud jipr. Motto — A Deo Victoria. Eeiidence — Eigby, Lake Dauphin and Beulah, Manitoba. JHaitm. (i EORGE BOHUN MARTIN, of Martin's Ranch, Ducks Station, Pi oviuce X of Bi-itisli Columbia, Dominion of Canada, member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, aud Chief Commissioner of Lands aud Works, 1894, b. afc Newtou, co. Nottingham, England, 25th December, 1S4I.